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Cpadolf wrote:
Wow, okay so due to some very odd glitch, it seems you can't shinespark after getting out of that morphball tunnel with the lasers, if you do so you immediately get the crash animation, even though you didn't hit anything. It does look like it might have been faster to do it the old way anyway though.
Well that sucks. :( What do you plan to do for the route now? Also I'm sure you already thought of this, but I'll just ask anyway. At the end just above the ship is it possible to Super Short Charge and Blue Ball into the hole and destroy the bomb block?
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lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Cpadolf wrote:
Wow, okay so due to some very odd glitch, it seems you can't shinespark after getting out of that morphball tunnel with the lasers, if you do so you immediately get the crash animation, even though you didn't hit anything. It does look like it might have been faster to do it the old way anyway though.
Well that sucks. :( What do you plan to do for the route now? Also I'm sure you already thought of this, but I'll just ask anyway. At the end just above the ship is it possible to Super Short Charge and Blue Ball into the hole and destroy the bomb block?
Doing the route Hoandjzj used, with some improvements in the rooms I would have "skipped" otherwise,, was much faster in the end anyway. And it is indeed possible to do that blueball.
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Cpadolf wrote:
Doing the route Hoandjzj used, with some improvements in the rooms I would have "skipped" otherwise,, was much faster in the end anyway. And it is indeed possible to do that blueball.
Interesting I figured as much. Nice I'm sure its faster and I'm positive you thought about it long before I even mentioned it. Damn that TAS Super Short Charge is ridiculous!!! Its like Samus is walking with echos. :) It seems we'll be seeing the final result very, very soon!!!
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Here it is. Currently writing up a submission message, so it'll be in the workbench in a bit.
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That was incredible!!! BTW what happened to the game after Draygon? It looked a lot like the graphical errors the Space Time Glitch produces. What caused that? Anyway this TAS was incredibly entertaining!!! I hope it gets published, well done!!! :D Hoandjzj, hows the 100% coming along?
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Wrote a post about it in the workbench, so I'll go ahead and quote myself.
Cpadolf wrote:
That's due to the camera not following me properly in the 4th (I think) room of the escape sequence. I leave the room before it catches up, which makes the horizontal scroll mess up a bit. Or something (it's the same glitch that happens in the glitched any% run). Interestingly, the graphical glitching only occurs when I move to the left. Which is didn't notice until now.
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
Post subject: SMILE does not make me smile
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Looking into many of the rooms of this game in SMILE, I noticed a room which has a lot of missile items in it that seem to be used as reappearing shooting blocks where you already got the missile before. This room. The purple blocks with an X on them are all missiles. But, clearly, they don't become missiles when you shoot them while playing through. This is because they all have the same item pointer (80h) and so when you get one, they all disappear. But not any show up, so I'm guessing another item that you must get also has this item "ID" or whatever. I tried a few missiles that seemed essential but none matched. I tried the morph ball, but I can't get into the room in SMILE. All the doorways say "invalid room ID" because the room ID with the morph ball is less than 79000h. SO, anyway, here is why I posted: 1) Depending on where these missiles are linked, if you can skip the item they're linked to, then you could get three missiles here (all in one vertical row at the same time before they all disappeared, which I tested) and skip a couple of the other more troublesome missiles and still register 100%, though it's clearly different than actually going and getting all the intended items. 2) Does anyone know a place I could ask questions about SMILE like "why aren't these rooms accessible", etc.? I feel like I'm borderline spamming here. I'm attempting to map out this game and while SMILE has been a useful tool, it's got some large shortcomings that are frustrating and make me wish it was open source. Hoandjzj: No, I'm not going to be TASing this game :P
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There is a big help thread for SMILE on this board of Metroid2002, I guess there might be someone able to help you there. I remember that you have an account there, from the whole debacle that went down with TASes over there in 2006 :P
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
Post subject: Re: SMILE does not make me smile
Experienced player (688)
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Awesome work, Cpadolf :D:D:D you totally destroyed the hack, 11 min O_O awesome!!!
lxx4xNx6xxl wrote:
Hoandjzj, hows the 100% coming along?
Heheh, I'm about to get an extreme difficult Missile pack in Tourian b-(
JXQ wrote:
Looking into many of the rooms of this game in SMILE, I noticed a room which has a lot of missile items in it that seem to be used as reappearing shooting blocks where you already got the missile before. This room. The purple blocks with an X on them are all missiles. But, clearly, they don't become missiles when you shoot them while playing through. This is because they all have the same item pointer (80h) and so when you get one, they all disappear. But not any show up, so I'm guessing another item that you must get also has this item "ID" or whatever. I tried a few missiles that seemed essential but none matched. I tried the morph ball, but I can't get into the room in SMILE. All the doorways say "invalid room ID" because the room ID with the morph ball is less than 79000h. SO, anyway, here is why I posted: 1) Depending on where these missiles are linked, if you can skip the item they're linked to, then you could get three missiles here (all in one vertical row at the same time before they all disappeared, which I tested) and skip a couple of the other more troublesome missiles and still register 100%, though it's clearly different than actually going and getting all the intended items. 2) Does anyone know a place I could ask questions about SMILE like "why aren't these rooms accessible", etc.? I feel like I'm borderline spamming here. I'm attempting to map out this game and while SMILE has been a useful tool, it's got some large shortcomings that are frustrating and make me wish it was open source.
You can't go to that room by normally enter a door with SMILE, but you can when you change to Map editor, and choose that room! I saw that room too, and first, I surprised that it had too many Missile packs, and by doing the test, I found out the thing you mentioned above. But do you know, in Draygon's room, there are 2 Missile packs too, and none of them appear later (even in any% run, with less item acquired!) Does it has a link?! Or the author use it for something?! Those blocks are different than the others, they're not disappear immediatly when you shot, but some frames later!
JXQ wrote:
Hoandjzj: No, I'm not going to be TASing this game :P
Why?! Oh come on, do it boy ;) Then I'm trying to finish my 100% soon to be your document :D
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Thanks for the link cp. Are implying that I somehow misbehaved online in the past? :) Hoandjzj, I also did notice the ones in Draygon's room. I think they also have item pointer of 80h. Did you say you can get into the morph ball room? Because I couldn't via door entering or map edit entering. Door entering gave me the invalid room ID error, and the map said notion was found for that map square. For the Tourian missile you're about to get, is there any other way to get across that one part besides horizontal bomb jumping?
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JXQ wrote:
Hoandjzj, I also did notice the ones in Draygon's room. I think they also have item pointer of 80h. Did you say you can get into the morph ball room? Because I couldn't via door entering or map edit entering. Door entering gave me the invalid room ID error, and the map said notion was found for that map square. For the Tourian missile you're about to get, is there any other way to get across that one part besides horizontal bomb jumping?
Ah, I can't access to it as well :P there are several rooms that I can't view with SMILE T_T I haven't figured out how to get the Missile in Tourian yet, I just watch the other run! I want to get it before Mother Brain, but it seems slower, since there's a big room that requires to kill all the enemy =.= (but the grey door turn to blue automatically after killing Mother Brain!) View the map again...
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JXQ wrote:
Thanks for the link cp. Are implying that I somehow misbehaved online in the past? :)
I think it'd be hard to go back and read all that and say that you, of all people involved, was the one who misbehaved :P
Agare Bagare Kopparslagare
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Bad new: 30 items left :|
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What the heck o.O?! Why the Grey-door in big room in Tourian still stays grey after MB's death?! I watched the other run and see it's blue?! Did I misjudge something?! T_T
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Which room do you mean? Could you post a screenshot or give the room ID in SMILE? Also, I figured out how to access the inaccessible rooms (though it will take some time to find all the correct addresses and add them). Post at m2k2 I plan to add all the rooms as time allows; I can post the new mdb.txt file once I'm finished for others to use.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
Which room do you mean? Could you post a screenshot or give the room ID in SMILE? Also, I figured out how to access the inaccessible rooms (though it will take some time to find all the correct addresses and add them). Post at m2k2 I plan to add all the rooms as time allows; I can post the new mdb.txt file once I'm finished for others to use.
It's room 7DEDE, I saw the other run and find it will turn to blue after Mother Brain's death, but mine is not :( Really, we can access those rooms?! Awesome :D I'm waiting for your mdb.txt :3
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Opening that room in smile, and right-clicking on the gray door on the left side, the value of the door is 0Ch, which according to the accompanying text, requires "enemies dead matches enemies needed". Have you tried killing all the enemies in this room? Each of the enemies has a flag that says "Enemies to clear room" is 0Dh, and there are 13 enemies in this room, so it seems to fit.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
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JXQ wrote:
Opening that room in smile, and right-clicking on the gray door on the left side, the value of the door is 0Ch, which according to the accompanying text, requires "enemies dead matches enemies needed". Have you tried killing all the enemies in this room? Each of the enemies has a flag that says "Enemies to clear room" is 0Dh, and there are 13 enemies in this room, so it seems to fit.
Oh, I knew it :P but maybe it's related with the Yellow-door behind Plasma beam! In my test run, I opened the Yellow-door, and when MB's death, that Grey-door turns to Blue (in other run it does also! But in my current TAS, I go different way) That's what I wonder! If you watched other 100% run, you will see it :)
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Here are the offsets to add to the mdb.txt file to access all the remaining rooms for this hack.
You can put them anywhere in the file (but don't leave any blank lines). The order you put them in will correspond to their order in the dropdown menu, so if you want them in the correct spots, you'll have to insert some of them into the existing list. Also, I did checking, and the ID for those missiles in the Norfair/Draygon rooms both are 80h, and that does match the morph ball's ID. So there's no way to take advantage of it.
<Swordless> Go hug a tree, you vegetarian (I bet you really are one)
Post subject: I wonder if I'm posting more this week than all of 2009/2010
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In case anyone else would find this stuff useful, here is a ZIP file with the following: - Updated mdb.txt - Spreadsheet with each item's room and item ID - Game map (from Metroid Mapstation) with numbers by the items of the order in the existing 100% video (which coincide with above spreadsheet) - Capture map (from Metroid Mapstation) with each room labeled by its MDB ID (so you can find it in SMILE quickly). One thing I noticed while gathering info on the items is that none of the power bombs share an ID (which is usually how two items are "paired" together from what I've seen). The two X-Ray items are the only ones which share an ID here. So I'm still wondering if that extra power bomb can be retrieved in both Tourian and Chozodia (or if not, what prevents it).
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OmG, you did an awesome work JXQ! Now I can read those rooms that I can't read before! Thanks a lot :D:D:D Also, your item map is very clear! You did great :D
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By the way, does anyone know how to read Super Metroid Redesign?! :P
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I also notice the Missile #142 in your Microsoft Excel, and you haven't written its details yet! To be able to get it, you must unlock Security Lock 2 and 4, and prevent the activation of Event 1 in the Ship :) It's not easy to get!
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Yeah I slacked some on the item requirements. This isn't my final work though, these are just documents I created for myself to make the next steps easier. It will probably be a while before what I'm working on is done, if ever! I imagine that Redesign can be accessed in the same way - you'd just need to crawl through the entire game's map, adding in the offsets that aren't available by looking at them in the door editor.
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Any progress Hoandjzj? Also I don't know if I said this before, but your quicker Draygon kill was a nice find.
My name is Forensics.
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