Pokemon Yellow Total Control Hack. Reprogramming the game from the inside!

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: vba-rerecording 23.5
  • Reprogram the Game from the inside


I've included a detailed writeup here: http://aurellem.org/vba-clojure/html/total-control.html
The following are the highlights:


Think of pokemon yellow as creating a little universe with certain rules. Inside that universe, you can buy items, defeat rival trainers, and raise your pokemon. But within that universe, you are bound by the rules of pokemon. You can't build new buildings, or change the music, or change your clothes.. There are some games (like chess), where it is not possible to alter the rules of the game from within the game. No matter what moves you make in chess, you can never change the rules of the game so that it becomes checkers or basketball. The point of this run is to show that you CAN change the rules in pokemon yellow. There is a certain sequence of valid actions (like walking from one place to another or buying items) that will allow you to transform pokemon yellow into Pacman, or Tetris, or Pong, or a MIDI player, or anything else you can imagine.


The speedrun (#2913: p4wn3r's GBC Pokémon: Yellow Version "save glitch" in 01:36.95) by Felipe Lopes de Freitas (p4wn3r), beats pokemon yellow in only 1 minute and 36 seconds. It does it by corrupting the in-game item list so that he can advance the list past its normal limit of 20 items. The memory immediately after the item list includes the warp points for the current map, and by treating that data as items and switching and dropping them, he can make the door from his house take him directly to the end of the game.
When I first saw that speedrun, I was amazed at how fast pokemon yellow could be beaten, and that it was possible to manipulate the game from the inside, using only the item list. I wondered how far I could extend the techniques found in p4wn3r's run.
The gameboy is an 8 bit computer. That means that ultimately, anything that happens in pokemon is a result of the gameboy's CPU reading a stream of 8 bit numbers and doing whatever those numbers mean. For example, in the gameboy, the numbers:
62 16 37 224 47 240 37 230 15 55
mean to check which buttons are currently pressed and copy that result into the "A" register. With enough numbers, you can spell out an interactive program that reads input from the buttons and allows you to write any program you want to the gameboy. Once you have assembled such a program and forced the game to run it, you have won, since you can use that program to write any other program (like Tetris or Pacman) over pokemon yellow's code. I call a program that allows you to write any other program a "bootstrapping program". So, the goal is to somehow get a bootstrapping program into pokemon yellow and then force yellow to run that program instead of its own.
How can we spell out such a program? Everything in the game is ultimately numbers, including all items, pokemon, levels, etc. In particular, the item list looks like:
item-one-id         (0-255)
item-one-quantity   (0-255)
item-two-id         (0-255)
item-two-quantity   (0-255)

Let's consider the button measuring program [37 62 16 37 224 37 240 37 230 15 55] from before. Interpreted as items and item quantities, it is
lemonade     x16
guard spec.  x224
leaf stone   x240
guard spec.  x230
parlyz heal  x55
So, if we can get the right items in the right quantities, we can spell out a bootstrapping program. Likewise, when writing the bootstrapping program, we must be careful to only use numbers that are also valid items and quantities. This is hard because there aren't many different items to work with, and many machine instructions actually take 2 or even 3 numbers in a row, which severely restricts the types of items you can use. I ended up needing about 92 numbers to implement a bootstrap program. Half of those numbers were elaborate ways of doing nothing and were just there so that the entire program was also a valid item list.
The final part of the hack is getting pokemon yellow to execute the new program after it has been assembled with items. Fortunately, pokemon keeps a number called a function pointer within easy reach of the corrupted item list. This function pointer is the starting point (address) of a program which the game runs every so often to check for poison and do general maintenance. By shifting an item over this function pointer, I can rewrite that address to point to the bootstrapping program, and make the game execute it. Without this function pointer, it would not be possible to take over the game.

The Run


I start off and name my rival Lp/k. These characters will eventually be treated as items and shifted over the function pointer, causing it to execute the bootstrapping program that will soon be constructed. I start the run the same as p4wn3r's and restart the game while saving, so that the pokemon list is corrupted. By switching the 8th and 10th pokemon, I corrupt the item list and can now scroll down past the 20th item. I shift items around to increase the text speed to maximum and rewrite the warp point of my house to Celadon Dept. Store. (p4wn3r used this to go directly to the hall of fame and win the game in his run.) I deposit many 0x00 glitch items into the PC from my corrupted inventory for later use. Then, I withdraw the potion from the PC. This repairs my item list by overflowing the item counter from 0xFF back to 0x00, though the potion is obliterated in the process. I then take 255 glitch items with ID 0x00 from the computer into my personal items.

Celadon Dept. Store

Leaving my house takes me directly to Celadon Dept. store, where I sell two 0x00 items for 414925 each, giving myself essentially max money. I hit every floor of the department store, gathering the following items:
 |##| Item           | Quantity |
 |1 | TM02           |  98      |
 |2 | TM37           |  71      |
 |3 | TM05           |   1      |
 |4 | TM09           |   1      |
 |5 | burn-heal      |  12      |
 |6 | ice-heal       |  55      |
 |7 | parlyz-heal    |  99      |
 |8 | parlyz-heal    |  55      |
 |9 | TM18           |   1      |
 |10| fire-stone     |  23      |
 |11| water-stone    |  29      |
 |12| x-accuracy     |  58      |
 |13| guard-spec     |  99      |
 |14| guard-spec     |  24      |
 |15| lemonade       |  16      |
 |16| TM13           |   1      |
After gathering these items, I deposit them in the appropriate order into the item PC to spell out my bootstrapping program. Writing a full bootstrap program in one go using only items turned out to be too hard, so I split the process up into three parts. The program that I actually construct using items is very limited. It reads only from the A, B, start, and select buttons, and writes 4 bits each frame starting at a fixed point in memory. After it writes 200 or so bytes, it jumps directly to what it just wrote. In my run, I use this program to write another bootstrapping program that can write any number of bytes to any location in memory, and then jump to any location in memory. This new program can also write 8 bits per frame by using all the buttons. Using this new bootstrap program, I write a final bootstrapping program that does everything the previous bootstrapping program does except it also displays the bytes it is writing to memory on the screen.


After completing this bootstrapping program, I go to the Celadon mansion, because I find the metaness of that building to be sufficiently high to serve as an exit point for the pokemon universe. I corrupt my item list again by switching corrupted pokemon, scroll down to my rival's name and discard until it is equal to the address of my bootstrapping program, and then swap it with the function pointer. Once the menu is closed, the bootstrapping program takes over, and I write the payload....

Other comments

The entire video was played by the computer using bots. I used functional programming to write search programs over different possible game states to find the most efficient way of performing general actions. Some interesting things I developed but didn't use were pretty printing functions to display the game's internal data structures, and an "improbability drive" that forces improbable events to happen automatically using search.
Here are a few example scripts:
 (defn-memo viridian-store->oaks-lab
   ([] (viridian-store->oaks-lab
        (get-oaks-parcel) ) )
   ([ script \]
      (->> script
           (walk [↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← ← 
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  ← ←
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  → → → → → → → →
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  ← ← ← ← ←
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
            [↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓])
           (walk [↓ ↓ ← ↓ ↓ ↓ ←
                  ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓
                  → → → ↑])
           (do-nothing 1) ) ) )
This script walks from the Viridian City pokemon store to Oak's Lab in the most efficient way possible. The walk-thru-grass function guarantees that no wild battles will happen by manipulating the game's random number generator.
 (defn-memo hacking-10
   ([] (hacking-10 (hacking-9) ) )
   ([ script \]
      (->> script
           (deposit-held-item 17 230)
           (deposit-held-item-named :parlyz-heal 55)
           (deposit-held-item 14 178)
           (deposit-held-item-named :water-stone 29)
           (deposit-held-item 14 32)
           (deposit-held-item-named :TM18 1)
           (deposit-held-item 13 1)
           (deposit-held-item 13 191)
           (deposit-held-item-named :TM02 98)
           (deposit-held-item-named :TM09 1)
           close-menu) ) ) 
This script calculates the fastest sequence of key presses to deposit the requested items into a PC, assuming that the character starts out in front of a computer.

Other Comments

The final payload program is multiple programs. I created a reduced form of MIDI and implemented it in gameboy machine language. Then I translated a midi file from [dead link removed] into this reduced MIDI language. The payload program contains both the music data and the MIDI interpreter to play that data. The picture works in a similar way. There is code to translate a png file into a form that can be displayed on a gameboy, and other code to actually display that image. Both the image and the display code are also written by the final bootstrapping program. Even though my final payload is rather simple, you can write any program at all as the payload. The source for the sound and image displaying code is at http://hg.bortreb.com/vba-clojure
This entire project is open source and I encourage anyone who wants to take the code and play around!

Suggested Screenshots

Or whatever you all think would be best.
I encoded the video with/without button visualization here:

FractalFusion: Replaced movie file to fix time (note that the parser works in such a way so that the time listed for a VBM can easily be faked).
FractalFusion: Response is well-received for the new concept. Accepting for publication.
natt: Processing...
FractalFusion: Changed branch to "Executes Arbitrary Code".

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Ilari wrote:
can’t you just delete it from the site?
It has been made abundantly clear that that isn't an option.
oh, has it? probably another idiotic decision of the many this site’s staff does
Emulator Coder, Skilled player (1112)
Joined: 5/1/2010
Posts: 1217
oh, has it? probably another idiotic decision of the many this site’s staff does
More like deleting publications would be an idiotic decision. Just the amount of poo-flinging a proposal to obsolete without replacement (not delete) some bad movies got last time was quite intense.
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that is why democracy sucks, the average person is retarded
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Nice job ALAKTORN.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
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jlun2 wrote:
adelikat wrote:
He was saying he would like to see pong as the game hacked into the pokemon game, not the game itself to be tased.
Sorry, thought he was responding to feos's post. Anyway, in that case, I think that'll lead to an even longer wall of text, so I don't think it'll be worth it.
Well, the submission comments said that those games could be coded in the game. Well, where is it?
If I could have a tool-assisted real life, I'd... Being a novice, I'd probably load the wrong state, have the IRS AI bankrupt me, and eventually make me want to kill myself and redo 11 years of hard work.
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Warp wrote:
Is there any GameBoy game that could fit in the RAM of the device?
... We need to create a console verification for this run to find out (Shotgun not it)
WebNations/Sabih wrote:
+fsvgm777 never censoring anything.
Disables Comments and Ratings for the YouTube account. Something better for yourself and also others.
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adelikat wrote:
As to why it is a moon, it is because it does not fit the Vault. But then again, it doesn't fit Moons either. It just doesn't fit in with the site rules of today, but there isn't a better designation than moon.
Forget a star, or a moon. This run merits a flux capacitor.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Warp wrote:
Is there any GameBoy game that could fit in the RAM of the device?
... We need to create a console verification for this run to find out (Shotgun not it)
Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
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Warp wrote:
Sorry, I didn't quite understand.
Ignore that. The GBC has 32K of wram, which can easily fit some of the simpler GB(non-C) games. Due to differences in code location and lack of interrupts though, you wouldn't be able to use any existing game program as is.
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natt wrote:
The GBC has 32K of wram, which can easily fit some of the simpler GB(non-C) games. Due to differences in code location and lack of interrupts though, you wouldn't be able to use any existing game program as is.
I know that programs made for a handheld console probably aren't relocatable (iow. they probably refer to absolute memory addresses, making moving the program code to another location without modification impossible), but all those could ostensibly be changed, probably even programmatically.
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Mmmhm. It gets worse though; the 32K of wram on a GBC is banked, where as any 32K cartridge was all directly mapped.
Joined: 1/13/2007
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Great idea, but why not a rickroll instead? ;)
Post subject: Battery Fix
Joined: 11/17/2005
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Give it a star! (Pretend that I'm not late.) I've wanted to see something like this ever since back when I was more active. Thanks for finally making it a reality. I would've chose not-ponies, but I didn't write the bootloader either. :)
Demon Lord wrote:
Warp wrote:
I apologize for going off-topic, but... If the save file on a real cartridge becomes corrupted in such a manner, is there a way to reset or empty it so that you will be able to run the game?
I don't know about the old GB, but it was a Nintendo requirement that the game must be tolerant to save game corruption on the DS (earliest handheld I worked on), otherwise it wouldn't get release approval. Now, if the save game manages to get an accurate checksum in a corrupted state, I wouldn't have much hope, especially if it's a Flash-based technology without a battery to pull out.
NES and SNES games are fixable by pressing the reset button about 20 times in 30 seconds. (Not a scientific count.) This causes a power surge which will randomize the battery's contents. Then the game's normal check for a corrupt save should take over. I don't think this is unsafe for either the cartridge or the console. It works on Dragon Warrior 3 and FF6, at least. So if someone bricked a Yellow cart while attempting a console verification then I suppose the fix is to power cycle the GB a bunch? Or remove and replace the battery, sure.
Post subject: Re: Battery Fix
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Catastrophe wrote:
NES and SNES games are fixable by pressing the reset button about 20 times in 30 seconds. (Not a scientific count.) This causes a power surge which will randomize the battery's contents.
What is the source of this information?
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I think Bortreb should draw a dinosaur, then color it :)
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Why did my star go away :( ? Seems like all the pokemon runs got just got demoted, along with a bunch of others.
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Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Joined: 12/16/2005
Posts: 69
Well, this is definitely something else. I find myself agreeing with Zaphod, including a rickroll would have made this more ... marketable, but this is amazing enough as is. Nothing stopping anybody from doing so now, I suppose.
Joined: 3/25/2012
Posts: 7
It completely destroys the game at a point it even got me a little scared, with that black screen and the green game code writing itself. Not a very funny video, but definetly an awesome glitchfest. Good job! I'm really impressed, bortreb!
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I think this is supposed to be categorized as 'playaround', since it didn't aim for fastest time to complete the game.
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You're right. I also added Demonstration, Uses a game restart sequence, Heavy glitch abuse, and Corrupts save data.
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