-FCE Ultra emulation
-No warps, passwords, or glitches
-No damage or deaths
-100% kills-ish
-I making a speed run of Jaws, it was necessary to kill the enemies fast, as if you don't kill an enemy quickly, he'll simply swim off the screen and reappear from the other side a level up. Each underwater encounter lasts, at minimum, as the enemies are alive, so the faster the dispatch, the better. It is a short game with no plot, and as such, it's hard to make this anything other than a "guy playing the game and making it look easy" type of movie, but at least it's short (4 minutes-ish). Oh, and it is easy.
-Here's were the suggestions after the first submission:
1) Kill Jaws quicker: Done - about 14 seconds quicker. This is the only time saved in the video.
2) Get all the shells necessary from the first encounter underwater: Not possible - It doesn't seem like this level of luck can be manipulated. It will first give you crabs as much as possible before even thinking about giving a multitude of shells. I need 13 to finish the game with a power level of 3 (the minimum required level to defeat Jaws in one encounter) and I can't get that in the first underwater sequence. And unfortunately, the bonus stage can't be avoided after the second. Thus, I predict the game optimized.

Bisqwit: So few feedback. The only one who did reply, wrote positively. The average of votes is clearly positive, therefore queuing for encoding.