Game information
  • Emulator used: PSXjin v2.0.2 svn0
  • Bios used: scph1000.bin
  • Disk ID: SLPS-01272
  • Game name: Rittai Ninja Katsugeki - Tenchu
  • Game Version: JPN 1.0
  • Genre: Action
Game Objectives
  • Uses hardest difficulty
  • Aims for fastest
  • Takes damage to save time
  • Luck manipulation
  • Pacifist
More Techniques and Tricks
  • Most techniques I was learned from here: #3988: Hâthor's PSX Tenchu: Stealth Assassins (USA) in 29:52.65
  • Improve speed at intro/selections: just press buttons at correct frame or press all needed buttons in same time
  • Control enemy actions: The core I found, enemy actions depend timer it received damage, easy make non stop attacks to Boss. That's why sometimes will see my attacks have slow a bit. It's just "slower for faster"
  • Kill boss in a hit: All bosses will die if falling down water
  • Make boss thought wall: it's a my funny idea . Because Hâthor said can't hit boss when it blocked wall then I try do it
Difference between JP and US
  • Like Hâthor said, many thing have difference. JPN version have less than stages. Some tricks/bugs can work in JPN version but not work in US version, and else. Example quick stand up after hook, speed item, thought house roof, the fast way for done stage Cure the princess,etc. I must find other ways can do fast as possible
  • Hâthor: show me his run, learned alot thing from him
  • ALAKTORN: sent me some ideas

feos: Judging...
feos: Accepting as a separate run. However it won't have a branch, at least for now. Because the completion type is the same, between the 2 games, only the region differs. Therefore, the region will be an indicator. I'm not using the Japanese title for this one, because we have a tradition of using the region mark alongside the English title instead. Also publishing...