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when you said vocals I thought you meant singing. You know, with words. Silly me. Um, I did. Sure, it may be sung in Latin, but it doesn't make it any less vocal does it?
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Ah yes, just listened to it. I was still thinking of the PC version, where it just sounded sorta like someone singing, but no words. Anyway, I like the actual sound of the PC version, but the vocals in this version is nice. Oh well, one song out of 85. PC wins :p edit: Well, I'm not sure if the PSX music sounds exactly like the OST, but I like prelude a lot more. But I like PC version of the regular and boss battle musics way more though. Oh, and excuse my grammar. It's 4am and I can't quite think straight.
Post subject: FF7 - Emerald Weapon in 1:18
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Downloading now...this sounds too good to be true! EDIT:'s been a long time since I played this game so I don't fully understand what he did. Was he repeatedly using a Limit Break? How did it do so much damage? Boco-san, help!
Do Not Talk About Feitclub
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I'm going to take a wild guess and say the key is eight counter command+mimes in Barret's materia slots.
Player (47)
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Definitely counter/mime in the materia slots. Cloud takes first attack to use some protection items on barret, so that when weapon does attack, barret takes minimal damage. Barret uses his limit break to initially damage emerald weapon severely. Emerald weapon counter attacks barret. All 8 of barrets counter materia are triggered, and counters with each of the mimes. 6 of them in total are used up, and emerald weapon is PWNED.
Joined: 3/21/2004
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ahahahahahahaha brilliant! i just started playing FF7 for the first time about a week ago, so its crazy to see you can do that kind of stuff.
Joined: 1/1/2022
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ok, its been about 4 years since i have sat down and played this game, although its one of my favorite games.. anyways.. i seem to recall that the emerald and ruby weapons where exclusively added to the american version of FF7. so why on earth is it in japanese? huh? tell me why. this does not make any sence! ugh
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It was rereleased in Japan with the additions as FF7 International.
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I get a 404 error from that link. :(
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Me too... I wanted to see it, but at least it's been explained how it worked. (Must've taken a long time to master so many mime and counter materia. I ended up just using a zillion omnislashes and lots of items.)
Joined: 7/20/2004
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There's also a neat little trick involving the Lucky 7 limit: Since Emerald's Aire Taem Storm (or whatever the hell it's called) only damages you in proportion to how many materia you have equipped, you can manipulate this to get 7777 HP for all characters and wipe him out. Equip only two materia per character and make sure their Max HP is 9999. Heal up with Megalixirs until Emerald uses ATS.
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I've still got the AVI but 10.4mb is bigger than I'd want to have downloading to multiple people (our connection would probably die...key word: our). Although if somebody has a solution...?
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I could probably split it into smaller chunks and e-mail it to people if their e-mail can handle it *shrug*. Edit: Assuming I still have it... I think I may have deleted it last weekend when clearing out a bunch of files... heh... I'll check when I get home.
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I can handle large files. You can send the video to, then I'll host it.
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Yeah, looks like I deleted it. I think the CD it's on is at a friend's place. I'll check for it Friday.
Post subject: good lord guys
Joined: 1/14/2005
Posts: 216
Great site, I discovered it several months ago. As for the boards, I've just been lurking, since I was so busy last semester, but after seeing this and nobody responding I just had to rectify the situation. This comes from an RPG videos site that is more than alive and well. Go here. It's a good complement to this site since it's mostly newer systems as opposed to older, real as opposed to emulated, RPGs as opposed to platformers and such, and aesthetic forms as opposed to speedruns. I'll be pretty sad if everyone goes there just for this video; personally I'm not a fan of FF7, but I'll leave it at that since I don't want to start a flamewar. IMHO the most impressive videos are the Star Ocean 3 4262 hits, Valkyrie Profile 1.49 million damage in one hit, and the Xenosaga in 6 hours. Many of the jpgs are mindblowing as well.
"I think happiness is just being able to loaf without stress."
Joined: 5/27/2005
Posts: 3
Hello! This is my first post here and I just found this site a couple of days ago. Anyway, this post interested me and I want to add a few things. It is very possible to complete this game in under 15 hours. I have a old ps1 save file where I'm 14 hours and 52 minutes into the game and I have it saved right before jenova, safer sephiroth, etc. Few tricks for anybody trying to attempt this, or who knows, maybe I will try it one day =) First off you need to turn message speed and battle speed to fast, 2nd always set battles to active. 3rd get Big Guard ASAP. You will be low level and it is imperative to get this, it adds haste, protect, and magic barrier all in one shot to the whole party. It won't even matter if your a low level because you will easily get many turns in. It is imperative to have all 3 of your members with this enemy skill. 4th only use Aeris when you have to obviously. My main party always consisted of Barret, Cid, and Cloud because Barret's and Cid's 4th limit break are very easy to obtain. 5th always have your characters in hyper mode, fast limit breaks = more kills. 6th lol though questionable is to get the W-Item materia and pump out those megaexilers. Also 2x cut is very nice to equip to highest dmg melee user. When you reach the end you'll be around level 48-52 with your main characters and you do reach the end you'll see where big guard comes in super handy and also running away from those tougher battles in the cave. Well that's all I can think off for now and it's 3 in the morning. I know this post is from a long time ago but it is very possible to accomplish such a run. Well that's it for now, good night!
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People were talking about a 7 hour run over at SDA.
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Possibly 7 hours, but you'd have to skip the cutscenes, skip Yuffie and Vincent and that right there is 2-3 hours. My file was just a fool around file where I was extremely bored in my youth. Like stopping to lvl up, playing at gold saucer etc. =) It could take a little under 2 hours just to get out of Midgar alone. I guess it's all speculation at the moment
Player (208)
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Oh... So you WEREN'T trying to be fast as possible.
put yourself in my rocketpack if that poochie is one outrageous dude
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captainy2k2 wrote:
Possibly 7 hours, but you'd have to skip the cutscenes, skip Yuffie and Vincent and that right there is 2-3 hours. My file was just a fool around file where I was extremely bored in my youth. Like stopping to lvl up, playing at gold saucer etc. =) It could take a little under 2 hours just to get out of Midgar alone. I guess it's all speculation at the moment
Skipping cut-scenes requires you to open the PSX up, does that count as legal input (even for speedruns)?
Joined: 5/27/2005
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yea, I think that cutscenes should be included in the final time. I would probably attempt it on the computer and I guess the question would be would it load faster with the pc version of the game or the psx version. I don't have a VCR anymore so I couldn't record it on TV. If anybody has any suggestions I would love to hear them. I heard there was a speed FAQ on gamefaqs so I'll read up on it after work tonight. After really thinking about it I think 7 hours isn't feasible and maybe even 9-10 hours would be a good goal to start with and I can work from there.
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GarlandG over at Gamefaqs has a speed run guide up there that would likely help. His lowest time in the guide is 8:40. He recently did a quickest run without saving and got, if memory serves me correctly, about 11:50. Of course, those times were both on PAL games, I think, and I don't know how they would translate to NTSC.
Joined: 12/12/2005
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Why not just record from the start until you get out of Midgar. I speed ran that in 2:01 before. I'm sure it can be done quicker.