I have a better faster idea... it may work... I'll tell you in a bit...
SWEET IT WORKS. Okay, I'll tell you what you have to do, though the second part I didn't do w/out levitating because I have no slow down but I'm sure you can do it... this method requires 2 bombs and 5 bombchus (give or take maybe 1 bombchu). That is all. Ill take screenshots.
Yep its all possible...
Note, in a TAS I'd expect to get to the 2nd location, to probably throw a bomb and then sidehop at the perfect angle into it and shield it. then sidehop to the spot you need to be in. Probably would take 1 bomb to cross it optimally.
Get in the pillar and then activate sword glitch. You want an angle like this. One that will go into that little corner behind the wall over by the block. To get there I'd throw 1 bomb and then sidehop at the correct angle into it. Then sidehop from there to the corner. You may have to use 1 extra sidhop w/ a bombchu or something, I'm not sure (I skipped this part).
This is where you want to be. Note that to the left is a invisible room. DON'T GO TOO FAR LEFT. You will get caught in it... though you do have working room though. No worries. Also, DON'T GO TOO FAR RIGHT or else you will pass into the main room. And DON'T PASS THROUGH THE DOORWAY or you will now be in the door and also in the unloaded room that is to the left.
Get here and go all the way forward and all the way sideways. Put on hoverboots and then get 5 bombchu hovers high, while drifting as little backwards as you can prefferably. (You need to get higher that that door frame before you pass the side of that door frame or you will get caught in it. Tip: Lean sideways, then do the backflip and you should stick in the air without needing staircase or anything. Just don't lean to the left again or you will fall to the ground lol.
You should be here now. Note that you are above the door.
Take off your hoverboots.
Now backflip. You should land here or so. Note I have not fallen in the void or anything. if you went parallel then you are fine. Note that you were probably over the door at 4 bombchus but you need enough height for the backflip to completely clear it so that you aren't trapped in the unloaded room.
Here is a side view of where you are now.
Man, Its ALOT easier. AFTER THAT, DO A HOVER SUPERSLIDE INTO THE WARP. You can just hold down R and if you aimed it right then you will make it. And NO, Nayru's Love is not needed anymore. Also this uses fairly little bombs and bombchus as well as taking very little time.