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This submission uses the FCEU (Blip) emulator, most specifically due to the fact that other NES emulators randomly crash...No cheats whatsoever were used in the making of this movie...Programming error wise, I showcase one of the kewlest glitches I have ever found in an NES game, one that is extremely difficult to pull off...It may appear easy, but it certainly is not...It can literally take hundreds of tries or more for the average gamer to pull off, that is if they get lucky...This wonderful glitch has to be seen to be believed, and it occurs at the very end of the film, to wrap it up nice and tight...And, also do not miss the magical spike jump glitch...Anyways, I have decided to do this game Excitebike style (just one single stage, in this case stage one), whereas it is more impressive and interesting to watch as a teaser rather than as a whole...Strider, as you may already know, is a great Metroid-esque action-platformer game...It is my personal favorite NES title...Sadly enough, two major drawbacks to the game are constantly having to do the same stages over and over and over again, with the nail in the coffin being fighting the same exact boss over again and again and again...Sure the game is very fun to play, but it certainly would not be very enjoyable to watch after seeing stage one for the 4th, or even 5th take damage on purpose in one area of the first stage...that is after I receive a disc, and use the slide maneuver to quickly get out of their as optimally as I can...I do not think anyone could really do the first stage faster than me, especially with this game having some of the worst play control in any game ever made...You can jump in the air..and be knocked back to the ground just being next to certain ledges...I believe this, my first time-attack playaround to be a very fun to watch effort...that will not be a regret to those who take the few minutes necessary to watch it...And, remember that fantastic glitch I do near the end of stage one...I make it look sooooooooo easy to do...But, trust me, it is not easy in the least bit...:) Enjoy the movie...more to come in the future if this one works out...

Phil: Incomplete=rejected.

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #361: KMFDManic's NES Strider in 02:38.77
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I don't understand why you submitted a 'teaser' video. If the game has a defined ending, why didn't you play through it? From what I saw, the movie looked like someone playing with savestates, and not someone who was playing wtih planning and slowdown.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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You obviously did not read my explanation of the game being not very fun to watch due to the same bosses reappearing over and over again in the same stages over and over again...And, also that this is one of the games that is harder to make a time attack of due to all the nes emulators randomly crashing while making the movies... I did plan out the level well in advance, since various tricks work best in certain places...Guess we shall have to see what others think, I will definitely not be offput by one individual...:) But, thanks for the critique...
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KMFDManic wrote:
I would just love to see you do better than I have done in my submission
That's not the best ethos to be going around with. I never said you didn't use rerecords, I said it didn't look like you used precision. I also never said I could do better, I said it didn't look perfect. Don't take stuff so personally. I did read your submission's text. Just because you think that a game is boring due to boss fights doesn't mean that a timeattack shouldn't encompass the whole movie. Also, since you chose FCEU, as you stated, mostly for the fact that it doesn't crash while playing, your saying that "this is one of the games that is harder to make a time attack of due to all the nes emulators randomly crashing while making the movies" is irrelevant. edit: Sorry to be an ass about this, but... Taking you up on your challenge, I decided to see if your movie was indeed as fast as you say. Here is a little demo I threw together a few minutes ago. I calculated the time it took for us to get to the general.. guy person, in frame count. While your movie took approx 7341 frames to get there, my movie reaches him in the 7200 range (I didn't feel like getting the exact number, I closed FCEU after I noticed I hadn't reached 7300 yet). That means that your demo isn't perfect. Also, you managed a wall jump on the first upwards corridor that I couldn't figure out. If I had known that the slide was available from the beginning (I have never played this game before), I would've used that a lot more. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take this as constructive criticism and nothing more. I don't take being challeneged as well as I should.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I really fail to see the point in this movie. A strider glitch-showcase? Okay, the glitches were well done, but this movie doesn't play through the game at all. I really doubt I would like to see a Metroid run which stops after defeating Kraid or so. And as Zurreco proved, it's not perfect. Still it's got potential all right, and I would like to see a full run and decide after that if the game's any good for speedrunning. And please do something about your text, it's quite hard to read as it is.
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Showing a glitch is nice, but using it to save time is what's important. If you can do that thing to get somewhere faster, then you've got something. I have to question your optimization of time. Hiryu can attack while running, so you shouldn't have to stop to kill any guards. Either slash them before they jump, or slide when they jump. Don't stop to point your sword up. Also, as repetitive as it may be, I think a complete run should be submitted.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I have attempted the entire game, but kept having the movie crash when trying to rerecord at various points (as per my topic in the NES videos section, no matter which emulator I used...consistent crash points...From that topic alone, you might notice not many people showed interest in even seeing the game done, basically sealing my decision to avoid wasting time on something noone really wanted to see anyways)...I do, however, apologize for the high attitude about it...But, this is meant mostly as a playaround (with the movements I make within that playaround optimized to look as neat as I can), whereas I spend more time goofing off...Jumping to slash enemies doesnt look very kewl, that is why I avoid it...Also notice how I duck underneath one enemy...The way the game's programming is, you can sometimes be almost a half an inch away from an enemy and still have them damage you on their way down...In the past, topics i've seen of strider have had general consensus stating that noone really wanted to see the entire game beaten due to the repeat nature...same with metal gear...And, I guess noone noticed that Excitebike submission is also not the entire game...That was my standard for this movie, just like courts have precedence...I merely wanted to showoff things that made Strider a cooler game than most people have thought it to be...And, I know I did a very good job in that...It does take precision to do a majority of the jumps I pulled off...especially the very last slide jump...As a final note...the only thing you should truly take into account when judging this submission is if it is enjoyable...Like the Excitebike one when the bike jumps through the top of the screen, I might add...:) So, please try to see the attack in that light...They both have the same exact glitch...persay...If this one makes it into the groove, I see many other great time attacks in the future...
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what is it, an unfinished movie. this movie is slow, boring to watch and bad played. terrain elevations can be done fast jumping, but you jump. i voted no. take time for accure this speedrun. thanks for your time. //julianch
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Sadly enough, two major drawbacks to the game are constantly having to do the same stages over and over and over again, with the nail in the coffin being fighting the same exact boss over again and again and again...Sure the game is very fun to play, but it certainly would not be very enjoyable to watch after seeing stage one for the 4th, or even 5th time...
The way I see it, if a game has these problems, it's best to just not bother with it at all instead of just playing a portion of the game. And I agree, Strider is pretty slow and repetitive, and all the intermissions and text parts which can't be sped up don't help much. This really isn't a game that anyone should go through the trouble of making a speedrun for, especially since its play control makes it very difficult. It was a pretty bad game, wasn't it? One of those games you look back on and wonder why it was popular... The El Viento TAS is the only decent thing I submitted here.
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It can be done, it's just hard. If a game is hard to control that's all the more reason to do a time create the illusion of a well-played game. There's a full-runthough in this topic: ...which isn't good enough to be submitted but it's a good point of discussion at this point.
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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Again, some of my friends swear they found a video on Suprnova that showed Strider warping directly from the second stage to the last one. We should put our efforts into finding out how to do this... -Josh
but then you take my 75 perchance chance of winning, if we was to go one-on-one, and then add 66 and two-thirds ch...percents...i got a 141 and two-thirds chance of winning at sacrifice
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You're gonna need some sort of proof or evidence that it's even possible before we go putting our efforts anywhere. Besides, Cheez has done a 24 minute run of the game pretty well, and he is working on a finalized version of it. I don't see why everyone is complaining that this game will be boring and take too long to be of any merit.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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well those 2 drawbacks mainly affect the game in the way of making it not very watchable...Obviously, if you were to do a ton of tricks and glitches similar to those that I did, then it would be more fun to watch...I realize I have nowhere near the patience and time to plan such excellent time attacks as I have seen Phil and Genisto do...The Mario 3 one would be pretty much of unheard of from me since I am not much into hop and strictly like my games to be pure actioners...It would rock if I at least enticed one of the better movie makers here, (who can figure out how to do this movie without it crashing constantly like it did for me) make the submission...24 minutes is pretty damned good considering the nature of the horrible play control...I figure around 18-19 the very best possible, and possibly even less if the wall launch glitch were used in the way of warping such as Josh states it has been done...It is definitely feasible...Just play the game yourself and watch in the Eqypt state how headache inducing the scrolling is as you move uphill...I don't know if Capcom was in a hurry or what...But, it is some of the worst scrolling I have ever seen in any videogame period... But for those who may try to do this time attack, or those familiar with keeping the movies from crashing during rerecords,,,I think the first stage should be done somewhat similar to mine, but to the point to where directly after you do that launch glitch, your energy points are low enough so that you can triangle jump directly above upon the end of the glitch and die immediately on the closest enemy...Where my movie ends, it is possible to do this...I've tried to resume movies, and found the previous version either corrupted or overwritten...I may be missing something, but then again...First time I ever attempted to rerecord at all has been less than 2 weeks ago...So, it is still all new to me...:) Again, thanks for all the criticism...I just hope my objective of inspiring more interest in this game has worked...Sort of interesting, as a final those who voted for the video did not those who voted negatively did...
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Goal accomplished...Cheez was able to do a time attack of this video without crashing...:) I was very thoroughly impressed with his work, and can only imagine what the final submission will be like...He did several optimizations I would not even have thought of...Basically leaving my time attack- only impressive for the final launch jump glitch...I no longer believe it should be published...I would much rather see the fruits of Cheez's labor...and, I definitely thank him for bringing my vision to life on my absolute favorite NES game of them all...Now, if only he could implement the wall launch jump trick at least once or twice in his attack, that would rock...
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If this movie is entertaining to watch, it is worth publishing. We do have a "is a demonstration" category for movies like that.
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well, it is entertaining to the effect of showing the glitches I state...The final glitch is as stated extremely difficult to pull off...So, it is something unique in itself...:)
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I've been playing Strider off and on for over 15 years now, and I have never ever seen a glitch like the one you do at the end. I voted yes because I found it unique and original.
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Well, there are some problems: 1) At the beginning, you choose to stop and kill the enemies jumping over your head - you can keep walking to avoid damage. 2) You didn't jump over the first hill you come to, which saves time. 3) When you drop down to the area with spikes, you can keep jumping fast enough to keep the flying enemy in front of you so you don't need to drop down on top of the spikes. 4) You didn't skip disk one, which isn't required anywhere in the game. 5) You didn't die after getting the key (which is necessary for a fast time, along with many other places in the game). 6) The glitch doesn't really seem useful where you've used it. 7) It isn't anywhere near done. Sorry - voted no. Finish it up - you obviously have the skills. If you're having a problem with FCE crashing (which is the reason I've never done a run for the game), switch emulators or stop recording after each level, back it up, and begin again where you left off. It might take a while (especially later in the game), but this level of patience is sure to make a great video.
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cheez has already undertaken the full run of the game, so I am fine with leaving this attack to showoff the few glitches I do...As stated several times already, this video was more of a optimization at points where I could have gotten through a bit faster, I neglected to act upon simply due to them not looking as good...Not too many games have a weapon that you can stab upwards while enemies jump overhead...So, that was something I felt would appear interesting to behold...
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This has already been covered in previous posts, but I hate to vote "No" and not explain why. I just think a movie should play the whole game.
TASing or playing back a DOS game? Make sure your files match the archive at RGB Classic Games.
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this reminds me why i hate the nes strider....ugh
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to KMFDManic: In my opinion one of the objectives of a good time attack is make to look his movements really hard to do.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!