Still can't see what? Jabo's plugins? You put them into the folder called "plugin" that's in the Mupen64 directory, then opened mupen64.exe and went to Options->Settings and clicked the dropdown box under "Video Plugin" (in the Plugins tab), and saw nothing starting with "Jabo's Direct3D" in that list?
Oh, here's one more thing for you to test: Try downloading Mupen64 1.5.1 (the official one, not the re-recording version) to a separate folder and leave all the options alone (except for choosing the default plugins that come with it and configuring the control keys so you can play), and see if the emulator still crashes at the same point in that.
Acryte wrote:
It gets to 96% loading for the room
Is that just a guess? (This game doesn't show loading percentages that I know of... you do mean room and not rom, right?)
AngerFist" wrote:
How is the delay btw?
I'm not sure what you're asking. If you're asking if there's been any progress fixing it, no, there hasn't. It's doing just fine. If you're asking what the delay is: it's something like 10 extra seconds of waiting while the music plays every time the menu is opened.
But maybe you're right that it's better to leave the delay there for now, since it will make things easier for everyone in terms of actually making the run. The downside is that time-savers that require opening the menu might suddenly become time-wasters just because of the delay, unless we pretend it isn't there or something...
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 3519
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
nitsuja wrote:
I'm not sure what you're asking
heh, Im sorry, I forgot to include the word "long".
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
gotcha. I'll try that tonight and thanks. I didn't move jabo into the plugins folder for mupen. I'll see if that's enough. As for the extra processing power needed, I don't mind since my comp is pretty good... as for everyone who don't share in that regard... isn't that why bisqwit also hosts avis? (though the emu movies are much smaller)
Joined: 3/24/2004
Posts: 248
Location: West 81st Street
Wow, I didn't see that Ganon Castle trick until now -- really clever/great.
What other glitches will be used? I remember odd ones happening when you fooled around with Epona and the Gerudo Valley tent -- not sure if they were useful.
And then there's the "seam walking" trick where you can get to places where you're not supposed to i.e. flying into the Gerudo Valley as a kid using a Chicken if I remember correctly? (probably not useful though) And there are some other places where one could skip some long walking or something perhaps.
Sorry it's been so long since I played around with this, and I'm not sure where to read the info about the current run here ^_^ is there a WIP released?
Hey, guess what? It was the ROM. But I found that pack w/ like a billion OoT roms (thanks Angerfist) and then I picked a good 1.0 rom that gets me past ghoma. I'm currently researching the cuckoo in Gerudo valley thing. (I hope it is possible)
Joined: 4/21/2004
Posts: 3519
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Acryte wrote:
Hey, guess what? It was the ROM. But I found that pack w/ like a billion OoT roms (thanks Angerfist) and then I picked a good 1.0 rom that gets me past ghoma. I'm currently researching the cuckoo in Gerudo valley thing. (I hope it is possible)
Keep it up!
Nitrogenesis wrote:
Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!StupedfackincommunityTASVideoz!!!!!!
Arc wrote:
I enjoyed this movie in which hands firmly gripping a shaft lead to balls deep in multiple holes.
natt wrote:
I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but as a point of fact C# is literally the first goddamn thing on that fucking page you linked did you even fucking read it
Cooljay wrote:
Mayor Haggar and Cody are such nice people for the community. Metro City's hospitals reached an all time new record of incoming patients due to their great efforts :P
Awesome! I eagerly anticipate every WIP!
Really, I'm sure this will be fantastic!
And don't feel like you need to just get things done. If you want to take your time, take your time, it will certainly only make the run better.
Hey, guess what? It was the ROM. But I found ... a good 1.0 rom that gets me past ghoma.
Hmm, usually bad ROMs don't crash the emulator itself, but I guess I'm not that surprised it would happen for N64 emulators given the sorts of shortcuts they take to get reasonable speed. Anyway, that's great you got it working.
When you start actually recording something, be sure to post your progress (movie file) really early on, in case there's a problem with the movie settings or something that would require restarting the run to fix.
Joined: 3/24/2004
Posts: 248
Location: West 81st Street
Acryte wrote:
Hey, guess what? It was the ROM. But I found that pack w/ like a billion OoT roms (thanks Angerfist) and then I picked a good 1.0 rom that gets me past ghoma. I'm currently researching the cuckoo in Gerudo valley thing. (I hope it is possible)
It seems to not be possible to use seamwalking in Gerudo Valley, at least not in my testing, but Acryte had the idea of getting the chickens to attack you to boost you up. I have tried it, and unfortunately the chickens don't appear to come from where the original chicken went (the idea was to hit the chicken off with the last hit so that the chickens attack from below and push you up, but that didn't seem to happen), and I wasn't able to get a lucky enough angle with any chickens to get on the ledge. But I only tested it for less than an hour.
And as for the seamwalking at Hyrule Castle, if we end up taking the path straight to Zelda from Kokiri Forest, it doesn't really matter since you have to wait for the next day anyway, but in my testrun that I was working on I climbed up that seam anyway. Then you get to wait for a really long time. But if there's something else that can be done while waiting (I don't really have any idea since you can't go through another dungeon before going to get Zelda's Lullaby because you can't be taught it afterwards, I believe, and the Spirit Temple young side can't get you to the bombchus without the boomerang), that could become important.
It's to get to the spirit temple as young link before going into Dodongo Cavern (since it's simple to bomb over the fence, but it's hard without bombs) so that it might be possible to go through Jabu Jabu to get the boomerang and then go to the spirit temple and finish all of that and get bombchus and go through Dodongo's Cavern using bombchus to open up the eyes that lead to the boss, then use the special crop to kill King Dodongo, which lets most of the level be skipped, and possibly getting the bomb bag as an adult. But there's a lot of uncertainty in all of that, one of the major parts being that it's unknown whether Gerudo Valley can be passed without those bombs. And going through the spirit temple without Din's Fire and going through Jabu Jabu without Farore's Wind will take up a lot of extra time as well, so it's really hard to say what's the best path.
There are a lot of questions on what's possible or not and which tricks make the optimal path, but to figure out the best way we have to find out what's possible or not first.
Here's a savestate:
And while I was uploading that, I firgured I'd upload that progress I made before I stopped with the testrun. It technically should get through most of the guards, but the pause didn't work out correctly and the ocarina was selected instead of the egg, so it desynchs at the morning.
Edit: Oh wait, apparently Farore's Wind is required for the spirit temple. So I'm not sure how that'll work out, since there hasn't been any success in getting into the FW fairy cave through glitching yet.
It's to get to the spirit temple as young link before going into Dodongo Cavern
I see. It definitely sounds like it would be pretty cool if someone could get that to work. What's the trick to getting over the river of sand without the hookshot, though?
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Oops, sorry about the late reply. I'll look into this now, perhaps I mixed up the Gerudo trick with adult Link or something.
Anyway... Off to some fooling around :P
Joined: 3/24/2004
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Location: West 81st Street
Odd, I couldn't do it on the Emulator. So I went to Hyrule Castle to climb the easiest seam (in my opinion) and I couldn't climb that one either...
Did this on Legend of Zelda, The - Ocarina of Time (U) (V1.0) [!] -- and will plug in my N64 later to see if there's a difference or something.
Check later for an update.
I was able to climb the Hyrule Castle seam after a few tries with my controller. But the Gerudo Valley one seemed very different. It's steep to the point where you seem to not be able to make bits of progress, then rest on whatever part you reached. When I was trying to climb up that seam, you would end up with Link floating above the corner when he's standing there, and when he tries to move forward he drops back down to touch that corner.
But anyway, it may be possible, but it was just too hard for me to do. And it may not end up mattering in the run anyway since there are a lot of other obstacles that must be overcome as well for it to work.
Gerudo seam is impossible. You aren't even on the seam, at one point it is detached from the textures. I used levitation to get to the top. The point is this: If you can go DOWN from the top to the bottom then you can go UP from the bottom to the top. I couldn't at the top and I don't think it's even possible at all.
The Cuckoo damage boost... here are my findings/speculations:
As far as damage boosting from the side onto the upper ground: NO. It isn't an upwards boost... it is at best a forwards boost. So, you cannot get enough air to make it up the side. Fret not my pretties... I think it is VERY possible to boost onto the fence though... especially because it can already be done w/ bombs. I tried it for an hour yesterday but quit so that I could get some bow practice. I'm pretty sure that it can be done though.
Secondly, I have found a great little trick for Dodongo's cavern: THE EYES CAN BE LIT FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SKULL ?!?!?1
Okay, I have found the perfect little spot on the right side of the skull where you have the bombchu go up and hook a corner around the jaw and proceed straight across the underside of the jaw. What does this mean? it means that all you have to do is time the bombchus differently, but you can light both eyes from the SAME location. Very nifty. I should see if you could possible light both at the same time... though it's pretty cool that you can light the eyes from the inside of it's mouth. lol
For 2 weeks I'll be moving into an apartment so I may be busy, and I also need that gay paypal to verify my account so I have to do that again too so I can get a controller adapter but I'll try to at least get the adapter ASAP.