Post subject: Adventures of Lolo 3
Skilled player (1409)
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After seeing how nice the eggerland movie looked, I thought this game deserved a speedrun aswell. Bag of Magic Food already said he'd make a speedrun of Lolo 3, but I think it'll only end up looking better if more people would try it. After I finished the Lolo 1 speedrun I started on this game, but only played the first 4 levels. I'm replaying those first 4 levels now (currently completed up till level 3-5 and about 80 frames faster than the first time played them), and hopefully I'll pull through and finish all 17 levels this time. The only bad news is that it probably will take a while to find out the fastest possible route for all 17 levels.
Player (177)
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I was just about to make this topic, but I wanted to wait until I had the first 20 rooms done. :b I've got the first 18 or 19 done, so I'll try to finish up Level 3 sometime this week and post what I've done. Then I've got to choose the order for Levels 4 through 7. I'm thinking either 5-4-6-7 or 6-7-5-4. What do you think?
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yeah, i love this game. i don't completed this game but i enjoyed this game greatly. good luck.
I am a Mega Man fan that hates Megaman X8.
Skilled player (1409)
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I think I'll go 4,5,6,7. I wouldn't know why to choose a different route... I think the two you named, and 4,5,6,7 are just as fast.
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Well, I'm trying to work out the discrepancy between where you enter a level and where you exit it. You see, Lolo always ends up below the level and a little right of center when he exits. So we could try to see which order has him getting "boosted" more toward where he's going next more of the time. 24 possible paths... Eugh...
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Okay, I'm almost there. I think I've found the fastest way through 3-9, so I just have to figure out 3-10 and then I'll show you what I've done.
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Skilled player (1409)
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I'm almost done with level 4. I'm a few seconds faster than I was before. I disliked 3-9, because I was about a frame short of finishing faster, but I had to wait for de medusa's to pass once more. If you finish level 3, could you tell me hownmany frames it took? (from the start untill the screen turn totally black after lolo is done cheering in 3-10)
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Baxter wrote:
I disliked 3-9, because I was about a frame short of finishing faster, but I had to wait for de medusa's to pass once more.
Are you sure you're not talking about 3-8? Because I had the exact same problem there.
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Player (68)
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Hey, just wanted to say that I can't wait for this timeattack, please keep it up. :)
Skilled player (1409)
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You're right, I mixed up 3-8 and 3-9... I'm now at 5-2
Skilled player (1409)
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I made a fault in 4-2, it could have been about 40 frames faster, so I have to replay a few levels. I don't have a lot of time to spare, so the progress is pretty slow.
Player (177)
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Yeah, this is really late, but better than never, right? The first three levels Frame count: 30109 Please tell me if you beat any of my level times!
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Player (177)
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Hey, is Baxter still around? I want to compare times now!
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Skilled player (1409)
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Here it goes: My time after 3-10 was 30409, so your time is 300 frames = 5 seconds faster! I watched your movie, and according to the differences I saw I made the following measurements (these measurements van be 1 or 2 frames of): BoMF: Beginning level 1-1: 732 frames After 2-1: 5970 frames After 2-5: 9291 frames After 3-1: 10854 frames After 3-4: 15609 frames After 3-5: 17769 frames Beginning 3-6: 18366 frames After 3-6: 20481 frames After 3-7: 22986 frames After 3-9: 27351 frames After 3-10: 30109 frames Baxter: Beginning level 1-1: 733 frames After 2-1: 5959 frames After 2-5: 9397 frames After 3-1: 10961 frames After 3-4: 15718 frames After 3-5: 17854 frames Beginning 3-6: 18711 frames After 3-6: 20826 frames After 3-7: 23301 frames After 3-9: 27771 frames After 3-10: 30409 frames I think the following can be concluded out of these measurements: Getting to level 1-1: BoMF 1 frame faster >>> this is probably a measurement error. (sliding looks cooler, but it isn't faster (isn't slower either)) Level 2-1: Baxter 12 frames faster >>> This level took me a long time, and still I'm not really happy with my route, but I can't find a faster one. I'm a little faster because I take the upper heartpiece before pushing the snakey. Level 2-5: BoMF 117 frames faster >>> Main reason is the fact you took the heartpiece without pushing blocks in front of the Don Medusa, and I did. Level 3-1: BoMF 1 frame faster >>> this is probably a measurement error. (it is possible that you really are 1 frame faster because we don't take the exact same route) Level 3-4: BoMF 2 frames faster >>> this is probably a measurement error. (we do take completely different paths) Level 3-5: Baxter 24 frames faster >>> I tried this level lots of times and found a way not to wait a single frame with pushing the blocks in front of the ........ (what are they called?) Beginning 3-6: BoMF 260 frames faster >>> I didn't do the 'trick' to skip the sequence with the egg. Level 3-6: Same amount of frames >>> Obvious, because we took the exact same path (must have been sleeping when I selected this level). Level 3-7: Baxter 30 frames faster >>> Can't exactly tell where I am faster (difficult to explain), but I do take a different route. (I always found a way to improve this level a little) Level 3-9: BoMF 105 frames faster >>> Your route is just better than mine. Level 3-10: Baxter 119 frames faster >>> A completely different route. This level has a lot of possible routes to complete, so obviously we had different paths. (can't really explain my route is better; you'll understand). ============================= I'll mail my movie to you, if you want.
Player (177)
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Baxter wrote:
Level 3-5: Baxter 24 frames faster >>> I tried this level lots of times and found a way not to wait a single frame with pushing the blocks in front of the ........ (what are they called?)
Really? You can time it like that? The only thing I thought of trying was getting the bottom heart framer before the upper-right one, and that didn't help. Or can you influence the Almas' movement? It seems to me that the ones in their little prisons are moving the same ways continuously. But then again, I did get the Alma on the left to wobble in the corner once, so... hm... Do zig-zags help?
Baxter wrote:
Level 3-9: BoMF 105 frames faster >>> Your route is just better than mine.
Yeah, like your 3-7, I kept finding little ways to improve 3-9. I must have done half a dozen different paths that I thought were the best until I looked over the movie and said, "Wait, what if I go there then instead?" Even now I wonder if I can improve it still. I guess I didn't do very well at all on 3-7 then, because I was using an even worse path before I consulted a guide.
Baxter wrote:
Level 3-10: Baxter 119 frames faster >>> A completely different route. This level has a lot of possible routes to complete, so obviously we had different paths. (can't really explain my route is better; you'll understand).
This was the one I was most afraid of, since I only started working on it yesterday. What's funny is that I found one other way to do the level, and it was 1 frame slower. I don't THINK I was making any measurement errors, so I chalked it up to either accidentally waiting a frame (unlikely) or some source of lag, probably those Gols.
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Skilled player (1409)
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After looking a little closer, it really seems that you entered level 1 a frame faster. I can't see where you saved that frame. I just replayed the first 13 seconds, and I'm pretty sure I didn't lose a frame, but yours is still a frame faster. Any idea why?
Player (177)
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You'd better send it to me if you want to know for sure. (That would be nice for me, too, as I never managed to figure out how to save that time in 3-5 you were talking about.) I have a few guesses. 1. Pressing Start. I noticed that in this game, you can just hold Start down the whole time to get the game to start, rather than having to press it at key moments. So that's what I did. If you used turbo-fire, remember that it presses the button every other frame, so there's always a 50% chance that it'll go a frame too late for what you want to do. 2. Rounding the corner. Did you make sure to press Up at the very first column where you wouldn't be blocked? You didn't pause before turning, did you? 3. Maybe sliding really is faster! I don't know... One thing I do know, though, is that Lolo's movement in the level intro areas isn't quite 1 pixel per frame. Every once in a while, he moves ahead 2 pixels at once. (It's really obvious when using the sliding trick because there aren't any other sprites to distract from it.) This is probably just a subtle way to speed up a somewhat pointless part of the game, but maybe my sliding trick influences it somehow. Maybe the load time for the level is a little bit randomized and different button presses affect it, too. 4. You measured wrong. For stopping Famtasia at a certain point, I think it's best to go to 2% speed and press the pause button between frames as they're displayed, then choose Stop from the menu and unpause. You could try this first, I suppose...
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Skilled player (1409)
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I'm pretty sure it's none of those things, maybe it's just the difference between famtasia and fceu.
Player (177)
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Wow, this whole time I assumed you were using Famtasia.
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Player (177)
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You've seen skater Lolo; now see twitchy Lolo! (just the first room; this takes a long time to do) So is there still a BIG HUGE WHOPPING demand for this run to be finished? Just wondering...
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Skilled player (1820)
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Just watched your twitchy lolo run. I don't really know much about this game, but I didn't find any mistakes or anything, it looked really good. Keep up the good work Bag of Magic Food!
Player (177)
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Okay... I might try some other routes through the room first, since I think I saw a frame of lag!
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Yay, you go frame-perfect this game!!! :)
Player (68)
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Yes, I've been waiting for this run since someone first said they were making one. Does the twitching save any time? I sure hope not because if it does, there will never be a complete run of this game.
Player (177)
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No, neither the sliding nor the twitching affect his speed as far as I can tell. I'm just throwing off the animation cycle for fun.
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