I once posted here stating that new formats can be accepted, provided that
* the file format is documented well enough for me to create functions to parse them
* someone can encode the movie as AVI (see
Currently only Phil can encode FCM movies.
There are also some open questions:
* Are the lengths of movies for different emulators really compatible?
Different emulators run different amount of instructions per frame, meaning that the game runs at different speeds in different emulator.
I don't know how big the differences are.
If the lengths are exactly compatible, it does not matter if the same emulator is used.
If the difference is less than 5 frames per minute, switching an emulator is ok as long as the movie is improved by at least 1 second per minute.
(The numbers are not a rule here - I'm trying to give an idea.)
I prefer Famtasia, because it's easiest for me to encode currently.
And, in fact the only one.
For VirtuaNES, the exactly same rules apply, except that Phil hasn't demonstrated being able to encode them, and that VirtuaNES movies can not be verified whether they really are reset-based.
For that reason, I don't think I can ever open VirtuaNES submitting except for trusted players.
The status of different formats are currently as follows:
Edit: Moved to the
EmulatorRecordingStatus page.