Whew! Finally done with this.
The Lost Vikings is about 3 Vikings, each with their own unique features, are abducted and have to make their way out traveling through different worlds and eventually encountering their abductor.

Each character has two major attributes:
Baloeg - Uses a sword and bow+arrow
Olaf - Uses a shield as protection and a glider
Erik - Jumps and uses his helmet to bash walls and enemies

The goal is to get all three vikings to the exit to continue to the next level. There are 42 levels in all. For some reason the SNES version only has 37.
Emulator used: Gens_Movie_Test9a_exe

-As fast as possible
-Uses no passwords
-Abuses programming errors in the game
-Takes damage to save time
-One player controls two characters simultaneously
-Genre: Platform
-Genre: Puzzle

A long game done quick.
I did the game with two players, and player 2 has to be on the same screen as player 1 or else player 2 won't move.
I abused a well-known glitch where I use a key in order to avoid being hurt from falling. I abuse some more here and there.
If you find some of the levels repetetive, I don't blame you. This game wasn't exactly built for speed, but I tried to make each level as interesting, unique, and efficient as possible.
I had to hesitate or slow down sometimes in order to control other characters, enemies or objects. Also, a few times I switch characters in order to control actions that, without doing so, would cause major damage or death.
I tried to get hit only in places where it would save the most time. Most of the time, getting hit will not save time.
Some enemies you can pass right by, some will hurt you by attack, and some are impassable so the enemies that are killed or attacked are done so for a reason. I tried to avoid as many enemies as possible.
Recorded at 6%. Anything faster would not have worked out too well.
Oh, and the Candy World music kicks ass. :)

Bisqwit: processing... by Phil.
Phil: Published.

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I'm not sure what you mean but if you're talking about turning left and right repeatedly 60 times in a second, the characters can only move a direction and turn back within at least 2 frames and so on. Most of the time that I had to wait, I "wobbled" because it looks funny :) BTW, <(^^<) is one character, yes?
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It looks like kirby doing a little happy dance. Voted yes, by the way. Quite impressed, I was.
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For those of you with trisomy-21, yes I was being sarcastic. Wobbling looks retarded. I voted no because of that alone.
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well i think this movie has passed the "should it be published" test. the only no's have been from people who hav'nt explained why they did'nt like it. EDIT - you voted no cuz he wobbles his characters at times? lol wtf? nearly every run that has a spot that requires you to wait for a platform, a timed event, an unkillable monster to move does this. you vote no on them all?
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For those of you with trisomy-21, yes I was being sarcastic. Wobbling looks retarded. I voted no because of that alone.
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At times? More like ALL THE TIME. It is the height of stupidity when executed even once. I couldn't make it past 15 minutes in this $#!+ video because he spent half his time wobbling. It is stupid. Do you people have such short attention spans that you have to be constantly fidgeting with something? You can't stand to wait for things to progress at their natural pace? You always have to be moving and doing and bothering? Just learn to @#$%ing wait. Patience is a virtue.
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At times? More like ALL THE TIME. It is the height of stupidity when executed even once. I couldn't make it past 15 minutes in this $#!+ video because he spent half his time wobbling. It is stupid.
This isn't Sonic, buddy. I have to wait a lot. And since this is more of a comical game, I chose to liven it up a bit. Big deal. By the way, it depends which game you wobble in. I don't mind it most of the time because I find it amusing but, for example, the actraiser movie shook the screen when wobbled and that was somewhat nauseating. Also, the game had more of a serious theme to it. But in the mario or zelda movies it's actually very funny IMO. EDIT: I included a part near the beginning of candy world where all I do is stand still on a slow-moving platform and wait. Imagine that every single time I would have to wait.
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wobbling > standing still
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standing dead still sometimes IMO makes the movie look like your not doing anything. at times i've thought the movie has stopped playing or desynched on me so i've replayed it. wobbling looks best when its done on the exact same spot, not moving left or right at all. i think its well understood too now that when someone is wobbling in a movie, they are waiting for something that is unavoidable. if you dont like wobbling you wont like many movies that require waiting in them. EDIT - also, like i said in my 1st post, this game will only appeal to people who have played it before and know how hard it is. there are many times (balloon vikings come to mind) where nothing can be done, so you must wait a few seconds. wobbling kills the boringness of standing still doing nothing
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I have no problem with wobbling at all aside from Actraiser (as it moves the screen rapidly). I believe Bisqwit himself advises people to always look like they're doing something, even when they're not, and I would agree with him. Also, for what it's worth, I believe Phil and Genisto started doing this as a way of letting people know it's a tool-assisted movie (as it's damn near impossible to perform frame-by-frame wobbling on a console), and people have picked up on it since then. I personally find it to be a fine enough time-killer. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Josh the FunkDOC wrote:
I have no problem with wobbling at all aside from Actraiser (as it moves the screen rapidly). I believe Bisqwit himself advises people to always look like they're doing something, even when they're not, and I would agree with him.
Doing something *that makes sense*. Wobbling doesn't. I nearly hate it.
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I haven't seen the movie, but wobbling is getting kind of old. Certainly not enough to change my vote, but, like Bisqwit said, there must be other things that you can do other than standing still and wobbling. And in some movies, it looks a lot cooler than in others. But voting no because of that is just dumb. And that 'having patience' argument makes no sense. Isn't the whole point of these runs for things NOT to progress at their natural place? Maxims apply to people, not movies. Patience should have no place in these movies, other than making them.
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At this time I'm considering using wobbling in my new movies of Eggerland and Adventures of Lolo 3, but then switching back to the more natural-looking waiting for my next version of Adventures of Lolo 2. For a little variety. If I ever start working on those runs again. :P Right now I'm trying to finish my run of the first level of Totally Rad so I can put up a download and get some feedback.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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OK, sorry about the misunderstanding Bisqwit. In my current Ninja Gaiden 2 run I wobble while waiting for the wind in 2-2, but I won't anywhere else (most of the other waiting is after beating bosses, and there are a lot of cool things you can do there). Hopefully that'll be okay. -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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A little wobbling goes a long way. You can have too much, but I don't mind a pinch here and there.
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Bob Whoops: The point of these movies, to me, is for things to progress at an unnatural pace, but to look natural doing it. We already have a disclaimer at the beginning of every video stating that the run was done on an emulator. We all know that. Wonderful. Now suspend your disbelief, imagine if a person could do what you are about to see, and enjoy the run. Wobbling completely ruins the illusion, because it's clearly humanly impossible.
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So is half the stuff that goes on in these runs.
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Ferret Warlord wrote:
So is half the stuff that goes on in these runs.
There is a difference between incredible and stupid.
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Then xebra needs to clarify his qualifications. "Because it's clearly humanly impossible," is kind of the point of these clips. I'm not saying I disagree with his stance (in fact, I agree with it), just his reasoning. If the run doesn't let the viewer know that this isn't possible, then something is wrong with the run itself or you just picked a bad game. If you have to wait around, do something natural, or something else other than wobbling. The recent Super Metroid run is a good example of both in action.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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Ferret Warlord: Most of the videos seem very credible at any particular moment. It is only their unrelenting perfection over the course of the entire video that seems inhuman, which is entirely different from needlessly executing a humanly impossible maneuver at a particular moment. Even exploitation of bizarre glitches is credible. Could a human do it on a console? Sure, if they got lucky. Everything you see in the latest SMB video is certainly possible for a human to do. But can anyone in the world execute so many perfect maneuvers all in a row? Not a chance. That is why the videos here are cool. But pressing back and forth 30 or 60 times in a second just isn't possible. Even Horowitz couldn't trill that fast, and piano keys are much easier to press than the d-pad on a controller.
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Then walljumping in Ninja Gaiden 2 (probably the others as well, but I'm sticking with what I know) is stupid, because that also requires you to alternate between left and right (or sometimes left and left+right) on every single frame. Sure, it's a major speed boost over the normal wall climbing, but I also use it a lot for playing around after bosses die; this is done to show off how glitchy walls can be in the game. Would you have a problem with this? -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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Personally, I prefer movies that look like the impossible, but look natural. I'd like to see more movies without damage and without using glitches. I'm tempted to make a no damage run of Super Metroid apart from the places needed. Sure, it may be slower but I think it looks a lot cooler! Anyway, shouldn't this really be in a different topic?
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I just did a quick run through this movie and timed each of the moments of waiting I took to wobble. There are 180177 frames in the movie and approx 8515 consists of wobbling. In a 50:03 movie, that's equivelant of 2:22. Most of it is in the later levels because they are longer and require more waiting. But, I do admit it was a bit overkill. However, I do wait without doing anything a lot of the time, too. So to say in this movie the characters wobble at every single oppourtunity is a gross exaggeration.
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Josh: I haven't seen the NG2 vid, but if there is a valid use to executing an impossible maneuver, then it is acceptable. For example, ultrafast shooting in Metroid and Megaman, or spinning really fast in Zelda when it is required to hit multiple targets, these are all valid uses of impossible maneuvers. Read over my previous posts. You will find I take exception only to "needlessly executing a humanly impossible maneuver."
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Lovely. It was entertaining through the entire 50 minutes, which should be impossible. It was very impressive to see how they cooperated in this game, very amusing to watch. It was well executed as well, and I trust you have made sure it was done as fast as possible, so a clear yes from me :)