
Post subject: questions/ problems with FAMTASIA(recording)
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
First of all I'm under windows so I dont know if it applies for Lynix(bisqwit) about this but Id like to ask a question. ok is it me or does this emulator seem quite choppy compared to say VirtuaNES? I can actually recognize that it runs slower than 60fps , maybe like 30? which leads me to the next problem: I made a Rockman3/Megaman3 time attack movie using virtuaNES in December 2003. I found this site a few days ago and it inspired me to make a second version of it to improve time but I understand bisqwuit only takes .fmv format. So I DLed famtasia. Now the problem is I seem to cant do a "1 frame input jump". I use a 1 frame input jump to cancel sliding to reduce time at areas but it seems like famtasia is like 30 fps or something and thus recognizes the slightest tap on a button as a "2frame hold" and Rockman jumps unnessacary higher(and longer) I have some other concerns about this Emulator but the major one is this... any help ???
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You could try turning on autofire and see if that helps. By the way, I'm not sure, but I think Famtasia only shows 20 fps.
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I only use Virtuanes and I'm on windows as well. I've toiled over similar problems with Famtasia (besides the framerate, my fmvs would get broken almost everytime). Its only my opinion but I think Virtuanes is far superior in terms of recording on windows. I would say pick the emulator that helps you make the best run and works properly for you. You could always submit your video to Arc's site (which is linked to Bisqwit's).
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Don't forget to always make backups of your .fmv file often ... because it's happenig often that the movie get scrapped after crashing or get out of sync for unknows raison at the third stage when you juste beated the game (happened too me will I attempted a Contra speedrun, and I think my video was very good because it showed bug and stuff, and all was lost)
My Compu :CPU : Pentium 4 2.4ghz 800fsb with hyper-threading, board : Asus P4P800 Deluxe, RAM : 256mo DDR PC2700 (it suck!), Video : Asus GForce4Ti 128mo, Sound : Sound Blaster Audigy
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If you're video got messed up late in the video, you don't have to do the whole thing all over again. You can just do over the part that got messed up. All you have to do is play the video, and when you get up to the part where you want to start re-recording, save and load, and it will switch from playing to recording.
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Deviance wrote:
my fmvs would get broken almost everytime
Even though my fmvs don't get broken too often, for some reason they get broken very often at the beginning of Kung Fu videos. There have been two times already when I finished the first floor, and I stopped recording and played the fmv, and it was broken. Now what I do is I just play for about ten seconds, and then I play the fmv to make sure it's not broken, and then I continue recording.
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I save my vmv's after each floor, I've only had my video get broken twice with it. Fmvs are different story, even with backups I still have problems...maybe Famtasia just doesn't like me. I wish Famtasia had an Avi converter as well, it would save me lots of time.
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Deviance wrote:
maybe Famtasia just doesn't like me
I think Famtasia just doesn't like Kung Fu.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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thanks for the replies. so assuming that famtasia shows only 30 fps that will explain each input counted as 2 frame hold...if it was 20 frames then 3 frame hold input. Thats a minus to make a near perfect time attack so I think ill stick with virtuaNES. but...Michael Fried and morimoto use Famtasia to record, how can you control your best accuracy if it doesnt allow you to input a 60 frames per second??? >DevianceI also got broken movie files with famtasia too when I was testing it out. recording over a recording precess screws up the file or something.
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bottom line is that it doesn't matter what emulator you use, the end result will be pretty much the same once you convert it to avi form. I've gotten used to Virtuanes and i'm sticking with it ;)
Post subject: Re: questions/ problems with FAMTASIA(recording)
Editor, Active player (297)
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ihira wrote:
First of all I'm under windows so I dont know if it applies for Lynix(bisqwit) about this but Id like to ask a question. ok is it me or does this emulator seem quite choppy compared to say VirtuaNES? I can actually recognize that it runs slower than 60fps , maybe like 30?
Famtasia indeed seems to be hardcoded to display only every 3rd frame - resulting in 20 fps. I don't know why. I don't like it, but as I don't have the source code for Famtasia, I can't do anything about it. :( (And I don't know whom to bug for the source code - Nori's email address mentioned in famtasia's documentation doesn't work.) I would like to try VirtuaNES but I can't get across it: It requires "CDirectDrawDirectX 7.0 greater", and there is no way to install that to Wine. Thus I can not use it, and VirtuaNES movies are of no use for me. Btw, a 2 frame difference (3 minus 1) only counts for 0.03 seconds - it's not that significant. Yes Famtasia sometimes produces broken movies - the most frequent moment of going desync is in the very beginning. I have sometimes used autofire-start to start the game, and found out that the game has went out of sync almost immediately (was happening almost always in Solomon's Key). You just need to verify it before resuming recording. Verifying the recording every once in a while (every 2 minutes of realtime or so) is a good insurance against greater frustration, and it also helps you to spot errors you accidentally may have made when trying alternative paths.
Joined: 3/11/2004
Posts: 191
i have a VERY annoying problem with famtasia 5.1. i play for roughly 1 min - 1 1/2 mins then my game (and my entire pc too) will freeze for around 3 secs then everything will keep going. i dont know why it does this. i've deleted 5.1 and redownloaded it and it still does it. when this happens too if i dont reload before the freeze happened my fmv files become broken. this never used to happen then all of a sudden its driving me crazy. im not sure if you need my pc specs but here they are anyways... amd xp 2600+ @ 2.1ghz 512mb pc3200 ram asus a7n8x-x MoBo ati radeon 9800 120mb
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Increase / decrease the sound buffer size and see if it helps. Also, do not use any other window size than 1:1. (Yes, the specs were good to mention)
Active player (411)
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Bisqwit have you tried with WineX or vmware?So you can try VirtuaNES with them.Vmware need a cd installation of any OS like WIn XP lol or if youre machine is little older win98 can be fine too.But first try with WineX since it have a good support for directX 8.1 I think it can run VirtuaNES but didn't try myself. http://www.transgaming.com/ for more info.
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I have tried WineX without success. I haven't tried vmware, because as far as I know, it's not free. And I have lost my Windows 95 cd anyway.
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Ok I'll test it myself for WineX I'm pretty sure it can work.I need to install Linux first.
Emulator Coder
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There's Bochs, but try as I might, I could never get that thing working.
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I'm not sure whether bochs emulates pentium very well, but what I'm pretty sure is that it isn't fast (enough for that kind of use).
