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I fear they may carry over the cutie map plotline into season 6. As for the finale, there is a preview: (spoiler warning) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meNmuUvsB58
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Almost every time I watch MLP and/or LPS, I had to sit through that one Lalaloopsy commercial. You know the one. Anyway... Princess Twilight has to stop Starlight Glimmer from disrupting young Rainbow Dash from doing the Sonic Rainboom. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are part of the alternate six. Twilight must convince her actual friends to join her, but they become reluctant and pick on her. Also, Princess Celestia is angry and she and the Royal Guard invade Canterlot Castle to destroy Nightmare Moon and take back the throne. A theory suggests that the dark magic that was leftover would turn Celestia into Nightmare Star.
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Is that speculation or confirmed. Please tell what your spoilers are about in the future. (Good thing I only read one line of it.)
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Is this the first time that Applejack has been called "AJ" in the show?
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Twilight called her AJ in episode 4, and Applebloom has been called AB at one occasion I'm pretty sure.
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The Cutie Re-Mark: As for this two-parter, I already described my thoughts somewhere else and I'm not particularly interested to repeat myself. But I will have another go at it: I liked it, I liked the song. I don't like that Starlight got reformed so quickly. That is really a terrible pattern in the show. It becomes very predictable. The next villain is going to get beaten or befriended, too... I hope they will bring some plotlines for season 6 that will not revolve around a villain, but maybe some other problem. Someone suggested that there could be political issues, impending war between races, etc. I don't know if that would be a good thing for the show, but having 1 bad guy doing his stuff and then getting reformed (and then becomes really uninteresting and stupid - see Discord) is getting really old. They have at least set up some cliffhangers for the next season, which is a really good thing: Cadence's and Shining's foal, the next cutie mark crusader plotline, Starlight's next journey (she can become Twilight's student - but maybe they can revisit her old friendship with that one colt. How sweet would it be if those two meet again?). As for the Alternate Timelines that happened throughout the episodes, I want to put some notes: - Even though Twilight did not convince filly RD to perform a Sonic Rainboom, she must have subsequently done one since the Crysalis Present, that emerged from this circumstance has a fluffy hair Pinkie Pie with balloon cutie mark. How else would she be inspired to become a party pony if she hadn't seen the sky turn to a rainbow. - The only thing changed in the past is that the Sonic Rainboom or the race is prevented. Yet, there seem to be always different villains that reign in their respective Alternate Presents. It is a bit difficult to imagine how this could happen. I guess Celestia is capable of defending against Nightmare Moon some of the time. Crysalis can also be beaten some of the time. But she probably loses against Discord - maybe Discord stays in his statue longer. Tirek can be killed off when still weak. Etc. - What I find amazing is that they implied that everyone has died, in the Nothingness Present. Tirek probably leveled the place and is now on the other side of the globe. But in another timeline, we can see Tirek taking down some Ponyville trees, even though this happens in the Present - in other words, he escaped months ago already, but only now destroys Ponyville. Maybe he was held back by some other villain or whatever else could have happened. It is just a problem in my eyes, because this is a very specific outcome... - In the Sombra Timeline, the elements had to be given back to the Tree of Harmony. Otherwise, the Everfree Forest would have invaded Equestria. Maybe Sombra or whoever did something to prevent that. Or Celestia relinquished the elements. - There is a lot more to think about. Like, Twilight said something like the Cutie Map is connected to the Tree of Harmony - but the tree is most likely dead if the Element Bearers don't meet and there is ongoing war against a villain. Then there is this "the map is connected to all places and times" thing. I have to study this a lot more... - Twilight did convince Starlight not to change the past. But the very fact that they are even there already would change the future (it's called the bufferfly effect) - but this is ignored. Could be considered an error in storytelling. - When Twilight and Starlight travel to a different time, whether it be the alternate presents or the past, there will be alternate versions of those two as well. We can clearly see filly Twilight failing her entrance test and when our Twilight travels to the subsequent alternate present of this circumstance - the Sombra Timeline - what will happen to that filly Twilight? She will have grown up. It's not like she will have vanished, right? A bit of a bummer that this was not further explored. I would have liked Twilight meeting her past filly self or her future alternate self. - This brings me back to thinking about how this timeline stuff works. It is very clear that Starlight has used the very same spell that Twilight used in "It's About Time". Yet, in that episode ("It's about Time"), the timeline "closes". A timeline paradox occurs, whereby the present depends on the future. How did this paradox occur, is and always has been a mystery to me. I made this pic, but it's in german http://i.imgur.com/XUzm9.png Basicly, I don't understand how the very first timeline occurs that makes Twilight go back to last tuesday in the first place. I was interested in making a series timeline, but it is very complicated...
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The Cutie Re-Mark: what would happen if Twilight never went after Starlight in the first place? would Starlight simply be gone? edit: to be a time loop like It's About Time, the whole world would have to change around them, and Twilight would have to also change immediately. Spike would be elsewhere. possible future episode: that time travel scroll was sucked into the portal. did it end up back in time near the place where Fluttershy met those animals?
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December 6 begins Pony Day
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At least they are capable of making a season finale that doesn't radically and permanently change things.
MUGG wrote:
- There is a lot more to think about. Like, Twilight said something like the Cutie Map is connected to the Tree of Harmony - but the tree is most likely dead if the Element Bearers don't meet and there is ongoing war against a villain. Then there is this "the map is connected to all places and times" thing. I have to study this a lot more...
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MST3KMantra http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BellisariosMaxim
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I would like to see Grogar for season 6. You know the episodes from the original 1986 TV series?
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Did Rainbow Dash need to become even more badass that she already was? After all, as we can see from the episode, without her original rainboom, Equestria would be completely destroyed.
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Warp wrote:
Did Rainbow Dash need to become even more badass that she already was? After all, as we can see from the episode, without her original rainboom, Equestria would be completely destroyed.
It's more of a team effort. Her original rainboom is the reason the girls meet each other, and it seems only them are able to save Equestria. But, she did become really badass on all these alternative presents.
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Like with Crusaders of the Lost Mark on the first viewing I thought the finale was an ok episode, but left me slightly ambivalent. However, after reading some analyses of it, and re-watching it, I actually liked it. I especially like the fan-hypothesis that the last bad future happened because the parasprites were not stopped.
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Princess Twilight Sparkle, Spike, and Starlight Glimmer all travel through time. Objective: Stop Starlight from preventing Rainbow Dash doing the Sonic Rainboom. Attempt 1: Starlight uses a freeze spell on Rainbow Dash. Alternate Timeline 1: King Sombra rules over the Crystal Empire, overthrowing Cadance and Shining Armor. King Sombra enslaves the Crystal Ponies and turns them into his personal army. Princess Celestia commands the Royal Guards, the Wonderbolts, and Special Agents into battle. Attempt 2: Starlight teaches the colts not to be bullies. Twilight couldn't convince Rainbow Dash to do a Sonic Rainboom. Alternate Timeline 2: Queen Chrysalis overtakes Canterlot. Shining Armor gets raped and imprisoned, the Princesses and 3 of the Mane Six are subdued. Fluttershy leads the Resistance Force. Zecora senses who's a Changeling and who's not. Queen Chrysalis reveals her true form and subdues Zecora. Attempt 3: The battles interrupts the race. Alternate Timeline 3: Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon rules Equestria by herself. Princess Celestia gets banished to the moon for 1000 years. Eternal Night. Attempt 4: Starlight throws Rainbow Dash off course. Alternate Timeline 4: Tirek destroys Equestria. Attempt 5: Twilight accidentally freezes Rainbow Dash. Alternate Timeline 5: Discord rules Equestria in Eternal Chaos. Attempt 6: Starlight levitates Fluttershy to help her fly. Alternate Timeline 6: The Flim Flam Bros. take over Ponyville. Attempt 7: Starlight attacks Rainbow Dash. What all Alternate Timelines have in common: Equestria becomes a barren wasteland. Starlight's Past: Sunburst gets his Cutie Mark, leaving Starlight lonely. Attempt 8: Twilight redeems Starlight and allowing Rainbow Dash to do the Sonic Rainboom. Twilight receives 3 messages from Sunset Shimmer. Twilight visits the Human World to meet her human counterpart.
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I didn't know that the Flim Flam brothers (especially in their first appearance episode) is a direct reference to this: Link to video Now that's an obscure reference if there's any.
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Yeah, it's a great song. Far from the only musical reference too, Art of the Dress is based on "Putting it Together" from Sunday in the Park with George, and At the Gala is based on "Ever After" from Into the Woods. So I've watched the finale now, and one of my beefs with it is that Glimmer had been a complete non-entity between the season opener and the finale. With the way she escaped in the premiere it was obvious she'd be back but not even mentioning her until the finale felt like a missed opportunity. In general, I'd probably call this season better than season 4, but it's still a far cry from what it once was. There were a few legit good episodes, and didn't really have any complete shit episodes like S4 did. Speaking of Art of the Dress, I do like how we got an episode that was a bit of a thematic sequel to Suited for Success with a song that felt like a followup to Art of the Dress. Rarity getting the best solo songs keeps being true, at least. That was one of the actually good episodes of the season, too. ...also when the hell did EQG3 come out. Adventure Time keeps being the best cartoon these days.
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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KennyMan666 wrote:
not even mentioning her until the finale felt like a missed opportunity.
She has several short cameos during the season. And always in contexts where she's watching Twilight and her relationship with her friends.
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Also, of all the fucking things I did not expect to see in an episode of FiM... http://i.imgur.com/BatdKFL.png http://i.imgur.com/ZDByJ0b.png
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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What's the deal with the horsehead? I see that and think of this thing.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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How can anyone be on the internet and not know about the horse mask?
Det man inte har i begåvning får man ta ut i energi. "I think I need to get to Snoop Dogg's level of high to be able to research this post." -Samsara Read my fanfic, One Piece: Pure Corruption
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A Very Minty Christmas happens to be most memorable if not one of the most memorable mini movies from G3 My Little Pony. I say that Star Catcher has the sweetest voice, more than Fluttershy and even Princess Celestia. My Favorite Holiday Episode from Friendship is Magic happens to be Hearthbreakers.
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I would like to see a TAS of the Elements of Harmony RPG. Preferably version 1.9 where you can dash. It of course is a parody of the first Final Fantasy. Or, one with a crappy storyline like War of Harmony IV. Maybe one that can be beaten in 35 minutes like Super Lesbian Horse RPG. Or a very short game like Go Fast. Even a crossover like Meloetta: Melody of Discord and Lovely Warriors of Friendship.
Post subject: Regarding Closed Captioning
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In regards to Closed Captioning on the Hub Network/Discovery Family, here are some examples; The villain Nightmare Moon was originally spelled out as Night Mare Moon, but the captions say otherwise. For the opening sequences: Most episodes:
Some Season 4 episodes:
🎵 (UPBEAT) 🎵
Right after "I used to wonder what friendship can be"; First half of Season 1

It was later corrected to "Until you shared its magic with me". With the ponies: After "Big adventure" and "Tons of fun"; Seasons 1, 2 (first half), 4 (premiere), 5
A Bird in a Hoof:

Scrolling text experiment:
Scrolling text:
Scrolling text later:
Some Season 4 episodes:
There's a glitch with the scrolling text during the line "Sharing kindness". They fixed it, but the fix was only used on Too Many Pinkie Pies. After "And magic makes it all complete": Typical:
A few episodes (actual lyrics):
Some Season 4 episodes:
Zecora's name was spelled out "Zakora" until Stare Master. Bon Bon's name is used in the DVD version of Call of the Cutie. Pinkamena Diane Pie's first name was spelled out "Pinkamina". Also, Amending Fences spelled Pinkie Pie as "Pinky Pie". Same to be spelled put that way on the Princess Promenade, including the credits. On The Best Night Ever, Soarin's name was spelled out Soren. Appleloosa was spelled out "Appaloosa" except for The Cutie Map. A Season 5 episode is titled Appleoosa's Most Wanted. Derpy's name is still being typed out in The Last Roundup despite the change to that one scene. "Twily", "Twiley", and "Twilie" are three spellings of Twilight Sparkle's nickname by Shining Armor. On Apple Family Reunion, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle's names were spelled out "Scooter Loo" and "Sweetie Bell" respectively. The latter misspelling was seen in the credits of Just for Sidekicks. Earlier in the episode where Apple Bloom is naming cities, the mention of Manehattan, the captions display "[ speaking German ]". Griffon was spelled out "Gryphon" on It Ain't Easy Being Breezies. In Castle Sweet Castle, Sonic Rainboom was spelled out "Sonic Rain Boom". Moondancer is now spelled out Moon Dancer since Season 5. Cadance is sometimes spelled out "Cadence" in some episodes and Friendship Games. On the Hub Network, Three's a Crowd aired before Pinkie Pride and her name used both spellings on their respective episodes. On Discovery Family, the latter airs right before the former. Which is also a fact that the Hub aired episodes in broadcast order, and Discovery Family airs them in production order. Hearthbreakers aired before Scare Master in broadcast order, something that Discovery Family normally doesn't do. Recently, Scare Master aired between Canterlot Boutique and Rarity Investigates, in production order. Which was a mishap on iTunes. Nightmare Moon is referred to as Princess Luna on The Cutie Re-Mark.
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What if Final Fantasy IV had ponies? There'll be plentiful of ponies in-game. The two ponies enter town and sees a scared filly. A monster attacks, the ponies get separated. The ponies were escaping from monsters, but found them trapped with no way out. Doors are locked and walls closing in. Two fillies sacrifice themselves by turning into statues to stop the walls. Which allows the remainder ponies to pick the lock and be free. Near the end of the game, the ponies head to moon where they would face Nightmare Moon. And during the battle, Princess Celestia uses an ultra powerful spell in which by sacrificing herself, so that she would kill Nightmare Moon. This would be amazing. Also, I would like to see Pony Fantasy VI ported to RPG Maker 2003.
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Ugh, why is nopony ever gonna make a reply?