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In an attempt to make a more entertaining run in the "minimum buttons pressed" category, I ran SMB3 with this goal. I figured this was a better choice than SMB because it has autoscrollers and a more distinct path from the main run. After several attempts and improvements, I managed to complete the game in 235 presses.

Game Objectives

  • Emulator used: FCEUX 2.1.5
  • Attempts to complete the game with the least amount of button presses possible
  • Avoids wasting time
  • Aims to maximize score / kills without jeopardizing the above goals
  • Takes damage to save presses
  • Luck manipulation

The Run

Title: 1 press

I press start at the title screen, but only once the intro finishes playing. Otherwise, I'd have to press start an additional time to skip the sequence.

Title -> 1-1: 3 presses (4 total)

I have to press right, up, and then A to enter 1-1. Pressing up on the map, or any other directional button for that matter, while another is pressed does nothing.

1-1: 9 presses (13 total)

I held up throughout this level just to show that it doesn't affect gameplay. This would be useful if I had to go up in the map again after finishing the level, but that never happens in the warped run. This level was fairly trivial as I was able to boost off of a Paratroopa to the clouds, saving many jumps.

1-1 -> 1-2: 1 press (14 total)

I have to release B when exiting a level to the map as otherwise, the item menu would come up. I can keep holding right, though, to keep moving in that direction. Therefore, I just have to press A on the map and repress B in 1-2.

1-2: 9 presses (23 total)

I get the mushroom here as I'm able to run into a pipe afterwards. This seemingly wastes 1 or 2 presses, but that's better than my best strategy for getting it in 1-1.

1-2 -> 1-3: 1 press (24 total)

Same as 1-1 -> 1-2.

1-3: 12 presses (36 total)

I found an interesting trick when trying to collect the item in this stage. It seems that when you get a mushroom as opposed to a leaf, you can shift Mario's gravity enough to boost off of both of the Goomba's to the next section. Sadly, I need to get the leaf in this stage instead. I found this glitch while trying this.

1-3 -> Sub-fortress: 4 presses (40 total)

Left, down, left, A.

Sub-fortress: 15 presses (55 total)

Other than having to reduce my acceleration at the beginning to avoid getting hit by a light, this is fairly self-explanatory.

Sub-fortress -> Tank: 6 presses (61 total)

I keep holding B from the sub-fortress to prompt the item menu to come up and then select the whistle with A. When I arrive at the warp zone, I have to press B and A again. From there, I continue to hold B as it won't have any affect and I can use it in the tank. I also have continued holding right from the sub-fortress so that I can move to World 8 and select it with A. From there, I go down and right to the tank.

Tank: 21 presses (82 total)

Many of these autoscrollers employ the same strategy: default to running right, try to boost off of cannonballs when possible, stopping temporarily, and using the scrolling wall to get a slight speed increase. I tried to defeat as many enemies as I could within these confines for entertainment purposes. While fighting the Boomerang Bro, I have to press left to avoid the boomerang he throws. This is OK as I have go to the left side of the screen for the item to spawn on the right side of the screen, anyway.

Tank -> Ship: 0 presses (82 total)

I continue holding right from the tank to enter the ship level.

Ship: 17 presses (99 total)

This is probably the hardest auto-scroller to complete. Same strategy as the tank, but with some nice twists. See the subtitles for more specific notes. I only need 3 presses to defeat Boom Boom as if I run into the wall, he will move towards me.

Ship -> Airship: 7 presses (106 total)

I have to go up and press A to enter the pipe. Once inside, I go right, slide down the hill, and then jump into the pipe. Although I have to release the right button and press down to slide, this doesn't waste any presses because I need down to enter the pipe, and I don't need to go right on the map once I exit. From there, I hold left at the right time to cross the panels without the hands grabbing me and go up to the airship.

Airship: 26 presses (132 total)

Same as ship. This time, Boom Boom can fly, so I go left to jump on him again before he starts to fly. This doesn't waste any presses because I need to go left once I re-enter the map anyway.

Airship -> 8-1: 8 presses (140 total)

I go left and enter the pipe. This time, I can't slide down the hill because I need to continue right on the map. I continue holding B and select the star; this will be explained later. From there, I continue moving right, down, then select 8-1.

8-1: 14 presses (154 total)

Instead of taking damage from the Piranha Plants, I'm able to go unscathed thanks to the star. This makes me use 1 extra press (To select the star). In addition, I duck underneath a cannon instead of taking damage twice to simply walk underneath it, using an extra 1 press (I continue holding down from the map, so I merely have to release right). This is necessary because I want to remain as Raccoon Mario, for reasons which will be revealed shortly. After doing some breathtaking Bullet Bill boosts, I jump over the last Pirahna Plant and finish the level with a mushroom.

8-1 -> 8-2: 3 presses (157 total)

Left, down, A.

8-2: 5 presses (162 total)

I use the fairly slow but helpful shortcut underneath the quicksand to save many jumps. I'm able to enter the pipe there without pressing down again as I hold it from the map. Also, I don't start running until I get through the pipes as otherwise, I would run on top of the pipe.

8-2 -> Sub-fortress: 2 presses (164 total)

Continue holding right, up, A.

Sub-fortress: 28 presses (192 total)

I could get a leaf here, but it would require that I waste 2 presses instead of the 1 I used in 8-1 to keep it (If I didn't duck, then I wouldn't be able to get a leaf here anyway because I'd be small Mario). Why I actually need the Raccoon suit will be explained later. To enter the first door, I duck, jump into a block, boost off of a Dry Bones, move under the other block, and enter the door. I could also jump off of the Dry Bones to break the second block and jump again to the door instead of ducking, but that would be slower. The rest of the level is fairly straightforward except that I have to release right to avoid the light in the second to last room.

Sub-fortress -> Tank: 6 presses (198 total)

Right, up, left, pipe (Don't slide), right to the tank.

Tank: 16 presses (214 total)

Same as the airship. This time, however, I need to continue moving right when I re-enter the map, so I have to let Boom Boom fly around for a while in order to defeat him in the minimum 3 presses.

Tank -> Bowser's Castle: 1 press (215 total)

I continue moving right and select the castle.

Bowser's Castle: 20 presses (235 total)

I get to the door in 2 jumps. I would need to use 3 if I selected the star and wanted to kill the Thwomp with it. Instead, I fly to and walk through it. This saves an additional 3 presses as it takes 1 press to fly as opposed to 4 to wall-jump. Although I could have also simply boosted off of the Dry Bones to the Thwomp, I would still need to be Raccoon Mario as I need to be Big Mario to glitch through the wall. I fly instead simply for speed purposes. At the final falling platform, I'm able to run off of it to the next platform instead of jumping. This only works some of the times I've tried it, and I think it has something to do with the collision system or sub-pixels, but I haven't studied it thoroughly. From there, I enter Bowser's room. I stop running at the best frame to manipulate Bowser. Interestingly enough, you can won't take damage from Bowser if you stay still. This allows me to wait around until his final jump, at which point I jump to the door and enter it when it appears.

Lua Script

See this section of my first submission for details on the Lua script used to display the input in the encodes.

Known Improvements

Immediately after submitting, Tompa found two improvements in the sub-fortress using wall glitching.

Possible Improvements

The only thing I can think of on the presses side is that there might be a way to get a Bullet Bill between the two pipes at the end of 8-1, which would allow me to boost over the final Piranha Plant instead of jumping. I don't think this is likely, though. I certainly think my route is good at this point. During my first attempt, I used the wall-jump at the end, not realizing how many presses this would end up wasting. I have since thought it through very hard, and would be quite surprised if I ended up doing the power-up handling wrong.
On the speed side, I'm sure there are plenty of things that could be done faster, especially at the beginning. Two clear mistakes I've notices are that I jumped on the pipe instead of the hill at the end of 1-1 and that I started flying too late in the sub-fortress (I've tested this out and I can save at least 4 frames). Still, this might not factor out to be that much at the end, especially when you factor in the luck with Bowser (Which I might have done suboptimally as well).
In any case, I couldn't merely edit these fixes in, so I decided against re-running the entire game just for them. My primary goal is to find the baseline for presses. Once I find that (It's very likely a viewer will find an improvement or two), then I can focus on. Perhaps a SMB3 guru might team up with me to accomplish this feat just like HappyLee will be doing with me shortly for SMB.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Tompa and bobmario511 for helping me with the glitches in Bowser's Castle. In addition, I'd like to thank Tompa for telling me about the glitch that allows me to not take damage from Bowser. Finally, thank you to all of the people I thanked in my previous submissions for helping me in my quest to establish this category.

DarkKobold: I guess I should handle all of the submissions in this new category.

DarkKobold: Rejecting. See the decision from here, as it applies identically: #3556: Brandon's NES Super Mario Bros. "minimum button presses" in 05:48.04

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Mothrayas wrote:
CoolKirby wrote:
grassini wrote:
but they are not entertaining
Judging by the number of Yes votes and positive comments in this thread, a lot of people disagree with you.
The yes vote counts aren't exactly stellar either.
Especially when you consider that the published runs of this game for other categories have 100% yes votes with 34 and 47 votes total, and that the mario quad run had overwhelming majority yes votes as well.
Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign aqfaq Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign Deign
Post subject: I was entertained!
Joined: 3/25/2010
Posts: 34
For me this was an easy yes vote. It's clear that a lot of skill is used in making the video as well as exceptional knowledge of the game, and it was entertaining to me. Also, the way Bowser is killed is a nice little surprise to anyone who isn't aware of the glitch.
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I think runs of this category are interesting to create, but aren't that interesting to watch, specially for arcade games. Minimum number of moves/keypresses is a more appropiate metric for turn-based games, though.
Player (85)
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Brandon, I thought this was an awesome run. Definitely demonstrates superhuman play in how you saved presses. And was entertaining the whole way through (except for the intro when I thought my speakers weren't working) because I was always anticipating the next press. Yes vote!. With that said, I wondered if it was possible to save a press at 2:52 by jumping off the first bomb and holding A long enough to land on the pipe once the screen scrolls?
Joined: 2/26/2007
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Has this category jumped the shark? [x] Yes [ ] No Still a novel idea, but nay.
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Mothrayas wrote:
CoolKirby wrote:
grassini wrote:
but they are not entertaining
Judging by the number of Yes votes and positive comments in this thread, a lot of people disagree with you.
The yes vote counts aren't exactly stellar either.
I also mentioned the comments. You can't say all "minimum buttons pressed" runs are boring because quite a few users posted that this run was "entertaining" or "very entertaining". Comments are more important to judges than votes anyway.
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TheHepper wrote:
With that said, I wondered if it was possible to save a press at 2:52 by jumping off the first bomb and holding A long enough to land on the pipe once the screen scrolls?
I don't think so, but what would that save, anyway? Same number of jumps either way, just differently timed.
All the best, Brandon Evans
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Clever problem solving is my absolute favorite TAS process/result and minimum presses is a pretty reliable source of unintuitive solutions. I'm a sucker for this type of run. Yes vote.
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While aesthetically at some points.... it sucked... more times then none, this was absolutely incredible to watch! Definitely can see the hard work put into making this possible in such minimal fashion and some of the more clever tricks. I voted Yes! Mr. Kelly R. Flewin
Mr. Kelly R. Flewin Just another random gamer ---- <OmnipotentEntity> How do you people get bored in the span of 10 seconds? Worst ADD ever.
Player (145)
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As the majority of the run consists of horribly boring autoscrollers that look nothing like superplay but more like someone who keeps falling asleep only to wake up just in time for the next jump, a strong no vote from me.
Reviewer, Experienced player (861)
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I didn't exactly mind the autoscrolling levels much, that aside, I thoroughly enjoyed the run and the Bowser fight really was rather neat. The subtitles in the video helped me further understand some of the tricks and the reasoning of the things done in the run and in turn further cements my decision. My vote is strong Yes!
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The thing about the "minimum button presses" category is that it represents a legitimate challenge for speedrunners to be creative about (in my head, it's a nice alternative to "run right for justice"), and it does appeal to at least a small subset of viewers (it certainly appeals to me; I love thinking about this kind of theory). I find it strange that the "sidestroller" SMB1 run was published while this is meeting such resistance.
Joined: 10/20/2006
Posts: 1248
The problem I have with these runs is they seem kind of dull right now as it is. But if we got one of these published and somebody eventually finds an improvement to save like 5 presses (not so unlikely at all over the course of the years imo), I'd be very impressed and excited about that. I guess the big problem is there isn't any real competition yet, and thus virtually no discourse about possible improvements and little community effort involved. I'd give the concept a chance by publishing this run. I have voted meh because I couldn't bear the autoscrollers, but after some thinking I'm now all for publishing this. I'm looking forward to seeing some improvements to this in the future.
Active player (406)
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I thought this was actually really entertaining. Particularly the Bowser fight. I love it when a TAS can end with a bang. It's kind of disappointing when a TAS is really fun from the start but then just gets repetitive or dull by the end. This managed to keep it interesting. Definite yes.
Joined: 9/12/2009
Posts: 42 is committed to providing the best in tool-assisted speedruns and superhuman play (1). Our runs are held to high standards, and only high quality runs (2) will be published on the site. We also prefer quality over quantity — a poor quality run will not be accepted whether it is a game new to the site or an improvement to a pre-existing run. Our runs may not be perfect (if that is even possible), but are still high quality and aim to be as entertaining as possible (3).
1. Check. Some of these tricks required extreme precision. 2. Check. Quality -- just look at the planning in the submission text. 3. Check. Well, at least I thought it was entertaining as it had me guessing what would happen in many levels. Some of the solutions were great. Unfortunately, the some of the side scrollers were a bit of a bummer, but the boring ones were a small portion of the run. Yes vote.
Joined: 4/3/2006
Posts: 269
I watched it thru the entire run, I think it's interesting enough to publish it. The Bowser fight is nice. I didn't know that you can do that. Clearly a bug in the game. Voting yes!
Player (26)
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As before, I don't consider this an interesting category, and to the casual user it doesn't look meaningfully different from a regular TAS of the same game. Voting no.
Experienced player (611)
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if this chimera of epic proportions does get accepted,can it replace the smb walkathon? the run's goals are both restrictive and slow not like i want this to get accepted but gotta ask
TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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Nice conceptual art. Voting yes.
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grassini wrote:
if this chimera of epic proportions does get accepted,can it replace the smb walkathon?
Why would a SMB3 "minimum buttons pressed" run obsolete the SMB "walkathon" run? I don't think your copied-and-pasted comment applies to this submission.
Joined: 10/26/2011
Posts: 7
I found this run quite... refreshing. There's just something about a speedrun beat so soundly that they have no time for "showing off" with fancy patterns and things to keep short attention spans focused. They just sit down. Play it, own it, and move on. Sadly, this run doesn't quite capture that feeling for me. Running into walls is never really entertaining. I merely enjoy the lack of unnecessary movement. I will refrain from voting. I would like to see a more combat-oriented game run in such fashion. Like an RPG or metroidvania style game.
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Radiant wrote:
As before, I don't consider this an interesting category, and to the casual user it doesn't look meaningfully different from a regular TAS of the same game. Voting no.
Did you actually watch it? It's very extremely different from a standard SMB3 run.
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Heisanevilgenius wrote:
Did you actually watch it? It's very extremely different from a standard SMB3 run.
Yes, it is different. It looks like it is not going as fast as it should for some arbitrary reason. That may be "extreme" but not in a positive way.
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om, nom, nom... blech, salty!
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TASVideos Grue wrote:
om, nom, nom... blech, salty!
TASVideos Grue, why don't you just not order french fries? Try ice-cream-cakes!
If I could have a tool-assisted real life, I'd... Being a novice, I'd probably load the wrong state, have the IRS AI bankrupt me, and eventually make me want to kill myself and redo 11 years of hard work.