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Emulator Information

Emulator: Mupen64 0.5
Plugins: Jabo 1.6 (video), TAS Input Plugin (input), Jabo 1.6 (audio), RSP (RSP)
For input, make sure that controller 2 is set to "active".

Run Information

This run beats Diddy Kong Racing by abusing a "wrong warp" glitch. It finishes the game in 2-player mode, after creating the file which will be finished in 1-player mode.
The desired effect is only possible on the 1.1 release of the USA version of the game. 1.0 and the Japanese version both crash when trying to do this.
The glitch happens because the game draws certain things from the tracks mode section of the game, such as the fact that Future Fun Land is open (and this is the case because a file on the cart has already been to FFL once), and using the wrong warp, transfers them over to the fresh file that's created at the start of the run. It's done by creating the new file, exiting it, starting up 2P mode, and going to Hot Top Volcano, where an out-of-bounds glitch can be used to reach a small loading zone by the finishing line which warps the player to the main arena, which normally is never accessible in 2P mode.
The out-of-bounds glitch is done by doing a barrel roll with a speed boost at certain parts of the lava. Once OoB, it's just a matter of locating the small loading zone.
At this point in the run, it's actually faster to play as player 2 to get to Future Fun Land, because he spawns closer to it than player 1 does. Inside the FFL lobby, player 1 is in a better spot. Since you're never meant to have a plane in here, the top of the door wasn't programmed in, meaning we can simply fly over it. The reason I grind very slightly against the right side of the door is because the loading zone for the race can be touched quicker from there.
The race itself has a long cutscene at the start because the game is in 2P mode, which looks like a softlock but isn't. Once the race starts, another out-of-bounds glitch is used to beat the level really quickly, at which point the game is over and the credits roll.
Drumstick is chosen over T.T. because he's faster than T.T. in the plane.

Additional Notes

This run starts from a savefile. It's the only way to do this kind of run, which could be considered "newgame+" or "glitched" or a combination of both. As it requires a completed file to do, it's also acceptable to have Drumstick and T.T. unlocked, which is handy because they're the fastest racers in the game. This is an acceptable category in the DKR speedrunning community due to the fact that the unlocked characters are part of the cart's saves, and not the individual files' saves.
With many thanks to Toufool31, Fasch, Stacy, 0xwas, and malkieriking for critiquing my WIPs and helping to break this game to the point it's at today.

Nahoc: Will judge...
Nahoc: Delaying until author or someone else provides a verification movie.
Nahoc: This is a great TAS, well-planned and optimized. Sadly, its situation ressembles the Stafy run. This game doesn't really deserve a NG+ category. All this TAS does (mainly according to ais523's post) is take the information of a secondary completed file and glitch to the final boss, which is cool, but doesn't warrant publication (not in the vault or moon tier). There is also the fact that the author didn't provide a verification movie, which goes against the publication rules and doesn't help judging the authenticity of this run.
I am looking forward to a new any% TAS of this game if you ever make one, though. Thanks for the submission!

Joined: 1/18/2013
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Jlun's post is gone, but he's still trying to play the "is it meaningful/entertaining" card. Yes, it's entertaining, it uses some interesting glitches, and beats the final boss in the game. It reminds me alot of this:
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LightningWar91 wrote:
Jlun's post is gone, but he's still trying to play the "is it meaningful/entertaining" card. Yes, it's entertaining, it uses some interesting glitches, and beats the final boss in the game. It reminds me alot of this:
These are not even remotely similar.
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LightningWar91 wrote:
Yes, it's entertaining, it uses some interesting glitches, and beats the final boss in the game.
I think it's interesting only insofar as a glitch demonstration, since no legitimate speedrun should use this (unless timing from first file or as a distinct non-any% glitched category). NG+ label is also confusing since the game normally DOES have legitimate unlocks (which only require tasks be completed once on the cart, not an existing save file to pull state data from). In terms of entertainment, personally I'd find something like a RBO (Reverse-Boss-Order) TAS much more interesting for showing this off while also avoiding any category confusion.
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I like Swordless and the DKR runners and this run was pretty entertaining, so I voted yes. I don't like speedruns that require already completed files, but as long as this gets stuck with some kind of "NewGame+" category, I'll be happy. Great job!
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Replicating someone's glitch doesn't imply knowledge of game mechanics or understanding of programming. Anyone can pick up a game; it doesn't automatically imply your posts are useful. To my best understanding here is what may be happening: 1: Completing a trophy race in time trials turns the pictures for that world into Taj's face. 2: Opening Future Fun Land adds a new row to the bottom time trials. These two facts create a sort of "game state" while in time trials. Getting out into the "Time Trials World" has these events completed while having the new game state loaded. It's not exactly "copying a file." It's loading the state of time trials mode as was initialized by the completion file. Worth discussion.
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jlun2 wrote:
Oh, I forgot something: Before people tell the judges to place this in the vault, the vault only allows "Any%" and "100%" runs:
Goal choice is limited to fastest completion time (any%), or full-completion (such as 100% or best ending).
So that leaves it to the moon category. In that case, it would be better off as a playaround or seomthing, not a speedrunning TASing record.
Why thank you for telling us what not to tell the judges. It's nice to know that you find the judges incompetent and not knowing their own rules.
IronSlayer wrote:
Your counterargument would be like me saying that the Earth is round and then you telling me that I need to show it's flat so I can "prove us all wrong".
Seems legit.
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It's an interesting way of completing the game, but I also have to dispute the legitimacy of a TAS that copies data from a completed save file. I remember a similar glitch in DK64 that effectively starts a new game with K. Rool's ship already crashed on the beach by copying data from a completed save file. It's not exactly starting from the beginning if you need to finish the game first. The run is certainly inventive enough for me not to vote no, but I can't justify voting yes either.
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Guys I come from the DidyKnogRacist communite, and you are all wrong, tihs is the run of the mileniun and everyone who says otherwise dosnt know any bater! I found this run vary ease to masturbate too!!!!! Don't fuck with me, I know this game so that mean I'm always right!!!! Stuped fackin community TASVideoz!!!
YoungJ1997lol wrote:
Normally i would say Yes, but thennI thought "its not the same hack" so ill stick with meh.
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So if I understand correctly, the only purpose of the completed file is to unlock tracks in versus mode?
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I am conflicted. On one side, there's no verification movie. That's a clear violation of the site's rules. On the other, it's clear this is not a normal thing to do to the game. And even at the final boss, you decide that the track is not important and leave it, making a mockery of the game's rules. Did I like it? Yes.
When TAS does Quake 1, SDA will declare war. The Prince doth arrive he doth please.
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I'm a bit confused by the methods used. So I don't understand it from that perspective, but the results weren't too exciting so I'll vote "meh" for the meantime.
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meh. If we didn't want the endless parade of new 3-post-morons from some "community" every time a movie is submitted, we should have banned swordless a while ago. If we were concerned about verifiable accuracy, we should have never accepted any mupen movie ever. And seeing as how there's already at least one published sram stapled run without a verification movie, why not another?
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natt wrote:
And seeing as how there's already at least one published sram stapled run without a verification movie, why not another?
The first post there is a trusted staff member verifying that the movie syncs with a different SRAM file he made himself. All that's needed here is for someone to do the same thing.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Nach wrote:
natt wrote:
And seeing as how there's already at least one published sram stapled run without a verification movie, why not another?
The first post there is a trusted staff member verifying that the movie syncs with a different SRAM file he made himself. All that's needed here is for someone to do the same thing.
What? No. That's not true at all. Grunt is hypothesizing that it might work because a partial run synced with a different memory card (which itself didn't have a verification run either). Regardless of his hypothesis, I spent quite a while working with the actual submitted run and its author. He was working on an attempted verification run, but it was NOT syncing against that run's memory cards. Perhaps a solution would have been found (lag frame here, lag frame there?) but the premature acceptance of the submission cut all of that investigation off.
jlun2 wrote:
Mothrayas wrote:
(But do remember the sacred TASVideos rule: past mistakes don't justify repeating those mistakes).
Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Unfortunately, past mistakes don't get unpublished, do they?
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natt wrote:
Nach wrote:
natt wrote:
And seeing as how there's already at least one published sram stapled run without a verification movie, why not another?
The first post there is a trusted staff member verifying that the movie syncs with a different SRAM file he made himself. All that's needed here is for someone to do the same thing.
What? No. That's not true at all. Grunt is hypothesizing that it might work because a partial run synced with a different memory card (which itself didn't have a verification run either). Regardless of his hypothesis, I spent quite a while working with the actual submitted run and its author. He was working on an attempted verification run, but it was NOT syncing against that run's memory cards. Perhaps a solution would have been found (lag frame here, lag frame there?) but the premature acceptance of the submission cut all of that investigation off.
Oh thanks for that info. You're absolutely right, this run really needs a full verification movie then.
Warning: Opinions expressed by Nach or others in this post do not necessarily reflect the views, opinions, or position of Nach himself on the matter(s) being discussed therein.
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Since this is breaking the rules on using a save file I'm voting Meh, why? Well this may seem odd but when I see New Game+ I see it using no save file (see Crash 3 for example) but this tas does, it's interesting how 1.1 is the only version it works on and how the save and player 2 is needed in order for it to work. In my opinion it's unique. Yet again, breaks the rules and I wasn't completely entertained (but deferentially not vault worthy).
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
Joined: 11/8/2012
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Thank you to all the people who handled this situation very poorly(looking at you jlun and all the DKR guys), just discuss the topic at hand instead of insulting each other. Voted yes, though it definitly needs a verification movie before getting accepted.
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I found it pretty boring; player 1 just sits there all the time. I'm voting No, sorry.
I am old enough to know better, but not enough to do it.
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HiipFire wrote:
Thank you to all the people who handled this situation very poorly(looking at you jlun and all the DKR guys), just discuss the topic at hand instead of insulting each other.
Sure. Using LightningWar91's logic, since this doesn't consider the time taken to create the first file as part of the time, then my Starfy run I submitted yesturday should also be considered legit. Also, since my Starfy run also starts off a new file on file 2, and glitches the game to load some of file 1, just like this run, then mine should be published as well if this gets accepted. Finally, like what LightningWar91 wrote, this is valid since the GTA run was submitted. I know that makes not a lot of sense, but apparently, save corruption is save corruption. o_0
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How is every submission by Swordless able to create such a huge drama? What is the magic behind this man? =/
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They're jealous of my success and good looks.
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Eh, you're short, yellow, with a spiky head and no mouth. What's good about your looks? Is your success denoted by your rotation?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
Joined: 5/2/2009
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....whait, I don't get it. What this movie is supposed to accomplish? where does it starts from, where, and goes to the end? Does it involves the second quest? Don't get me wrong, I loved the movie, but I'm confused...
My first language is not English, so please excuse myself if I write something wrong. I'll do my best do write as cleary as I can, so cope with me here =) (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ
Joined: 1/18/2013
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"since this doesn't consider the time taken to create the first file as part of the time, then my Starfy run I submitted yesturday should also be considered legit." So then apply your opinion fairly add the time taken to beat the game to every Newgame+ movie you have. The TAS's of those games wouldn't be possible without a completed first file. "Also, since my Starfy run also starts off a new file on file 2, and glitches the game time of file 1, just like this run, then mine should be published as well if this gets accepted. " I disagree. The first file is there completed only to unlock Tracks mode, in the same way any game with an intended Newgame+ has the first file completed to enable the NG+. It is Tracks mode, and not the first file, that allows the run to be so fast.