Post subject: Video not uploading fully to youtube
Joined: 5/14/2013
Posts: 2
Recently I've been hovering around the site's encoding guide and wanted to get some experience if I wanted to start doing things, so the frustration I've been having with this video is very troubling. I really didn't want to register under these circumstances, but I haven't found a single person with this problem. So... this is a video: [EDIT: this is no longer a video] If you notice, you'll see the video length suddenly changes from 27:27 to 5:59 when you try to play it; this is the problem I'm having. It seems that regardless of how I try to prepare the video beforehand, it always stops at that point when I upload it to youtube. The quality is damn sexy excellent until that point, but it just stops. Here is the exact method I used to prepare this video: 1) I recorded the video using a 3DS capture card from here, using the software provided on that page. I recorded both screens using Lagarith with default settings, at 30 FPS. It was one continuous recording, and the resulting file is 9.08 GB. The software named the file 00000.avi. 2) I opened 00000.avi using VirtualDub v1.10.3. I then resized it to 400% of it's original size: The resulting video was saved as input.avi. I also saved the audio as input.wav. 3) I used x264 to encode using the following command line (yes I know this isn't much): x264.exe --threads 4 --sar 1:1 -o output.mp4 input.avi The resulting file was 615 MB, and encoding took approximately 1.5 hours. 4) I opened up input.wav in Audacity, then exported it as a .m4a (AAC) file. I saved it as output.m4a. The resulting file is 30.3 MB. 5) I used MP4Box to combine the audio and video using the following command line: MP4Box.exe -add output.m4a output.mp4 The resulting file is 645 MB. The finished video encoded using the steps above works with no problems in Windows Media Player and Media Player Classic. I haven't tried any other media players. 6) I upload output.mp4 to Youtube. Youtube gave me an error that my video and audio might be out of sync. Uploading the video usually takes between 1-2 hours depending on how many other people in my family are using the internet, then a couple of minutes to process. The uploaded video is shown in my uploads page to have the correct 27:27 length, and this is also shown in the video player before suddenly switching to 5:59. I've changed a lot of things out to try to determine what exactly the problem is, but the result is always the same. Here's a list of what I've done: - Switched from 8-bit x264 to 10-bit and back. - Uploaded the video without audio (skipped step 5). Youtube suggests I prepare my video better for streaming... something about Quicktime. - Resized the video with x264 instead of VirtualDub (using "--video-filter resize:width=1600,length=1920,method=spline") - Encoded the video in progressive mode (using "--no-interlaced"). MP4Box doesn't seem to care as it says the resulting file when I combine audio and video is interlaced anyway. - Encoded the video in progressive mode, then uploaded without audio. - Tried using different x264 presets. This problem isn't exactly about encoding a run here, but as several users here should be familiar with uploading to YT, this is very likely the best place to ask for help. Thanks for reading all of this, and I really hope to get a solution to this soon (or I may end up losing some hair).
Site Admin, Skilled player (1249)
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I guess the easiest thing to try in the first place was muxing not to mp4, but to mkv. mkvmerge tool and the container itself are known for more stability than mp4box. They are also somehow easier to work with. Here's the command line for muxing with mkvmerge for your files:
mkvmerge -o encode.mkv --compression -1:none output.mp4 output.ogg
I have no idea if it supports m4a, but you may resave your wav file as ogg as well. My mkvmerge is here:
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Joined: 5/14/2013
Posts: 2
So I was going to post about how the resulting video did upload completely but seemed to be missing the choice to view in "original" quality. But then I realized I was being very impatient (though to be honest, an hour of processing is excessive), and it works flawlessly. Thank you so much! :D
Editor, Expert player (2323)
Joined: 5/15/2007
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Try changing the FPS to 30 if it isn't.