I just found 2 small bugs. Version: 1.7.2a
1. Load any game (i used Super Mario World on SNES)
2. Drag'n'Drop an file (like a .txt file). The "Choose a Platform" appears.
3. Press on "Cancel" or choose "Nintendo Entertainment" and click "Ok"
4. If pressed on Cancel, it just shows "No core could load the rom" (I just cancel'd it)
If you did the other thing, a errormessage appears
"A core accepted the rom, but threw an exception while loading it: [...] iNES header not found"
5. If you click on "Ok" on the dialogbox, you get the "start screen" (the one with many pixels changing).
The title still says the gamename (eg. "SNES - Super Mario World (USA)").
If look at the menubar, you will still see like "SNES". It updates correctly if interacted with the menubar.
On clicking at the menubar ("File", "View" etc.) a error will be thrown everytime clicking it ("System.NullReferenceException" at "BizHawk.Client.EmuHawk.MainForm.HandlePlatformMenus()")
This will stop if loading a (working) game.
The second, smaller bug: The emulator init the titlebar as " - Null".