Post subject: Most excruciatingly long Power-On to Input Start ?
Joined: 10/7/2012
Posts: 2
Or, what games have input-start to input-end frames less than power-on to input-start ? I figure they would not survive the submission process or be better known as the shortest videos on the site regardless of input frames, but still there must be good contenders. .. I recall something where you're forced to watch a movie on first-run but that may just be DVD movie previews !
Joined: 10/7/2012
Posts: 2
never occurred to me elements from an attract / demo might be used in heavy glitch abuse ! happened to read this thread shortly after creating this topic. i was too busy thinking of console examples that i forgot about those long PC engine boot sequences .. though from what's discussed the definition can get complicated and so would relevant examples.
Editor, Player (44)
Joined: 7/11/2010
Posts: 1023
I guess I have to mention #3080: ais523's DOS NetHack "fastest death" in 00:01.15, where the input length is shorter than the game+OS's loading time. (However, the input is done right at the start and stored in the BIOS keyboard buffer, with a result that the input end is before the game actually loads.) This was an April Fool's submission, though, so probably shouldn't be taken seriously.