Post subject: The Legend of Zelda, 2nd quest
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This topic is for discussing the 2nd quest in The Legend of Zelda, which you can play by either finishing the first quest, or entering your name as "ZELDA". Since many people (including myself) don't know the 2nd quest too well, I'll start out by saying which items you get in each level, which items you need in each level (not including sword and bombs), and the rules for which order the levels can be played in. Keep in mind that since I don't know the 2nd quest too well, I might make a mistake, but I'll look at the maps and try not to. Level 1: Get wooden boomerang, need nothing Level 2: Get whistle, need nothing Level 3: Get magical boomerang, need whistle Level 4: Get raft and magic book, need power bracelet, whistle, and 50 rupees or heart container for old man (does anyone know what happens if you try to give him a heart container when you only have 3? I never tried it, but if it's possible then having only 2 heart containers would be pretty cool) Level 5: Get bow, need raft Level 6: Get ladder, need ladder, bow, and arrows Level 7: Get red candle, need blue candle and 100 rupees or 2 heart containers for old men Level 8: Get magic wand and magic key, need ladder Level 9: Get silver arrow and red ring, need ladder and silver arrows Rules: 2 before 3 2 before 4 4 before 5 5 before 6 6 before 8 9 last Edit: Another thing I forgot to mention is that there's only one 100 rupee cave, and if it's gotten at all it would have to be after level 2. Edit 2: I forgot about the bait, does anyone know which level you need it for? If not I'll look it up. Edit 3: I just looked it up, and you need the bait for level 3, but only if you want to get the magical boomerang, so the bait can be skipped, which means that the only overworld items you need to buy are the blue candle and the arrows, so you only need a total of 140 rupees.
Post subject: editing the posts
Editor, Active player (297)
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You sure love the "edit post" function :) I always see you doing "POST /posting.php" s many times when I observe the access log, but I never know where are your posts because they're just edits and edits don't show as "new posts" in the front page...
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Since this is my first time spending a significant amount of time studying the 2nd quest, it's kind of hard not to make any mistakes.
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After some thinking, I've come up with a route for the 2nd quest. It'll probably be changed a lot before Sleepz actually makes a speed run for it, but I think it's pretty good. By the way, does someone know how the whistle works in the 2nd quest? I'm not sure but I think I remember reading somewhere that it works differently in the 2nd quest. First sword Up+A Level 1 (make sure to get bombs and at least 10 rupees) Up+A Gambling game 1x Blue candle Level 2, whistle 100 rupees from tree Power Bracelet Arrows Up+A Right 2 and warp near 4 Level 4, raft White sword Up+A Level 5 Up+A Right 2 and warp near 4 Level 3 Level 7 Up+A Right 2 and warp near 6 Level 6, ladder Whistle to 4 Level 8 Level 9, silver arrows
Post subject: Re: The Legend of Zelda, 2nd quest
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Michael Fried wrote:
Does anyone know what happens if you try to give him a heart container when you only have 3? I never tried it, but if it's possible then having only 2 heart containers would be pretty cool.
If you give him a heart container you don't lose one, but you are reduced to ZERO life. This shouldn't be a problem for someone who's not taking damage in the first place. This reminds me: Anyone planning a run must watch the video of the second quest over at Arc's. It's swordless to boot. Link to Fileplanet download here
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Don't know if you already found this page or if it's any help: Btw: isn't there 3 quests in the legend of zelda? IIRC there's a third quest before u start allover again...
Post subject: Re: The Legend of Zelda, 2nd quest
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Michael Fried wrote:
Edit 3: I just looked it up, and you need the bait for level 3, but only if you want to get the magical boomerang, so the bait can be skipped, which means that the only overworld items you need to buy are the blue candle and the arrows, so you only need a total of 140 rupees.
Are you sure about that? I seem to remember seeing it used in the swordless quest hosted at FilePlanet. I'm thinking it was Level 8 but I'm not sure. Edit: After looking at a map he had to use the bait in order to get the Magic Wand in Level 8. So you're right, you won't need the bait. You will have to have 2 extra keys coming in, though.
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This reminds me: Anyone planning a run must watch the video of the second quest over at Arc's. It's swordless to boot. Link to Fileplanet download here Can someone watch it and tell me what route he uses? Don't know if you already found this page or if it's any help: It's probably not any help. That might help for just trying to complete the game, but the strategy for a speed run would be totally different. Edit: I just took a look at that page, and it wouldn't help at all. They have you walking all over the place instead of trying to shorten distances. Btw: isn't there 3 quests in the legend of zelda? IIRC there's a third quest before u start allover again... No, I'm pretty sure there are only 2. Are you sure about that? I seem to remember seeing it used in the swordless quest hosted at FilePlanet. I'm thinking it was Level 8 but I'm not sure. I no longer have that file otherwise I'd check it. You could use the bait in level 8 if you wanted to, but there's no point because going that way is a huge detour. You can just take the stairway one screen below the bait room, then go up, left, down, and right 2, then take the stairway, go up, kill the boss, go up again, and get the triforce.
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Can someone watch it and tell me what route he uses? I'm not sure it will help you. Since its a swordless quest he gets the Magic Wand as soon as he can. He goes to 2 to get the whistle then 5 to get the ladder then 8 to get the wand. Level 8 is the first level he clears. You could use the bait in level 8 if you wanted to, but there's no point because going that way is a huge detour. You can just take the stairway one screen below the bait room, then go up, left, down, and right 2, then take the stairway, go up, kill the boss, go up again, and get the triforce Yeah, after I posted I realized that he had to go that way to get the Wand.
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Level 6 has the ladder not level 5. Even if he wanted the magic wand he still doesn't need the bait. You just go up 1, take the stairway, down 2, get the magic wand, up 2, take the stairway, up 3, take the stairway, up, left, right 2, take the stairway, and up to the boss.
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I realized that it might be impossible to get bombs in level 1 (unless you make a 2 screen detour and get bombs from the blue goriyas), so here's an alternative route. Instead of going to level 1 first, you can save level 1 for later and go straight to level 2. Then blow the whistle 1 screen left of the lost woods and play that gambling game instead of the gambling game one screen left of the start. Then get the power bracelet and arrows, then level 4, level 1, blue candle, level 5, and continue normally.
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This was his route: 180 rupies meat blue candle 2 - recorder but no triforce piece secret to everybody 6 - ladder but no triforce piece bracelet arrows 8 (gets the wand) 4 1 5 2 3 7 6 9 It is probably not a very good non-swordless route.
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Now that Sleepz finished his 1st quest speed run, I'm bumping this topic back up to the top.
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I wont be able to get started on the 2nd quest until next weekend. I have a lot of work to catch up on, but Ill try that route you posted if I have any free time during the week. By the way, does someone know how the whistle works in the 2nd quest? I'm not sure but I think I remember reading somewhere that it works differently in the 2nd quest. I believe in the 2nd quest, you can whistle to any dungeon as soon as you get the whistle. Not 100% sure, so you might want to test that out. It would really save a lot of time.
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I believe in the 2nd quest, you can whistle to any dungeon as soon as you get the whistle. Not 100% sure, so you might want to test that out. It would really save a lot of time. If that's the case, then I'll have to make some changes to my route. I'm sure TSA knows how the whistle works in the 2nd quest, so I'll go ask him on his forums.
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I just watched the swordless 2nd quest video, and considering it was made with Famtasia, it wasn't too good. He made lots of mistakes and the fighting wasn't nearly as accurate as in my video. It definitely doesn't deserve a spot next to Sleepz's video in the time attacks section of Arc's page. If he's going to use save states, he should at least play well. I can play almost that well without save states.
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I can play almost that well without save states.
are you still considering doing a pure speedrun of the 1st quest? I've been playing around lately with LoZ a bit, I can get around 2:10 from power on to dungeon 2 triforce, still working on my fighting to improve the time; I'll need to practice the later dungeons more as well, not sure if I'll give the whole game a try, but I really admire the challenge.
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are you still considering doing a pure speedrun of the 1st quest? Yes, but I think I'll wait until the summer when I'll have more time to play before I start trying.
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Michael Fried wrote:
I just watched the swordless 2nd quest video, and considering it was made with Famtasia, it wasn't too good. He made lots of mistakes and the fighting wasn't nearly as accurate as in my video. It definitely doesn't deserve a spot next to Sleepz's video in the time attacks section of Arc's page. If he's going to use save states, he should at least play well. I can play almost that well without save states.
I agree it wasn't perfect, but I was impressed. Maybe I'm going easy on him because he's playing swordless, but I thought the video was pretty cool.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I wasn't impressed at all. If it was played on a real NES, it would have been good because it was played pretty well compared to legit movies, but when I see a Famtasia video, I expect to see perfection, or at least very close. It looked like the video was carelessly made, and while he was making it he probably had the speed set on something like 60-70%.
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I imagine that there are some people, like myself, who play a game on an emulator as if it were the real thing. That may have been the case with that video.
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what kind of mistakes did he make other than fighting? Did he get hit unnecessarily? Guess I'll go download it now...
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I've been dling for the past two hours >_< I want an fmv!!
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Mostly just not being accurate. If you want I can watch part of it again and point out some examples. One big mistake was that he didn't win 50 rupees in the gambling. There were others also, but I would have to watch it again to refresh my memory.
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I did a few run throughs of 2nd quest and experimented with the whistle. This is how whistle works in 2nd quest: 1. All warp points are in the same screens as in the 1st quest. 2. You must finish a dungeon to activate its warp point. 3. Each warp point activated doesn't necessarily correspond to the dungeon level finished, which is weird. For example: Finish L1 - L1 Warp point activated Finish L2 - L3 Warp point activated Finish L3 - L2 Warp point activated Finish L4 - L5 Warp point activated Finish L5 - L4 Warp point activated I think finishing a 2nd quest dungeon just activates the closest 1st quest warp point to it, like for 2nd quest L2, the closest warp point would be 1st quest L3. Now that we have 2nd quest "Flute Mastery", we should come up with a new route that uses warping more efficiently.