Active player (301)
Joined: 9/2/2006
Posts: 504
For those unfamiliar with this, it's a beautiful game developed by Interplay back in '94 and was later ported to other systems, amongst them Playstation. The awesome graphics comes from the fact that they are almost entirely pre-rendered and the adventure part of the game mostly consists of making choices, avoiding death(there's like 30 unique ways to die :p) and solving puzzles. The other part of the game is action scenes where you aim and shoot at stuff. I'm mostly doing this game because i absolutely love it so i'm not sure how much entertainment it provides or how TAS-worthy the game is. But anyway, i did a WIP of the first 11 min so any feedback is welcome. I'll probably continue and finish this anyway though :p WIP1:
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No offense, but this game doesn't seem to have any entertainment least for me. It looks pretty damn boring.
I think.....therefore I am not Barry Burton
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I'm going to agree with Pasky13 here. If nothing changes further on that makes this fun I would say this is a bad game choice, I was bored out of my mind.
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The only part I liked as a TAS and only when it begun, was the shooter =P otherwise, even if I do know this game, it really doesn't look like a good TAS choice.. x.x
*Jungon*/*Johnnyz* smilie weirdo =P ^^ o.o @__@ +D
Active player (301)
Joined: 9/2/2006
Posts: 504
Heh that bad huh? :P Oh well, no point in continuing then i guess.
Joined: 2/15/2009
Posts: 329
Wyster if you want a game similar to this except entertaining I would highly recommend Overblood.
Working on: Legend of Legaia, Vagrant Story