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I just learned a relativley obvious thing when putting the bottle on B. It does not require a backflip you can simply use a side-step instead. Minor time saver, but still is saves time regardless :)
Post subject: First Owl Skip
Player (98)
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Also, I've been hearing alot on skipping the owl after Kokiri Forest. Guano and CF's WIP desynchs for me no matter what plugins I use, so I don't know how it's preformed. Anyone care to enlighten me?
Post subject: Re: First Owl Skip
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Azorae wrote:
Also, I've been hearing alot on skipping the owl after Kokiri Forest. Guano and CF's WIP desynchs for me no matter what plugins I use, so I don't know how it's preformed. Anyone care to enlighten me?
You have to alternate between pulling out the slingshot and deku stick on the first possible frame. So that you are always pulling something out and you will not activate Kapora Gabora's cut-scene.
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Ah, it has to be first possible frame. I was doing that, but I was trying at 100% speed, no wonder why I couldn't replicate it =/ What does the sequence have to be? like, Deku stick, skip 7 frames, slingshot, skip 7 frames, deku stick, and keep going? I can't figure it out..
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Azorae wrote:
Ah, it has to be first possible frame. I was doing that, but I was trying at 100% speed, no wonder why I couldn't replicate it =/ What does the sequence have to be? like, Deku stick, skip 7 frames, slingshot, skip 7 frames, deku stick, and keep going? I can't figure it out..
I can't remember off the top of my head and I don't have the resources to test right now. I do think the amount of frames from deku stick to slingshot is different than slingshot to deku stick (ex: 6 & 3). Just use frame advance and find the first possible frame. Also I think you have to be backwalking while doing it if you aren't. Hope this helped.
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I've been trying for around an hour now. Fastest I can do it (I'm not sure) is Stick -> 9 frames of wait -> slingshot -> 5 frames of wait -> Stick. Still, the Owl Text Always Starts. These numbers may be wrong, had to run a mile in 90 degree florida heat and I'm dizzy now =/
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I don't know what to say. I would try it myself and tell you but I don't have Mupen or the rom anymore and I would have to beat the deku tree (doesn't take long but I am busy). Sorry.
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5? Why would you do something in an interval that isn't mod3?
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Because I'm new to this stuff and I don't know any frame tricks
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Well as far as I know, this game runs at 20 frames per second, even though it displays 60. And physics calculations and button pushes are averaged over the 3 display frames between actual frame updates... so it's probably better to do an action in a number of frames divisible by 3, or you risk desyncing and stuff. At least, that's what I've gathered from following the N64 zelda threads.
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I'll keep that in mind, thanks alot. Still haven't managed to get it though :( I guess I'll try tomorrow. Hopefully I can get the WIP working so I can see What Guano/CF used.
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I wrote the actual numbers for this somewhere here in this thread. It's something close to like 18 frames, then 6 frames, then 18 (or something like that.) It shouldn't be any more than 15 pages back, so searching shouldn't be that hard. To do it without the numbers in your head: -press one C (say stick) and hold it out while walking near the owl -start testing what frames to press the other C for slingshot. you'll know it's too early when the owl text appears... it's just right if Link walks further when he switches, but then soon after the owl text appears. -test more frames of when to switch back. if it's the slingshot you're holding out, the amount of frames of wait will be sooner. Basically, keep testing when to press the other C button, you'll know one particular frame works when Link keeps walking slightly farther than normal, then is stopped by the text. It's how I did it before memorizing the number pattern.
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Argh, now I can't get the peahat superslide to work. I've tried on every frame but I just can't get it perfectly, after about 1000+ tries. Does the frame on which you tap "A" to grab the grass affect the outcome?
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I usually just spammed A in reduced speeds. What might make it not work is if you have your sword drawn out. Getting into the right position to roll towards the peahat is also frustrating.
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Hmm.. I always just spammed A when bomb supersliding too. Maybe it's because I have the slingshot out? I can get Link to slide but only for about 15 frames or so. It's not a normal slide though either - He gets good distance. It's just not infinite.
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I'll bet good money that you're doing the right thing for megaflipping. When doing that slide you keep getting, try backflipping. My suggestion is for superslide to put that slingshot away, it won't work with it being held out. You also need to never let go of Z and R.
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So you're telling me the 3 hours I spent trying to superslide were meaningless? -_- Now just have to find a way to put the slingshot away quickly and my test run is back on track. Thanks.
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If you think spending 3 hours on one TASing trick is a lot.... hoo baby, you're in for a surprise. To put the slingshot away quickly, I was able to pull out my sword mid- sidehop, but then I had to put my sword away before doing a superslide. Just press A when standing still or something to get that slingshot away. Out of curiosity, what are you testing?
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With how long it is taking you and how many rerecords you are using it is more like you are working on a submittable run not a test run. The run I did seems like a pretty god test run. Although some tricks were not used like skipping the owl due to the fact I didn't know about it. Well whatever the reason good luck.
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I guess test run was the wrong wording. Doing it for fun? A bit better. I'm not doing it to submit, more along the lines of "I'm doing it just to do it." And I know 3 hours isn't alot, it just seems like alot when there's absolutely 0 possibility of it working. I might submit it if it looks good, but it's not very optimized so far (backwalking instead of sidehopping alot, slow deku tree, etc.) I'm pretty sure it would be rejected though.
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You sound just like me.
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Well, i guess its time to hang up my controller. My life is just too busy to sit down and concentrate on TAS. I will still visit this site and join mIRC every once in a while. Thanks to everyone who has helped me out on this site and thanks to Bisq for creating such an original fun site to be a part of. Have happy holidays and good luck on future projects for the world of TAS. With much love and thanks GuanoBowl (J Harden)
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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The Laws of Forum Psychology and Phenomena wrote:
CAD's Boomerang Law - If an active user creates a post announcing they are leaving the community, they will almost certainly be back. The longer or more detailed the post, the greater the chance they'll be returning. Reasoning: If a user cares enough about a community to write a lengthy goodbye post, they are not yet emotionally detached from the community and are, for some reason or another, trying to force themselves to leave using brute willpower. If they were emotionally detached from the community already, they would have left a little more quietly.
see you soon.
I never sleep, 'cause sleep is the cousin of death - NAS
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Sorry to see you go G man. It was fun working with ya a few months back. You raise that baby girl to be an avid gamer, ya hear? :-D and I wanna see you on IRC more often Fret not everyone, OoT is still currently in very good hands.
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Swordless Switched from Master Quest over to the original right? I've seen his WIPs, and you're right, it'll be great. Sad to see Guanobowl leave though, his OoT run was what got me into TASing :(