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mwl wrote:
Guano, can you please release a WIP when you reach the SFM (if you haven't already)? If there is junk of me in the Forest Temple, I am just testing things.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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Location: Albuqueruqe, New Mexico I cannot get to the elevator, I dont know why. I do exactly like in the video but for some reason in the video at 24 seconds, my guy wont do that. What am I doing wrong?
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GuanoBowl wrote: I cannot get to the elevator, I dont know why. I do exactly like in the video but for some reason in the video at 24 seconds, my guy wont do that. What am I doing wrong?
Even if you can do that, how do you plan on getting out of that void? Have you obtained the boss key yet? (I can't watch your movie until bkDJ converts it, as I don't have the necessary plugins.)
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what does SFM stand for? also I will have a video ready in a few hours when I go home, I hope.
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sacred forest meadow.
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GuanoBowl wrote: I cannot get to the elevator, I dont know why. I do exactly like in the video but for some reason in the video at 24 seconds, my guy wont do that. What am I doing wrong?
he uses levitation cheat there, you have to bomb hover )dunno if groundjump is enough) ;)
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What is even the point of the trick in that video. He levitates so high up that column it would take a lot of bomb hovers. Then the game does level restart thing at the end when he falls down, what can you do after that? Could you just wonder off to some place better, like the boss room?
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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You can avoid being crushed by sword jumping at the end, although its probally still better to complete the FT normally with all the hoverboot shortcuts. EDIT: The run desyncs in two aspects 1: Bomb drops don't come from the tektites 2. Link falls off death mountain as he does the final backwalk into the Great Fairy. I can verify this happens from the start as well.
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Ditto. Desynched right at fairy.
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correction edit: desynced at the great fairy. I started from the beginning with no sram.
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Posts: 5 (elevator) There is a little more height on that one, so bomb hovering to the elevator should be easier (Vine Glitch to boss) Found it! I really don't know which is the fastest way though
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ghostrr wrote: (elevator) There is a little more height on that one, so bomb hovering to the elevator should be easier (Vine Glitch to boss) Found it! I really don't know which is the fastest way though
The elavator is far too high to bomb hover into, and would be quicker doing the FT normally, the vine glitch only works as a child in OoT. EDIT: Here's what happens when you enter the lift early, I was trying to do it in a legit way on Mupen earlier but unfortunately it didn't work for the reason shown in the video, plus it literally needed to be frame perfect to activate the superslide without getting damaged, but amusing none the less. When I get trapped in the elavator I levate to land back on the lift again, but I'm sure it would work with a backflip also.;6611307;;/fileinfo.html
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Ah, I guess I finally realized the problem of the elevator Meh, would've been cool destroying FT that way
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guano, can you really play yours back from the start?
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Nicely done. 'Tis a shame you're out of bombs, or you could have superslid on more occasions, e.g. (Market to KV, KV to graveyard, DM Trail to Great Fairy).
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Too bad you couldn't super slide from the moat gate to KV, in KV twice, and DMT, those were 4 long streches. How many bombchus are you going to need, maybe you could have saved some bombs by killing yourself with bombchus, also can't you shield drop bombchus so they det instintly? Also, you said you made it to the castle guards with 10 seconds before night, if that's true you could have saved 2 bombs by not doing the those two small super slides.
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
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It didn't desync, pretty sure he is screwing around with you guys, I mean come on! He was doing random 30 second long slash attacks and lining himself up to get hit by boulders..
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he's slashing at the rock like he was slashing at Mido some weeks ago. I call random corruption. though it is weird that he got all the way up there before it corrupted, AND he didn't get the desired bombs from the tektites.
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Couldn't you have gotten 5 bombs from one of the crates in the shadow temple? They're right in your path and I'm sure one of them drops bombs.
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The movie desynched for me. I killed both red tektites for 10 bombs but it did not register. Shame :( I got to go back and do the damn seam walk all over again. Why did it say my post was too short for my signature?
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GunaoBowl, can you send me a save state there you currently are? Im gonna check out a thing there--
Those who sees this must accept that TAS'es almost skips the whole game..
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GuanoBowl wrote:
Why did it say my post was too short for my signature?
The exact same thing happened to me.
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It happens to me when I try and make an edit smaller than my current sig or a post smaller than my sig. It's probably just do with the fact that the site code has undergone a lot of change over the past few days (ref. to avatar problems). It should all get fixed up soon.
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Well, I havent got any progress done yet. I just got done with a Guitar Hero II tournament today and didnt do too bad. Some good players. I think I got beat by the "luck of the draw" on 3rd round decision of a song. If there are any videos of the tournament, ill post it.
Change my sig. again, and I will murder your pet fish.
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Location: Sweden, Norrbotten, Tärendö
o.0 you play Guitar Hero on PS2..
Those who sees this must accept that TAS'es almost skips the whole game..