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I am currently making a movie of this NES game. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to figure out how to beat level 5. I've owned this game for as long as I can remember, but on the actual NES i've only got to level 4, and on the emulator I can only get to level 5. Zurreco has been kind enough to host a save state at the beggining of level 5, and if anyone here can beat this level, I would very much appreciate it if you would let me know how. This is an FCEUltra save state, .fcs, and the ROM used is Time_Lord_(U).nes.[/b]
Joined: 1/1/2022
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Courtesy of Gamefaqs and James Tompkins... Time Lord for NES FAQ/Walkthrough V1.1 3-1-2001 By DDCecil (James Tompkins) 1. Introduction/Updates 2. Items 3. Walkthrough 4. Credits 1. Introduction/Updates ----------------------- Time Lord is a game that Rare made, and I hate to say it: it sort of bites! The bosses can either be simple or pain in the butts, and don't get me started on the other little things! This is yet another one of those "close to my heart games" (Just like Amagon and Hydlide!) that just isn't very good... Onward! *Major Note: For best results, use a Turbo Controller!!!* V1.1 - 3/1/2001 - Added how to get 2 weapons for the final area! (Thanks goes to Andrew Rae for telling me about this!) V1.0 - 1/21/2001 - FAQ is finally finished. 2. Items -------- 10000 - Adds 10,000 pts. to your score 50000 - Adds 50,000 pts. to your score Heart - Adds a 1-UP P - Recovers your HP Orb - You must collect 5 on each level 3. Walkthrough -------------- You have until Jan 01, 3000 (1 year) to beat the game. If you happen to get there, the world explodes, and its Game Over! The days go by pretty fast, so work quickly! Part 1 - Space Station - 2999 AD Boss - No Boss Items: None Start by going left, using the jump kick to defeat all the enemies and pick up the 5 orbs. Watch out for the alien guarding the 2nd orb, he shoots at you! Part 2 - Castle Harman - 1250 AD Boss - Dragon Items: P x 2 10000 x 1 50000 x 1 Sword Start by jumping off the platform and walk right. Jump on the first pillar and jump to the 2nd platform. Pick up all the mushrooms to make Orb #1 appear. Head to the end of this platform. Jump up and down in one place. Is there an orb up there? If not, keep going right. If there is, rapidly jump kick to reach that orb (#2)! Keep going right, passing platform #3 (unless you want to grab the "P" container). Right after that, you should see a present. It's a sword! Grab it. To become invincible, hold down the "B" button while standing still and enemies will go right through you! Keep going right, passing the 4th platform (it's tough to reach and time is of the essence!), also, past the 5th and final platform. Go to the top of the screen. If there is an orb above you, just stand still and let it come to you. After that, drop to the bottom of the screen (Underground Castle). There are 3 pillars here. If you don't have 3 orbs, jump on the 3 pillars to make an orb appear. Head left, killing all the knights. If you see a red dragon fly by, stay in one spot and it will drop the 4th orb to you! After that, head to the extreme left to fight your 1st boss! Boss: Dragon He comes from the left side of the screen and starts jumping back and forth, blowing fire! Go slightly up and down, rapidly attacking him with your sword! He is the easiest boss and dies rather quickly. Part 3 - Dead Man's Gulch - 1860 AD Boss: Man in a Sombero Items: Pistol Rifle 10000 x 1 50000 x 1 Heart x 1 P x 1 Start by going right, jumping onto the barrels and head left to get the pistol that is under the 1st Orb. Go left, jump onto the barrels, and shoot the orb with your pistol to reach it. After that, go right, feel to free to try and get the 50000 above the stable by jump kicking. Head into the 2nd part of town. You'll see the rifle at the end of this area. Feel free to grab it. Jump onto the barrels and go left for a 1-UP. Now go right to the 3rd part of town. Walk behind the Station building and an orb may be right there. If not, keep going right. Pass the part where dogs keep repeatedly coming. You should see an orb moving up and down. Go the right side of it, and shoot repeatedly at it to keep it ay your level so you can reach it. If you didn't get an orb behind the station, check behind the building in front of the barrels to get one. Jump up on to the barrels and go right. Jump kick the cowboy on the right side of the building (it has an orb above it). Now head slightly left of the window, and jump kick up to reach the orb. Go right to fight the nearly impossible boss! Boss: Man in a Sombero: This is the boss fight that can make or break your game! The way to defeat him is to stay behind him, shooting him rapidly with your pistol. And when he turns to walk the other way, jump over and through him and shoot him in the back. Keep doing this repeatedly. It might take you all the way to April/May/June(!) to defeat him! I wish the game had boss meters! If you can't beat him, I say give up now, 'cause the rest of the game isn't going to be any easier! * Note - using a Turbo controller, I made extremely short work of him!* Part 4 - The Dora Marie - 1650 AD Boss: Giant Clam Items: Saber Knives 10000 x 4 50000 x 2 Heart x 1 P x 2 Start by going right, feel free to catch the fish (?) that hit the ground. Fall down into the first hole. Punch the guy repeatedly to kill him. Go left and you'll find a saber. Keep going left, and jump onto the barrels and past this first bell. You should end up at the second bell. You must ring it 4 times in a row and grab the coins that fall the first 3 rings. Jump on the crabs to kill them, but they keep on coming! After ringing it the 4th time it becomes an orb! Drop down and go right. Keep heading that way, passing the 2 orbs that look funny. Climb up the stairs at the end of this part. Go left, and jump up the crates. There will be an orb in this area. Climb above it, and fall while holding right to grab it. Go left, and fall into the hole. This looks like the beginning of the area, but it isn't! Keep going left, pass the hole and grab the dagger and pts. past that part. Now go back and fall into the hole while holding the "up" button to grab the orb! Now go back to the left and grab the other orb that looked funny before. If it still hasn't became a normal orb, try going killing all the red guys and try again. Now go right, up the stairs, left, up the crates, then right to fight the boss! Boss: Giant Clam Quick Note: It took me 32 knife throws to kill him! To defeat him, stand on the far right side of the screen, and face left, repeatedly throwing knives. Most of the time, he won't even hurt you! Part 5 - Front Line Trenches, France - 1943 AD Boss: Big Soldier Items: 50000 x 1 Heart x 1 P x 1 Pistol Explosives Start by going right, and go inside the trench and push against the wall for a gun! Head left, and fall down the ladder. Go right, being careful of the guards. Go tot he top of the ladder, getting the 1-UP and 50000 pts, then go down the ladder a tiny bit, and jump to the right and go that way to a water filled area. You will see an orb going back and forth, turing into a spiked ball everytime it moves. To grab this go back and forth following it while shooting the pistol to grab it. Trust me, it can take a while! After that, climb the ladder, go right, and down the next ladder. You'll see an orb. Pass it, then go up the next ladder. Go right, and fall the down the hole, grabbing a gas mask on your way down. Hurry and go against the right wall for some explosives, then head left and climb the same ladder again. Fall back down where the gas mask was to get the orb that appeared. Now, head left, and go down, then left again to reach the orb you saw earlier. Throw the explosives at it by pressing "B", then "B" again to blow it up. Keep doing this until the orb reaches you. Head back to the very beginning of the area and grab the 1st orb. Now make your way all the way back to the gas mask area, and go right for the boss! Boss: Big Soldier It take 44 Explosions to bring him down. Repeatedly throw them at him, and if he gets near you, go behind him near the orb and keep on throwing them! Afterwards, you are going to the final level! Part 6 - Time Travel Station, USA - 2999 AD Boss: 3-Headed Alien Items: Heart x 1 Blaster Gun Homing Missile Gun No orbs, just make it to the end! See the "R2D2"-like robot runnng around? pick up the stuff he spits out, and he'll turn into a weapon! Go right, holding up the entire time. Once you reach the far right area, climb the crates, and head left, shooting every thing in sight. Jump over the 3 holes, getting a Homing Missile Gun from another robot, and you'll be at the final boss! Boss: 3-Headed Alien Stay to the right of the screen and blast it with the blaster gun. Next, use the homing missile gun to get rid of the floating heads. Good Luck! Afterwards, you get a nice (bleh.) ending screen for all your troubles! (And get to enter your initials!) 4. Credits ---------- Special thanks to Andrew Rae for telling me about the weapons on the final area! Not to mention everyone at GameFaqs and you for looking at this guide!
Former player
Joined: 5/22/2004
Posts: 462
Yes, I've read that FAQ all the way through. If it would have helped me, I wouldn't be asking the here for help :P I always go to GameFAQs if I get stuck.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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so what part are you not
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The part I don't understand is that I do exactly what the walkthrough tells me to do and the thing which it says will happen doesn't. Specificaly, I can't get the explosives in level 5.
Joined: 1/1/2022
Posts: 1716
I shall attempt to get past level 5 for you...I started playing the game and found it somewhat interesting..considering it is a lot like one of my favorite psx games time commando, in how you travel through various time periods getting weapons specific to those periods...ever try that one out? Anyways, I will post my results if I manage to figure level 5 out...
Joined: 1/1/2022
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you are right, the strategy guide is bs for level get the explosives all you need to do is catch the boxes from the parachutes that fall until you get grenades, then use one single grenade on the orb, which will bring it close enough for you to jump to..then go to the beginning of the stage, then the end...hope that helps...
Former player
Joined: 5/22/2004
Posts: 462 Here's what I have so far. Only 1 level to go after WW1. I have no idea why I haven't finished it yet. Feel free to comment if you must.
Player (71)
Joined: 8/13/2004
Posts: 205
there's a lot of randomness in this shitty, shitty, shitty SHITTY game. i'd love to see the completed run just becuase this game is a hard piece of crap that no normal preson can beat due to the randomness, poor controls, bad design and insane difficulty.
Post subject: Time Lord Timeattack
Joined: 5/9/2005
Posts: 7
I was wondering if anyone would mind doing a timeattack on the game, Time Lord, for the NES. If I remember correctly, it was a bitch of a game, and im pretty sure the goofy enemies and such will provide with a somewhat entertaining video. I personally have never gotten past the third stage... even while cheating. The game was really hard, yet fun, and i'd like to see someone totally rape it. thx
Ambassador, Experienced player (708)
Joined: 7/17/2004
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Yes, I was also never able to beat level 3, but I know someone posted a movie which made it to the fifth level. Searching, I can't seem to find the thread, it has been quite a while since I saw it. And yes, in the movie it seemed like that boss was a bit easier than you'd think.
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Found it. Locking this topic. [EDIT by Bisqwit. Nope, instead merging with the existing thread.]
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Wow, someone wants this movie :P I might continue it one day...
Joined: 3/17/2005
Posts: 67
I had this cart when I was a kid, and loved it even though it was insanely hard. I think the hardest part is the mexican boss in the western stage. I've personally made it to level 5 once (barely), and level 4 a couple times, all on the cart. I'll definitely watch this one when it's done! :)
Joined: 3/17/2005
Posts: 67
Just watched your partial movie - great work so far! Except for the fooling around on level 5 anyway. :) Additionally, there's almost certain to be a bug in this game to get him to walk faster. Since he walks so much faster diagonally than he does horizontally or vertically, there's probably a bug similar to the wobble walk bug in Zelda 3. Could chop some significant numbers of frames off there.
Joined: 3/24/2006
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It looks like any WIPs of this game have dropped off the face of the planet. Anyone care to rehost?
Experienced player (874)
Joined: 11/15/2010
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Looks like previous runs on this game have been abandoned, but I'm interested in picking it up. I feel like this is a terrible game with a fairly good engine, which is what attracted me to it I think. I did a quick and dirty run through just to get to the end and try it out. It came out around 27 minutes, but I think a real run would be closer to 10 minutes. If anyone has any info on tips, abuses or glitches please let me know. About the only thing I've found so far is that the hit detection is abandoned when you attack, meaning you can use attack to avoid getting hit.
Joined: 5/31/2013
Posts: 1
I noticed in this video that you can get the hovering orb in level 4 with throwing knives. Would this be faster than the current approach in the TAS? Obviously you need to get the throwing knives first, but you need to go up those steps twice anyway, so you can just get the orb the second time around.