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We all worked on this. Complaining at one another what should work and stuff.
Thanks RGamma for the encode
Fastest movement is sliding.
This is how we managed to get a really good time for a 106%.
  • Requires: Free DSP ROM (A few of us couldn't find the right DSP)
Then again those ball levels and the swimming levels, we had to put a lot of effort into those.
It was crazy!
Now these are all the runners that helped...
The submission didn't accept the amount of names.

-ziplock-, /*-, aaa2, AB1, Abahbob, abeshi, Acmlm, addbball, Adebis, adelikat, AGGRESSiON, Aglar, aglasscage, agwawaf, airman2, Airwe, ais523, AjAX, AKheon, ALAKTORN, alden, AlejaKaiser, Alexandre, alexis_neuhaus, alexpenev, alexph, Alorxiel, alpha1233, Alter, AmaizumiUni, Amaraticando, amaurea, AndiHoffi, andrewg, Andy, AndyD, andymac, andypanther, AngerFist, Animadverto, AnotherGamer, AnS, AOi, Apo123, apple bapple, applepieman, Aqfaq, Arc, architorture, arkiandruski, Arne_the_great, Arnold0, aroduc, ars4326, arukAdo, Arykado2, asdfgary, Ash Williams, asutoro, Atma, Atomnium, atro city, axelito, Azite, Azorae, £e Nécroyeur, Bablo, BackwardLongJump, Bag of Magic Food, bahamete, bangbaew, Baxter, BBkaizo, beelzebub, benbenrx8, Bernka, Bestiajerules, Bhezt Rhy, BioSpark, birozombie, Bisqwit, blackshellbowser, Bladegash, Blaze, blechy, Bleh, blitzag, bloobiebla, bloodyspare, Blublu, bob whoops, bobmario511, Bobo the King, BobyPoula, Boco, boct1584, BoltR, bortreb, braceyj, Brandon, BrotherMojo, Brushy, Buddybenj, Burning Death, BYRAIN, byrz, BZero, c-square, C0DE RED, caitsith2, Callmewoof, Captain Forehead, Cardboard, Carl Sagan, Carmealio, carretero, catnap222, CeSaR74, cetaka, Chamale, charles1q2w, ChaucersSquire, Cheetah 7071, Cheez, Chef Stef, Cherry, chis, chupapi, ch_mand, cideprojekt, coconou, ColorAndPSK, Comicalflop, computerbird, Contendo, CoolBumpty, Cooljay, CoolKirby, cpadolf, criticaluser, cstrakm, CtrlAltDestroy, curtmack, Dacicus, Dadoc, daisukejigen, Dammit, daniayaw, Daniel Maroto, dantynbelmont, Dan_, Dark Cloud, Dark Fulgore, Dark Mana, Dark Noob, Dark Rain, DarkKobold, DarkMoon, dark_rocco, DaShiznawz, Dasrik, das_64, DaTeL237, dave_dfwm, David Wilson, DDRKhat, Deathray, DeHackEd, Deign, DennisBalow, Dessyreqt, devanwolf, Deviance, devindotcom, dex88, dezbeast, DiamondPhoenix, Diego Montoya, diggidoyo, Diman, DJ Skull, DonamerDragon, DootBeep, Dooty, Dragonfangs, dragonmiles18, dragonxyk, DS13, DudicalRat, DukeNukem007, dunnius, dwangoAC, ECCO, echo314, Ego Buff, Egor305, EgxHB, electrospecter, emi3d, emu, Equinox, Eratyx, ermacone, erokky, errror1, ersatz, Espyo, EvilRiu, Exim, Explosion Pills, Exxonym, 西坡, Fabian, FatRatKnight, feasel, feitclub, Felipe, feos, Ferret Warlord, FerretFaucet, fetofs, FFGamer86, finalfighter, fiskerN, Fladdermus, flagitious, flashthe, Fleetze, Flip, Flygon, foda, Foone, ForgoneMoose, FractalFusion, Frenom, fsvgm777, funnyhair, FunStyle, fuzi2, FuzZerd, FVDTSUYOSA, gab950912, GabCM, gabrielwoj, gamerfreak5665, Gamerskillsfull, gather, gbreeze, Gemini-Man, GeminiSaint, Genisto, georgexi, georgiek, GGG, gia, Gigafrost, Ginger, girfanatic501, gleison, GlitchMan, GlurG, GManiac, gocha, God-Hand, GoddessMaria15, Goemon, goldfish, Goldude, goofydylan8, Goofyman, got4n, grassini, Greenalink, grillo, Grincevent, GSGold, gstick, GTimeKiller, guacho80, GuanoBowl, Gunty, Gvozdevik, hadock, Halamantariel, Hanzo, hanzou, HappyLee, happy_mario, HardCoreMangeur, Haze Rever, Hâthor, hegyak, Heidman, Heisanevilgenius, heldtogetherwithtape, hellagels, hellfire, henke37, Hero Chaos Chao, hero of the day, HHS, highness, hikaru, Hiryuu, hisatoki, Hoandjzj, hogehoge61, Hongbaichaoren, hopper, Hotarubi, Huffers, Hutch, ideamagnate, iiro2, Ilari, inakilbss, Infinite Combos, INfintido, inichi, Invoker, inzult, Iriasu, irthemann, Ismaw34, IsraeliRD, IvanovishGC, izanamu, Jack Lv, Jackic, janus, jaysmad, JayTheBrainMann, jc564, jecy, jerfo, JetlagJad, jhp, Ji-chan, Jigwally, jimsfriend, JKRtas, jlun2, jnx, Johannes, Johnnypoiro, jonathangm, Josh, josh l., Josh the FunkDOC, jprofit22, jse, juancito87, JuanValdez, julianch, Jungon, JWinslow23, JXQ, K, KaitouKid, kaizoman666, Kale, kamengtaiv, KameZa, KamiKaze, Kaz, kchrules, Keirden, kengenken, KennyBoy, ketomei, Ketsueki, keylie, KFCMARIO, khv-user, kirbymuncher, kirkq, Kiske, klmz, KMFDManic, knbnitkr, kooz, kopernical, KP9000, krieg747, krieger, Kriole, kristmortal95, Krocketneo, kuja, kuja killer, Kumquat, Kurabupengin, Kyman, Kyrsimys, LagDotCom, lapogne36, laranja, laughing_gas, LAVOS5, leandroff5, lezard, LFNMai, Lieza McDohl, Lil_Gecko, LIMO, link_7777, lithven, LLCoolDave, Lollorcaust, Lollybomb, Lord Tom, lordofvt, Lord_of_Olympia, Lorenzo_The_Comic, LSK, lu9, Luke, LYF, m.i, macK, magus, Malleoz, mamuuuut, Marcokarty, Marcolaranja, Marik the Gamer, marioprincess, Mars608, Mart, Marx, marzojr, Master of Pigs, Masterjun, mat1er, mat89, mataniko, MATCH6974, maTO, MattyXB, Matyu, max12187566, Maximus, Maza, mazzeneko, mazzic, Mc GeeK, McBobX, McHazard, Megafrost, megaman, Mephistus, MESHUGGAH, Michael Fried, MICKEY_Vis11189, MiezaruMono, mike89, MikeRS, mil94, milquetoast, Minaya, mindnomad, Mister, Mitjitsu, mkdasher, mky, mlw7, mmarks, mmbossman, monthenor, mookish, Morrison, Mothrayas, motogiri, Mr. Kelly R. Flewin, MrGrunz, MrIvan97, mrlemonlame, Mro314, MrOmicron, MrWint, mrz, mr_roberts_z, Mr_Sweed, mtbRc, mtvf1, mugg, Mukki, mushroom, mvpetri, mz, Mzscla, N?K, Nahoc, namespoofer, namflow, Nanahocha, nanogyth, Naohiro19, NaturelLorenzo6000, NDS_Emil, NecroVMX, nEilfox, Neofix, neo_omegon, Newpants87, nfq, Nibelung, nicklegends, nico, nico30620, nicorido, nifboy, Nightcom, nineko, nintendo, NintenKai, Nisto, Nitrodon, NitroGenesis, nitsuja, nji9, Nodn, Nomade, Noob Irdoh, Noodlez, numerics, NxCy, Oasiz, Odongdong, OgreSlayeR, okaygo, Olivebates, OmegaForce, omegaredzero, OmegaWatcher, OmnipotentEntity, oneeighthundred, orugari, ouendan, Ouzo, ozort, p0rtal_0f_rain, p3r, p4wn3r, Palidian, Panda, PangaeaPanga, parrot14gree, partyboy1a, Pasky13, Patryk1023, paul_t, pdk, pekopon, Perfect Death, perfectacle, Peristarkawan, phantom321, Phil, philipptr, phoenix1291, Pictian, PikachuMan, Pike, pirate_sephiroth, pirohiko, Player1, plusminus, pom, poptart1234, Power Rangers, praetarius3, PreddY, prettyBoyRage, primorial#soup, prower, ptorflaxendrosis, QBOB, QoiZ, qqwref, Quibus, quietkane, Quietust, Qwerty6000, raboni, RachelB, Radz, Ragowit, Randil, RattleMan, rchokler, red-crowned-crane, ReichMan, reiki, Remafer, Remzi, RetroHolo, Rick, Rikku, RingRush, Rising Tempest, Robert_Ordis, rockfistus, Rolanmen1, RT-55J, Rum, Rushnerd, Ryuto, S@G, sack_bot, Sacrifices, Sam, Sami, Samoht, Samsara, samurai goroh, saomoore94, Saturn, scahfy, Scepheo, ScouSin, scrimpeh, scubed, Scumtron, SDR, Selene, SeNn, sergio89, sgrunt, shadow byrn, SHADOW_538, SharpKitten, Shinryuu, ShinyDoofy, Shiru, shisu, Silver, Sir VG, sirstarmagic, skamastaG, sksk1990, skychase, slamo, sleepz, sliverjazz, Slotermeyer, SmashFiles, snc76976, Soig, solarplex, some pickles, SonicBoom737, sonicmason, sonicpacker, Sonikkustar, Sopreti, Sotel6, SoulCal, soulrivers, sp00ky, sparky, speedofsound92, spezzafer, Spikestuff, spoonshiro, Spoony_Bard, SprintGod, sprocket2005, starpower60, STBM, Sticky, STV_Brozer, stx-Vile, SuperChan1990, SuperMario12, superninja, Supper, suwei, Swordless Link, Synahel, t3h Icy, Tailz, tall, Tanooki Teabag, TaoTao, Tarion, TASeditor, TASVideoAgent, Tatsuhiko, teammy, Tee-N-Tee, teh noj, TehSeven, teowind, Terimakasih, terrarising, tetora_X, TGPrimus, THC98, the BEST taser, The Dust Bunny, The Mario with Famtasia, TheAxeMan, Thedarksnw, theenglishman, thegreginator, TheHepper, TheKDX7, TheKoopaPatrol, TheLegendaryJirachi, TheRandomPie_IV, therealssjlink, TheSwordUser, Thevlackdemonn2294, TheYoungStarsOfTheWorld, TheZlomuS, TheZZAZZGlitch, the_nightrider, Thorning, tianwodeai, Tilus, tim333, TimmyAkmed, Tinister, tmont, Tompa, tool23, Toothache, tormed, Torn, Torn338, totodiletrainer01, totoro, Touch-me, Townsocks, tpfire123, Trask, trazz, TrenchAce, TRT, True, Truncated, Tseralith, Tuggummi, Tuplanolla, turbofa, turgish, turska, turtle, tviks, Twisted Eye, TylerArtrip, Ubercapitalist, Uintathere, umekor, unagi, unclejed, upthorn, Valagard, Vampier, VANDAL, VanillaCoke, Vatchern, vecna, Vector188, Vegetable, ventuz, Vespa, veup, videogamefreak, Viewer, VIPer7, VladimirContreras, Vlass14, VolcanoStormWind, Volkov, vsmk3, Vykan12, Waffle, Wak017, Walker Boh, Warp, was0x, waymuu, wazkatango, weatherton, Weirwindle, White Gastra, wicked, WiiS360, windeu, WinEpic, woabclf, Wodball, wonamik, WST, wwmarx, wyster, x2poet, Xaphan, xebra, xenos, XHAOS, xipo, Xkeeper, xoinx, XTREMAL93, xxNKxx, xxstimpzxx, Xyphys, y479021776, yagz, yep2yel, YoungJ1997lol, YtterbiJum, yuigenron, Yunshui, Yuzuhara_3, Zakatos, zefiris, Zene01, ZENEO9, Zer0, Zerstorung, Zettaijin, zggzdydp, zidanax, Zoizite, Zowayix, Zurreco, Zus, zvsp & zyr2288
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