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Sorry for the new post, but I'm making maps of this game. To anyone who's concerned, should I make maps of individual rooms if there's nothing there? Also how should I label the items? Currently, for cards and combos, I simply use a pic to indicate that its there. Should I also title them? Finally here's a sample map of the Gringotts area. Thoughts? Edit: Since it was asked, default deck (before able to pick) is "Gulliver Pokeby" Also, I believe it may be beneficial to make a spreadsheet of cards, ids and names
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For the wizard cards, if label them, you would have to specify what each card could be since they differ for each deck that you choose, same thing for the combos. Also I am pretty sure that every room has at least one item that is able to picked up, just not always useful.
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah" Here's what I found using cheats to get tons of cards and change my deck. Chocolate Frogs amount - 0x6053 (WRAM) Game State - 0xFFD2 (System Bus) 1. There are 101 cards in total 2. Every deck has 26 cards that can be found inside Chocolate Frogs; these may overlap 3. 16 Cards CANNOT be found inside the Chocolate Frogs 4. To answer the above, certain stores like the Wand Shop appears when I checked to be devoid of items, but I could've missed things. 5. If anyone's interested, change game state to 0x0A to change decks. Make sure the game's paused, or else after choosing you get warped to 0,0 6. If you changed the game state to 0x44 and warp to other areas before you recieve your wand, no enocunters will occur, even with (most) bosses.
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SuperMonkeypotato wrote:
For the wizard cards, if label them, you would have to specify what each card could be since they differ for each deck that you choose, same thing for the combos. Also I am pretty sure that every room has at least one item that is able to picked up, just not always useful. How is it now? I can't find any items in the Book Shop, Robe Shop, Wand Shop and Broom Shop. I think the text obscures too much in small rooms, but I have the original textless maps that I can upload if needed.
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That is good. My question is that you said there were 16 cards that cannot be gotten from chocolate frogs, do you which ones those are?
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SuperMonkeypotato wrote:
That is good. My question is that you said there were 16 cards that cannot be gotten from chocolate frogs, do you which ones those are?
It's in the spreadsheet, but in case the link dies: Paracelsus - Alchemy Honouria Nutcombe - Charms Quong Po - Charms Morgan le Fay - Curses Carlotta Pinkstone - Protection Cornelius Agrippa - Divination Mopsus - Divination Blenheim Stalk - Divination Merlin - Generalist Harry Potter - Generalist Cliodne - Healing Wilfred Elphick - Healing Queen Maeve - Hogwarts Musidora Barkwith - Musician Bowman Wright - Quidditch Circe - Transfiguration I know for a certain Circe and Harry Potter are story related, with the latter from the last scene, but not sure of the rest. Edit: Not related, but it turns out while there's 3 addresses for a single enemy's HP, only 1 of them actually affects anything if changed. It's 0x5436 in WRAM (for the first enemy slot). It's a 4 byte address that's basically the enemy's display HP address value multiplied by 256. Edit2: Platform 9 3/4 contains Honouria Nutcombe, Morgan le Fay, Mopsus and Bowman Wright depending on your deck. Hogwarts Dungeon 1 contains Carlotta Pinkstone, Cornelius Agrippa, Paracelsus and Paracelsus again depending on your deck. 0x6570 - 0x6576 in WRAM contains the card combo's obtained as binary flags.
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Boy at Gringotts If you chose Justus Pilliwickle deck Foilio Triplicus -Deflect -Poison Immunity Cards -Wendelin the Weird -Carlotta Pinkstone -Flavius Belby -Chauncey Oldridge If you chose Gulliver Pokerby deck Foilio Triplicus -Sickle Seek -Summon Umbrella Cards -Cassandra Vablatsky -Uric the Oddball -Mirabella Plunkett -Thaddeus Thurkell If you chose Gregory The Swarmy deck Foilio Triplicus -Snitch Seek -Conjure Snack Cards -Hesper Starkey -Roderick Plumpton -Andros the Invincible -Thaddeus Thurkell If you chose Merwyn The Malicious deck Foilio Triplicus -Drone -Tempest Cards -Gideon Crumb -Kirley Duke -Orsino Thruston -Merton Graves The bolded card is unobtainable from chocolate frogs. I also realized something curious. If you chose Merwyn The Malicious, he gives you "Drone". But if you chose Gregory The Swarmy, you find "Drone" later in Hogwarts Dungeon 1 after the lake. I suspect these redundancies also appear when the boy gives you combos later at Hogwarts shop. A 100% therefore might not be as straightforward as "beat the game 4 time exactly the same way" then.
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah" Same document as before, but this time, I color coded the card group names using the same color as the background in game. Also I added a sheet for the Foilio Triplicus. It turns out Leopoldina Smethwyck, Hengist of Woodcroft, and Montague Knightley are never used in any combo. :P I also noted down every card the combos use, and which cards they destroy. I'm not sure how useful that might be, but just in case I guess. Bit 0 is far right bit, and 7 is far left.
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if can help you there was a guy playing around memory stuff in the game. Harry potter stuff btw, you think is possible to skip the minigames?
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Gand988 wrote:
if can help you there was a guy playing around memory stuff in the game. Harry potter stuff btw, you think is possible to skip the minigames?
I'm aware of that, but thanks. Also, after messing around with the frog, I believe the glitched item is actually a drop from it. When it appears, it will say it gave a card drop, but sometimes rather than a card, it gives that item. Also the glitched item's effects and text changes during battle by opening the items menu, closing then reopening. Edit: I managed to exit battle by changing the game state to 0xF once, but it wasn't recorded. :/ Edit2: Link to video :) Anyone good at GBC debugging? I'm trying (and failing) to figure out how does it affect the address FFD2 to change the game state during battle. Please help. Edit: If anyone cares, maps are done up to everything from Diagon Alley area (including shops without items), Pre-Hogwarts areas (dungeons and train), Hogwarts ground floor area (including potions/secret dungeon) and Outside Hogwarts (including entire Forbidden Forest, Hagrid's Hut, Greenrooms). Links are the same google one as before.
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this guy post another video about some glitches. some maybe are useful, but i'm not sure :P Link to video
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah" Example Floor 1 Hallway map. I'm not sure if this would end up being too cluttered with labels, but it would be harder to navigate without those as reference. Labels use names taken from the "Cheat Mode" menu.
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wow man, are you checking every single pixel or did you find a way to say items in the map?
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Gand988 wrote:
wow man, are you checking every single pixel or did you find a way to say items in the map?
Smashing "A" all over the place, sadly. Also, it appears my google link broke, so here's the new one with the other maps: If the link dies again please let me know.
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Do you know if you are able to walk around Percy before you go into the sorting? Would be really nice to not have to waste over a minute in the Great Hall.
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SuperMonkeypotato wrote:
Do you know if you are able to walk around Percy before you go into the sorting? Would be really nice to not have to waste over a minute in the Great Hall.
I did try that. Using cheats and changing 0x0328 in WRAM to skip Percy, I found out while the shortcuts work and the students all hang around, the game won't proceed; Peeves won't appear at the first floor and talking to the fat lady at the 7th floor does nothing. On an unrelated note, since I know completing certain objectives gives card combinations, I compiled a list of said objectives that do (in images): Number 6 - 23 gives new card combinations from the kid at the 5th floor stoor. I have not checked if it's the same regardless of initial deck, but I do know that number 23 (Harry Potter card and combo) only appears if Gryffindor wins. It's handed to you as well, costing time. I believe this may mean that it's faster in an any% for Gryffindor to lose, but I need to check just in case. Finally 4 minor glitches: 1. The owl minigame, just like chasing Malfoy, can be lost and still count as "won". 2. The owl minigame is always during the day, even if you entered it during night right after the forbidden forest. 3. After leaving the forbidden forest, if you death warp then go downstairs, McGonagall will walk up towards you, then walk back down for no reason. 4. You can farm an infinite amount of house points really slowly. During Snape's class, obtain a pair of fangs, then go to Hagrid's Hut. After the dialogue, immediately leave and head to the Greenhouse. Talk to the teacher outside about capturing snakes, and she'll give you 1 house point. Go back to Hagrid's Hut and repeat above. Very terrible method, and not worth the time.
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I figured that skipping over Percy would not update the quest flag, that sucks. So that is like when we warp to Forbidden Forest from train. For the stuff given if Gryffindor wins, that does not matter for RTA since the run ends after clearing the experience screen after Voldemort, but I guess for a TAS it would be. The only problem with that though is you would have to hit the Malfoy cutscene up to dropping of Norbert, since that would be the only way to lose using the current route, and that is 15 seconds.
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jlun2 wrote:
Number 6 - 23 gives new card combinations from the kid at the 5th floor stoor. I have not checked if it's the same regardless of initial deck, but I do know that number 23 (Harry Potter card and combo) only appears if Gryffindor wins. It's handed to you as well, costing time. I believe this may mean that it's faster in an any% for Gryffindor to lose, but I need to check just in case.
1. I made a mistake; Seem's there's 24 events instead, and events 2,3,4,5,6 and 17 don't give new combinations. 2. Here's the list; it's the same sheet as before with the 3rd one being the card kid. 3. In case the link does not work, here's an image of it 4. As you can tell, there's tons of overlaps. I'm not certain yet, but I believe only the last one listed is actually exclusively given rather than found. I know it's not from the kid, but it's mentioned in the interface, so... 5. What deck you're using is 0x0E03 in WRAM.
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Location: ̶C̶a̶n̶a̶d̶a̶ "Kanatah" All maps are done now. This also includes the original GIMP .xcf files for unlabeled maps. Also here's a code for changing card deck on the fly as well as displaying how many cards you have: Download carddisplay.lua
Language: lua

memory.usememorydomain("WRAM") --function for checking an input with how many frames to delay function inputdelay(inputs, delay) local is = input.get() local start = false if inputs ~= nil and (is[tostring(inputs)] ~=nil) then --console.log(is) --debugging while (delay > 0) do emu.frameadvance() delay = delay -1 end start = true return start end return start end local Deck = {'Gregory the Swarmy','Justus Pilliwickle','Merwyn the Malicious','Gulliver Pokeby'} while true do local CardAmount = 0 local CardUnique = 0 --Unique types; should be 101 total local is = input.get() local DeckID = memory.readbyte(0x0E03) -- Which deck for names for i = 0x650A, 0x656E, 1 do CardAmount = CardAmount + memory.readbyte(i) if memory.readbyte(i) ~= 0 then CardUnique = CardUnique + 1 end end gui.text(0,90,'Deck: '..Deck[(DeckID+1)%5]) --just in case it goes out of bounds; plus 1 since game is 0 indexed gui.text(0,105,'Cards: '..CardAmount..', Unique: ('..CardUnique..' / 101)') --[[display order for interface is Justus Pilliwickle, Gulliver Pokeby, Gregory the Swarmy, Merwyn the Malicious which is not the same as index ]]-- if inputdelay("C",30) then memory.writebyte(0x0E03,(DeckID-1)%4) --% to prevent underflow elseif inputdelay("V",30) then memory.writebyte(0x0E03,(DeckID+1)%4) --% to prevent overflow end emu.frameadvance() end
Please point out mistakes if any.
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man, thanks for all your work. i had a really busy month, so i'll try to check all in the next few days. the change deck seems sick! we don't really need a system like that but if is possible is really cool for testing different strategy, if we don't use the frogXP. (with the frogXP is like playing a NG+) :D
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what is frog xp?
I want all good TAS inside TASvideos, it's my motto. TAS i'm interested: Megaman series, specially the RPGs! Where is the mmbn1 all chips TAS we deserve? Where is the Command Mission TAS? i'm slowly moving away from TASing fighting games for speed, maybe it's time to start finding some entertainment value in TASing.
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He is referring to is the the glitched boss fight that we get on the lake going to Hogwarts.
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SuperMonkeypotato wrote:
He is referring to is the the glitched boss fight that we get on the lake going to Hogwarts.
yes, i think we don't have an official name so i call it frogXP.
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I updated the spreadsheet and added a sheet called "Combos2" which summarizes the combinations you find around the game. For those who for some reason can't access it: 29 combinations are gained this way. 18 more combinations are from that kid at the trading club. Plus the original 2 combinations at the very beginning of the game, that means 49 combinations, out of 51 in total. Either I missed something, or you have to beat the game more than once for combinations as well. Given how close it is to the complete total, I've got the feeling I missed 2 somewhere. Anyone who knows please help.
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I checked all known sources so far; this is what's missing Justus Pilliwickle: Encounter Track Summon Umbrella SP Gain Gulliver Pokeby: Create Potion Extra Credit Alter Enemy SP Gain Gregory The Swarmy: Alter Enemy Scholarship SP Gain Merwyn The Malicous: Cure Poison Carbon Copy Magic Reversal Replenish Stamina SP Gain I'm missing the ones bolded in all 4 decks. Clearly I'm missing a source somewhere. Please help if anyone can. Edit: In case anyone wonders why it's not the same amount; there are duplicate appearances for decks: Justus Pilliwickle: MP Gain Gulliver Pokeby: MP Gain Improved Magic Gregory The Swarmy: MP Gain Merwyn The Malicous: MP Gain Regeneration Summon Umbrella