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How much time would be lost by getting the leaf-ride treasures with no leaves? (If 100% includes full inventory, then of course it's impossible to spend any magic beans and still have it count.)
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
How much time would be lost by getting the leaf-ride treasures with no leaves? (If 100% includes full inventory, then of course it's impossible to spend any magic beans and still have it count.)
I think that's an extremist interpretation of the definition of "100%". How about the light arrows and magic you use in the Ganondorf fight? Well, now you don't have 100% items stocked any more, and your magic bar isn't full... No bombs or bombchus could be used either. Do we also fill all the bottles with blue potions or faeries? I mean, otherwise they aren't at full capacity... I think having obtained all items is more important than beating the game with them all in inventory.
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So, 10X% would have all beans?
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
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Phallosvogel wrote:
Got a question for the any% TASers: whats the problem with taking damage on your way to the DoT, so as an adult you use the acute angles glitch to deathwarp out of the room? Is it that much slower? And deathwarps were already used in GuanoBowls run as an alternative to reseting.
Bump, still see no reason to delay the Any% TAS any further
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actually, you could easily damage yourself down to half a heart before doing DoT skip that's what I'm going to do in my all temples TAS but it is still slower to death warp, much slower. swordless, bloob and aka don't want to get beaten by someone else later, just because he is able to save warp and actually isn't as good as them ;)
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MrGrunz wrote:
just because he is able to save warp and actually isn't as good as them ;)
Huh? I'm pretty sure history has shown that if an OoT run is submitted with worse general precision and style than the currently published video, it gets rejected even if it is faster by like 50%. why would a 1% improvement be any different?
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bkDJ wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
just because he is able to save warp and actually isn't as good as them ;)
Huh? I'm pretty sure history has shown that if an OoT run is submitted with worse general precision and style than the currently published video, it gets rejected even if it is faster by like 50%. why would a 1% improvement be any different?
What he is saying is that someone could submit a run where the reset is the biggest time saver.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
MrGrunz wrote:
just because he is able to save warp and actually isn't as good as them ;)
Huh? I'm pretty sure history has shown that if an OoT run is submitted with worse general precision and style than the currently published video, it gets rejected even if it is faster by like 50%. why would a 1% improvement be any different?
What he is saying is that someone could submit a run where the reset is the biggest time saver.
And it would never get accepted if its not as entertaining as the current run. A run wont get obsoleted just because of "one new big trick". Thats why we vote for the movies and not simply accept the faster ones. If it is more entertaining and also faster in other places, apart from save/deathwarping, I guess he deservs it. Also I think it will take ages since we have a proper reset recording feature. It was never said that mupen 64+'s TAS features(which are still highly unstable, I havent seen anyone working on them) will have reset-recording. Also since nobody is looking into fixing the hard-reset-issue in the reset recording version of mupen, we've reached a dead end In which we will be stuck for quite some time.
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I fucking love this thread. Gogo MrGrunz the Zelda God!
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I loved the bit where he entered the forest temple and no one was on screen XD
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I must say I agree here. the cold hard facts: THERE WILL NEVER BE A FIX FOR THE RESET-ISSUE
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chaosv1 wrote:
snorlax wrote:
Bloobiebla wrote:
Nice to see people commenting on my run :D. I listened to MiraiGen's and it was interesting to hear comments from somebody as they watched the run and to hear what they think. What could have made it more enjoyable from my perspective is somebody that has a bit more OoT experience, so that they can pay closer attention and point out more detailed things throughout the run. I felt like it was somewhat dead for most of the commentary but it wasn't too bad overall. I guess as the TASer it's more enjoyable to hear mostly comments on the actual tricks/glitches rather than mostly humor. I'm currently downloading Comicalflop's, can't wait to see how it goes. I've actually considered doing the commentary that Swordless Link mentioned on the earlier page. The idea he brought up was that I made a commentary on the run that talked about the circumstances of each certain part of the run, what was considered where, how things were manipulated, why were things done, etc.. It'd be a test of myself to see what details I can fit in throughout the commentary, and I'm guessing it'd be interesting to a number of experienced OoT players. Nevertheless, it was just an idea, so I may/not do it, probably depending on what people think.
I vote for that option.
Resounding second on that vote
Third vote for this
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Fact: If we do just go on without the reset, MupenPlus will come out like a week after we finish the run. Fact: As much as you may deny it, if someone submitted a near-identical run which used a reset instead of a deathwarp, it would be published, which is a huge slap in the face.
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1st fact: No it wont. Nobody is working on these features (which are still like years from being stable in the version that was released to public) at the moment. Also noone ever talked about soft resets. 2nd fact: No, because we are a community and we decide as a community which movies gets accepted and which dont (even if the judges have the last words). And as everyone would see, that the new improvement only comes from a new emulator-feature I am 100% positiv that most of the people here would vote "No" on such a movie. I for myself would. So go for it! :)
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Um, i'm pretty sure if someone were to make a run that was optimized and have the soft reset it would be accepted.
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Why? They would optimize their run as good as it possibly can get, as shown in the WIP. Yeah, I know theres always room for improvement. But hell, would you vote yes on a movie that is faster just because there is some new feature added to the emulator and the rest of the run is mostly the same?
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Swordless Link wrote:
Fact: If we do just go on without the reset, MupenPlus will come out like a week after we finish the run. Fact: As much as you may deny it, if someone submitted a near-identical run which used a reset instead of a deathwarp, it would be published, which is a huge slap in the face.
You're forgetting one thing: there has to be an author who will dedicate time to making a run as optimized as a non-save warp run. And given all the shit you two know about the game, that'll be hard to do [/gratuitous ego boost]
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I think mupenplus was a big hype that was never going to to deliver. It was far from being ready but a certain member here boasted like it was on its way (like 1.5 years ago). I think if you guys had ignored it and worked on your run, it would have been done by now and this would be moot. I still think you could finish the run, have it published well before mupenplus is accepted on the site.
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Phallosvogel wrote:
Why? They would optimize their run as good as it possibly can get, as shown in the WIP. Yeah, I know theres always room for improvement. But hell, would you vote yes on a movie that is faster just because there is some new feature added to the emulator and the rest of the run is mostly the same?
So you would vote no if SL, AKA, and Bloob made a run that was mostly the same with soft resets?
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Color me confused, but if you're afraid someone will make a better run when a certain emulator feature comes out, why not just make that better run yourselves when it actually does come out? Unless I'm misunderstanding, both parties would be starting from the same point except you'd already know the game inside and out--so when this reset-fix comes out you would win the race against this phantom movie stealer? Otherwise he/she is a faster movie maker than you and will just make the same movie you could potentially make with reset recording and in stead of being obsoleted, you will be never published? Or else your input is perfect and unless it's published no one else will be able to figure out how to play the game as fast as possible™?
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Kyman wrote:
Phallosvogel wrote:
Why? They would optimize their run as good as it possibly can get, as shown in the WIP. Yeah, I know theres always room for improvement. But hell, would you vote yes on a movie that is faster just because there is some new feature added to the emulator and the rest of the run is mostly the same?
So you would vote no if SL, AKA, and Bloob made a run that was mostly the same with soft resets?
Yeah I would, because in my eyes its not a real improvement like using new strategies and new timesavers/glitches
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no one is gonna bother making the same run for 30 mins just for the soft resets. Mr. Gunz allready proved your run could be beaten without soft resets anyways. (3 sec faster roupee-route) And the issue is totally irrelevant, cuz there never will be a possibility of soft resets, trust me.
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I won't name names, but I can think of several people who would likely do it.
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Honestly, if you do a run of a popular game on this site, it is going to be beaten by someone. That is just the reality of the situation. I think TAS is more of a process than a competition because the next movie will always draw inspiration from the previous and (hopefully) give credit where credit is due. The people who care who developed a strategy will know, those who don't care probably don't even care who made the run. To stop working on a movie for fear of obsoletion is, honestly, a bad reason. Your movie WILL be obsoleted (it's the reality of the TAS process), but you will have played an important part in the relentless pursuit of perfection (to steal a phrase from Lexus).
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What?? I thought we were done with this. :P