Post subject: Adventure Island
Player (246)
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I like this game a lot, so i am making a run for it, even though i think it's never gonna be published it's still fun to make it. anyway, here is my WIP: notes: - i try to keep B pressed most of the time, but sometimes i need to do small jumps instead of big ones, so i let go B and RIGHT, press A, then hold RIGHT and B again. that's when you see me jump and shoot aparently for no reason. - I try to avoid fruits and especially the pot bonus to get a faster bonus screen. also i try not to kill enemies so that i wouldnt have to release the B button. - it took about 5 minutes to finish world 1, including the boss. i think there are 13 worlds, so it would take something like 65 minutes to finish the whole game (i think all levels have exactly the same length horizontaly, not confirmed though). - this WIP gets to level 2-4 but the emu crashed and i stopped playing. i will continue it though since it's easy to record this game. i did everything at 30% speed, except the boss which i did at 5%.
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Awesome, i thought Lezard's run was very interesting to watch, but since his isn't around anymore and the run is on my old computer, i can't watch it. Cheers for giving it a go dude ^-^
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Player (246)
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oh i'd like to watch his run, and compare maybe i did it faster? i didnt know someone had done it already, he did it on fceu right?
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VirtuaNES 0.78, actually. Lezard closed his site though, so I don't know how you could get it besides someone sending it to you...luckily I have it ~_^ Oh, and it seems you have a bad/weird played perfectly with the one you included with the movie (wtf? o_O), but I tried it on "Hudson's Adventure Island (U)" and you died about 10 seconds in, trying to jump over the first pair of snails...this might also explain the 2-4 crash...
Player (246)
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my rom is so old.... can you send the run to me then please? email me at mario @ donsoft dot com dot br
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Well I've discovered the identity of the rom you provide. It's not that it's a bad or weird rom, it's the japanese rom. Actual filename should be 'takahashi meijin no boukenjima (j) [!].nes'. I'm not sure, however, if the emulator crashes just because it's the Japanese rom, or because Famtasia just doesn't like the game period. I tried the movie with the japanese rom I had and it played through and didn't desync, but still crashed at 2-4. I haven't tried playing through the North American rom up to 2-4 yet to see. Mainly because I suck at Adventure Island. :> I think your best bet, then, would be to find the actual North American ROM and restart your run. But first play through normally (without worrying about perfection) up to 2-4 to see whether or not it crashes. If it doesn't then you should then start from scratch. If it does, well, you could try the run on FCEU? I'd personally like to see an Adventure Island run, I was never able to get anywhere in the game, myself.
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there is a continue function to help you, see the little bee on my avatar? it's located on an egg just before the end of the first act (1-1). after you grab it you can continue (press RIGHT+START at the game over screen). i think it crashed because of the heavy load famtasia has on my computer, i only have to start re-recording from before that point and it shouldn't encounter any problems. but is there any problem about making the run on the J version? that's the version i used to own, i dont know if there are any differences from the US version
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I don't think there'd be a huge problem with submitting under the japanese rom. From what I can gather there doesn't seem to be any differences in the game besides the title screen (and the fact that fmvs made on the JP rom desync in NA roms.) If that crash was an isolated incident then by all means continue with what you're using. However if it happens again you might want to consider switching roms, or emulators.
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Even if it is long, I'd love to see a full run of this game. I actually own this game and at some point I practiced enough to finish it on the actual console. The level of difficulty near the end is unbelievable. Since there are probably only a handful of people who made it this far, there will really only be a small audience, but whatever. A couple questions: Have you considered doing any bonus levels? Riding the platform and jumping off right away definitely saves time some places and you can sometimes do it with the skateboard. In the first level it might be faster to lose skateboard and do the bonus level, then pick it up again at the start of 1-2. I think you can do level 3 bonus on the skateboard if you slow down early enough. Also, do you plan on sticking with the axes or getting fireballs at some point? The angle can be annoying but it might be helpful to shoot rocks. I think it also kills bosses faster, but it looks like with turbo fire this is less of an issue. Good luck!
Post subject: Re: hell yeah!
Player (246)
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Have you considered doing any bonus levels? Riding the platform and jumping off right away definitely saves time some places and you can sometimes do it with the skateboard. In the first level it might be faster to lose skateboard and do the bonus level, then pick it up again at the start of 1-2. I think you can do level 3 bonus on the skateboard if you slow down early enough.
Oh i hadnt thought of going up and then falling on purpose, maybe it saves time, i hadn't tested it yet (because i knew all that spring jumping wasted time, dumb me didnt think of falling hehe).
TheAxeMan wrote:
Also, do you plan on sticking with the axes or getting fireballs at some point? The angle can be annoying but it might be helpful to shoot rocks. I think it also kills bosses faster, but it looks like with turbo fire this is less of an issue.
i dont think the fireballs would increase the speed (and i dont think they're fireballs, i always thought of them as balls connected to a wire, i dont know the name in english, not that it matters here hehe). i havent come accross any fireballs yet, all the eggs that have fireballs are hidden eggs that you have to jump for them to appear, which would result in a need for a big slowdown. i'll test how many frames i lose by taking the fireballs. i think they would be halpfull to avoid some fruits by not having to jump certain stones, if the slowdown isnt too big it should be worth stopping. i just didnt stop earlier because i thought i would find the fireballs without having to stop.
Player (246)
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tested. the bonus on the first level is not a shortcut because you have to wait quite a few seconds before the plataform appears... and to get fireballs i need to lose the skateboard. i'm playing wonder boy on MAME without re-recording, i got to level 5-2 (real run) i find it much funner especially because the skateboard is much more maneauverable. I heard final burn alpha allows for re-recording? then why arent we making mame superplays?
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Culden wrote:
Awesome, i thought Lezard's run was very interesting to watch, but since his isn't around anymore and the run is on my old computer, i can't watch it. Cheers for giving it a go dude ^-^
i just watched it, it wasnt done by lezard, was done by melfice. my run is much better, it's like he did it at 100% speed with re-recording only in the level-betweens... i could do the first level faster than him on a real NES :S
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Are you trying to humiliate my pal?, you shouldn't look down on old movies, right now, things are not the same as they were before.
G1MM3 4 BR34|C!
Player (246)
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ok i dont know how old is that movie, i'm just stating that it can't be counted as a timeattack as we know, it does look like a legit run to me... :S i'm remaking my movie using fceu now, famtasia is acting weird on me, the framerate is always below 10 fps, i dont know what's happening and i managed to get the fireballs on 1-3 without slowing down to get them, but i had to take a pot bonus which added 220 points at the end of the level. but it makes up on the rest of the movie. the only enemy i've chosen to kill instead of avoiding is the running coyotes, i've chosen to sacrifice 1 frame to get 1000 points, it looks cooler IMO...
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Oops, my mistake, i thought it was Lezards because it was on his site. Lezard is right, the expectations were different when everyone started working on them, its still is an amazing run in my opinion, but i am easily impressed.
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Player (246)
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i've finished level 4-2 on fceu, and i have a tough question, let's see if someone can answer. i've realized that it's a good thing to get the eggplant (that bad guy who drains energy) because then i can get fruits and milk, but that's only to add to the score. but now that i have made 15 minutes of movie, there was one eggplant on level 1-3 that i didnt take, do you people think i should go back and make everything again? it's just score, but it just doesnt look right that on one level i take the eggplant and on the other one i dont... (i took it on 3-4). there were no other eggplants to get, only on those 2 levels. i dont know if i should re-do everything or just keep going. btw, the game is not 13 levels, it's 8. wonder boy is 13 levels. so adventure island should be done under 45 minutes, i guess. here's the wip (fceu with blip patch)
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I would not bother doing the eggplant in 1-3. Besides, if you really cared about points, wouldn't you be killing more enemies? Or does firing slow you down? Anyway, there will be plenty of eggplants later to pick up which will be much more impressive than in 1-3. Have to say I'm very impressed to see the cliffs level and the cave platforms level beaten with skateboard. Some of the later levels are going to be even better.
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Hey FODA, at least have some respect, i find your comments quite insulting.
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Player (246)
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FODA wrote:
ok i dont know how old is that movie, i'm just stating that it can't be counted as a timeattack as we know, it does look like a legit run to me... :S
hmmm i'm sorry if i insulted anyone, but this is not a legit run site, so i dont care who made the movie, i'm talking about the *movie*, not the player. i think you're taking it personally, i'm only talking about the file. // about the game, i've gotten to level 5-3 and still under 20 minutes mark, the game may be done under 37 minutes. maybe it could be published then? i'm doing all i can to make it look humanly impossible (i.e. doing things like jumping or shooting at the last possible frame).
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hmm the game gets even more interesting as it goes on :) theaxeman is right, the farther the better. i've discovered some things about the game, after i'm finished i'll post them so anyone who would like to improve the run can have something to start with. i've reached 7-1 in 25:30 minutes, but 6-4 had a desynch i'll have to remake it. here's the WIP to the start of 6-4:
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damn.... i'm at 8-3 and i feel like doing everything again!!! basically because of 2 things: the movie looks boring and i am such a newbie for not using the frameadvance button! (i realized it while wacthing BoltR's ninja gaiden run). i'll just finish this movie recording the same way i did the whole movie but then i will start over with some completely different things in mind: - record at 100% speed all the time and using the frame advance button for precision. - kill all enemies / rocks before they appear on screen, or as soon as possible, or on the last frame possible. the reason for this is that the movie lacks action the way it is now, and the fact that i found out that releasing the B button for only 1 frame doesnt slow you down at all. and avoiding the enemies isnt as hard as killing all of them. - get best score. i'm not planning on doing bonus levels though, they all add too much time to the run. but getting eggplants is definitely in my plans because reaching the goal with an eggplant on the screen gives 5k points. also, the point count at the end of the level isnt slow at all, sure avoiding fruits is faster, but as i watched the run i got bored, really. - i tried to do fancy stuff after each boss being beaten and i think i did it good enough. i found a little bug at the edge of the screen, if you place half of the character outside the screen and jump, he will go up but will stand on the highest point of the jump as if there was a plataform there, it's just curious, no real use as the only place you can touch the edge of the screen is after the boss is dead. - on wonder boy if you get all pot bonuses you get a 13th level, but on gamefaqs nobody says anything about this for adventure island, i doubt there is a 9th level though. - also it doesnt seem to matter whether you jump off a ledge or if you fall from it, the frame count looks exactly the same (by skateboard), so i will stop worrying about that as i had in mind that in this game falling off ledges was faster. - add some wobblying wherever possible, to break the repetition... - i'm also thinking of getting all hidden eggs. after getting 3 rings, the next ring is a 1-up. finishing the game with 9+ lives would be nice, as i bet few living people have ever seen more than 6 lives remaining in this game. the problem would be that thesehidden eggs normally require stopping to unveal them and then kicking them, the only case that this rule didnt apply was at 1-3 because the egg was on the ledge and i came from under, so it was like a really small jump that worked as unvealer and breaker at the same time.
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8-4 is the last level no matter what you do. I've beaten it on a console with getting every pot bonus, and it still ended at 8-4. And for the amount of dedication it takes to beat this game without 'tools', the 5 second ending totally sucks.
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Yeah, the original arcade Wonder Boy ended at 7-4 unless you got all the dolls, in which case you went to area 8. I guess when they ported/hacked it into Adventure Island, they figured it'd be crazy to try and get 28 pots in one game, so they just made area 8 unhidden :p
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4matsy wrote:
Yeah, the original arcade Wonder Boy ended at 7-4 unless you got all the dolls, in which case you went to area 8. I guess when they ported/hacked it into Adventure Island, they figured it'd be crazy to try and get 28 pots in one game, so they just made area 8 unhidden :p
Wonder boy indeed is the original game, first released on the arcade. What happened is that Hudson bought the rights to the game but didnt buy the rights of the characters and music. So they took the game, inserted their own graphics, characters, music and changed somethings here and there (mostly adding stuff). Sega continued the wonder boy series but the following games have a very different style from that of wonder boy (1).
Player (246)
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ok, I finished the movie, here it is, with savestates to help skipping. the rom is correctly renamed thanx to Spoony Bard. the savestates are as follows: 1 = last fight (spoiler! yea right... the ending sucks :P) 2 = level 2-1 3 = level 3-1 4 = level 4-1 5 = level 5-1 6 = level 6-1 7 = level 7-1 8 = level 8-1 9 = level 8-4 Instructions: open the rom, open the movie, mark "READ ONLY" option, then you can load any state in no specific order, as many times you want. just dont save anything. and remember that if you watch the last fight the movie will stop after the last shot, so you can load the states but the movie is no longer playing, you would have to load the movie again. now i have to take care of my university affairs, i will start over next week. next version is guaranteed to be more entertaining. i ain't even submitting this one. by the way, the movie is 133298 frames long, which is 37 minutes. but there's slow down on many parts so i dont think that's the real time, it would be a bit longer. i've taken note of all frame count for each level. here it is: 1-1 = 3971 (from power on to last point count frame) 1-2 = 3906 1-3 = 3984 1-4 = 4355 2-1 = 4217 2-2 = 3950 2-3 = 3844 (shortest, many forward moving plataforms) 2-4 = 4377 3-1 = 4301 3-2 = 3940 3-3 = 3952 3-4 = 4542 4-1 = 3962 4-2 = 3901 4-3 = 3933 4-4 = 4487 5-1 = 4044 5-2 = 3898 5-3 = 4349 5-4 = 4466 6-1 = 4110 6-2 = 4008 6-3 = 4013 6-4 = 4545 7-1 = 4246 7-2 = 4173 7-3 = 3963 7-4 = 4663 (longest) 8-1 = 4443 8-2 = 4500 8-3 = 4330 8-4 = 3886 (no point count screen, but still not the fastest level) total = 133298 i still am not sure as for the levels length being the same in pixels, but the moving plataforms and the firecamps make it impossible to say that all levels can be done on the same speed.