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@Trask I totally understand you. I have to learn all day long, for the exams next weeks. At the moment there is no time for tasing. @Raiscan Thanks for bridging this time gap. This really keeps the motivation not to give up on this. After realising, that no one wanted to see a Bonus Point Run, it makes me happy to see, that I'm not the only one who wanted to make a tas of the practice rooms (however it was no waste of time, since I learned a LOT about the game physics of the game in the practice rooms). Your video had a second benefit, too: Being dropped into Down Under after the movie finish, I was messing around a little bit and found a little time saver (however possibly not enough to save the needed 80 frames): When walking on the upper edge of the platforms, when you pass a corner and push up and right, Headdy gets pushed to the right some two or three pixels. As you see not much, but I don't give up hope on this level :) So, thank you, Raiscan. Oh, and yes, my input settings where disordered. I was always wondering what the orange buttons where standing for (like previously pressed botton) :D But a week before I figured it out myself when I tried to play Streets of Rage 2 ^^ Thanks, for reminding me Now for anybody who is interested; the strategies for the practice rooms: Headcase: -you can remove the curtain by switching off a layer, thus enabling to see when the soldiers appear -There are several waves, which releases soldiers at a fixed time, so no way to speed up things while the wave comes -but the beginning of the next wave is determined by the frame, the last soldier of the last wave is killed -best heads, as far as I think: Warhead: good distance; move Headdy or shoot, to make the star, which should hit, appear at the right spot, so it reaches the soldier when he appears Vacuum Head: instant killer; position Headdy at the right spot so he sucks in both soldiers at the same time (or else the other one will be the last -> next wave comes later) -sometimes the soldiers which appeared on the left started walking to the left, leaving the screen and coming back some frames later finally facing right. This can only be seen when you remove the curtain Hangman: -the only way to speed this up is to grab the first hangman at the first possible moment (I think it is when you jump and shoot horizontally, but I'm not sure) -the rest is at a fixed scrolling rate, so have fun as seen in my movie :) Beau: Tricky, that's why I stopped here The fastest way would be, if beau goes in some kind of circular motion, thus having the shortest way and not opening a already empty target. His pattern is determined by the start frame (manipulated by ending his dialog). I tried 20 different start frames, but could not find any pattern. But it seems he can be manipulated afterwards, too. After some 6 targets you can change his pattern (2 options), which seem to be manipulated by different motions like ducking, facing a direction or shooting somewhere. That would have led to millions of possibilities, none of which would have been perfect. So I gave up at this point
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I've been quoting all day so I feel I should just answer you directly. Never during that movie did I expect that you could find an improvement :D I only really did it because I loved playing Dynamite Headdy as a kid and wanted to see what could be done in the training areas. As such I did the whole of the intro 100% speed, did the Bruin fight only a few times at 50% to dodge the energy balls and only rerecorded around 20 times in total (mostly to avoid damage on the Headcase room and make an impossible jump in the Hangman room). Still, I'm glad something came out of it apart from entertainment :) Just for the record, I managed to complete Beau without recording with 20 seconds left on the clock. He didn't actually point at any empty shells that time, and I was confused when he did it my second try recorded (which is why I fire my head twice at the blank ones, I thought it was a bug) Anyway I do hope you keep up the extremely good work, I'm anxious for the next WIP.
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Still three weeks until exams are over. To bridge time I post some RAM view addresses: HP: 00FFB35D Headdy's Spotlight 00FFB35F Boss' Headlight Note: It's actually the variable of the Spotlight sprite, thus not counting downwards as supposed. The pattern goes like this: -32 (full HP),-30,-28,-26,-24,-22,-20,-18,-50,-82,-114,110,(78/0),(46/0),(14/0),(14/0[changing every 2 frames],0(dead) (/) = flickering speed: 00FFB6A5 x-speed of Headdy's body 00FFB6AD y-speed of Headdy's body 00FFD605 x-speed of his Head 00FFD705 y-speed of his Head coordinates (relative to actual screen, not to the level) 00FFD401 x-coordinate of Body 00FFC009 y-coordinate of Body 00FFD405 x-coordinate of Head (without extra movement) 00FFC017 x-coordinate of Head (including head animation, like nodding when walking) 00FFC011 y-coordinate of Head Question: Is there the possibility to change these variables manually?
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Very nice set of addresses there :)
emu wrote:
Question: Is there the possibility to change these variables manually?
When I tried this recently with Sonic 3 & Knuckles I just did it in the action replay format which is XXXXXX:YYYY. Basically you just get rid of the two zeros at the start of each address. example: FFB35F:0000 - Dead boss spotlight Though, for some reason with Sonic 3 & Knuckles this didn't work. It changed values of addresses close to the ones I wanted, but not the exact address. Have a go and see what happens, I guess. Good Luck with the rest of your exams.
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Awesome! Thank You very much! EDIT: Finally no exams any more, everything went smoothly except for theoretical physics. Don't know, if I'll pass. So I continued tasing the test run to cheer me up. After the painful flying levels I easily reached Rocket Tier now. Everthing is fresh. Finished this file 5 minutes ago, but I need to get some sleep now (5 am), so comments will come tomorrow. http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4147/Dynamite%20Headdy%20by%20Emu%20%28UE%29%20%5Bc%5D%5B%21%5D.gmv Enjoy, I especially liked the gate keeper fight and rushing through the Rocket Tier
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Sorry, for double posting, but it seems, that just editing a post doesn't mark the thread as unread. I updated the movie file. see previous post. good night :)
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Will be sure to watch this when I have time. I'm sure it'll be thoroughly impressive stuff! Some day I will have time and resume unless someone beats me to the punch! ;)
End of Line
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Just watched it. That was very impressive. Theres only one thing that caught my eye and its not even speed related. The tunnel area where you just fly through without killing everything is fine, but it was a tad boring. Might have been more amusing if you destroyed nearly everything in sight, but its not important at all. Great job!
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Raiscan wrote:
Theres only one thing that caught my eye and its not even speed related. The tunnel area where you just fly through without killing everything is fine, but it was a tad boring. Might have been more amusing if you destroyed nearly everything in sight, but its not important at all.
I felt the same way. Additionally, though, I would suggest hugging the walls -- you already do that when they're in the way, but then you don't follow them back up or down. I think it would be more entertaining if you did.
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So here are the comments: General: - every head of the flying levels does the same amount of damage - compared to the biplane, the laserhead moves faster and the birdhead more slowly - they don't start shooting neither immediately nor at a fixed frame number after button pressed (sometimes 3 or 4 frames) - only exception: head contacts the enemy: always shoot after 2 frames I think (works for battle ship and Wheeler Dealer not for baby face, don't know about regular enemies) The Flying Game: - I pick the Biplane, since it is the first head. before the battleship comes, there comes a head item with the bird head. if you wait approx. 15 frames at the start, that item will be a laser head. -since it is an autoscroller, shooting the enemies faster does not speed the level up, however not doing anything sometimes resulted in al loss of some 4 frames -I chose the bird head, to add variety. a laser head might not be good at the beginning, because it can't shoot downward, thus hitting the battleship earlier. the change to the laserhead later does not lose time -this annoying battle ship is still a mystery to me. You COULD take it down with less shots if you started shooting it later (gamefaqs states, it can't be destroyed before the dark clouds), but shooting it every possible frame was faster than any other method. I did not shoot anything else to keep it challenging, but that's just my opinion Fly Hard -Again it seems that Trouble Bruins HP vary, but shooting him every possible frame is the fastest way -I take damage to make addition shots. I'm not sure, if they would have been necessary, but if I stop the movie 3 seconds earlier in this level, he starts a third attacking, so for now, I think it is better to take the damage to take TB down for sure - exit the level at the right height, or Headdy will more around before leaving the level Fly Hard 2 -not much do to speed this autoscroller up, except for moving right and the right height before the end of the level -I'm sorry for not doing anything special here, but the last two levels where extremely exhausting, so I take a little break here. in fact, I move the less possible and shoot nothing yes, I'm lazy, sorry :) Baby Face This Boss won't go down fast, by shooting him always, so I did a lot of testing. here are the results: Maybe I'm wrong, but despite the gamefaq stating, that every form has 35 HP, I think the Baby and Grandpa have 33 and the Boy and Man have 34 HP. Here is the whole pattern: The Boss will only change his form AFTER his specific attack pattern, causing invincibility after the partial HP is empty. Thus no frame perfect hitting is necessary, because the saved time, is never enough to defeat a form an attack pattern earlier. (sp) means the colour of the spotlight changes -Baby Face: 1 Hit (sp) to start the fight, then 32 hits to destroy him, (sp) after every 8th hit, but not the last one -Boy Face: 1 Hit to make him move right -> invincible until at the right to start attacking -> 1 Hit (sp), then 32 hits to destroy him, (sp) after every 8th hit, but not the last one I need to take the damage to hit him enough, preventing him to start a second attacking -Man Face: same as Boy Face, except no time pressure -Grandpa Face: 1 Hit (sp) to start his pattern, then 32 hits to destroy him, (sp) after every 8th hit however getting caught is some 800 frames faster This means you can only speed the fight up to hit the first possible moment, to start his patterns and taking damage at Boy Face Headdy Wonderland No ways to speed up walking to the right, except for finding a cow, which goes right when you pass it. you could jump on its back and add the velocities. However, I did not find one :) Gatekeeper: The number of jumps (at least two) can be frame manipulated, by reaching the screen later and manipulating the length of the arm, thus passing different numbers of frames before the jumping. Nasty Gatekeeper: -manipulate his arm to shoot straight down to save time -manipulate his last shot to prevent him from jumping with different arm lengths -get headcase with shortest shot and get the bomb -manipulate him to be open, when the bomb explodes. Note: He will take damage, but not die, if the timing is bad - sorry for not getting all pieces this time. I tried 13 times, but it seems to be impossible this time :) The Rocket Tier To be honest after playing the Hangman training level, I though I would own this level. Yet, I did not consider that you pass hangman keeping the speed, but crush against a wall if you use the spike head :) I still could find a way to speed up Headdy: Shoot the floor diagonally, when landing (seems not to work when rising), and stop pushing right, when he reached the triple speed to maintain the speed. After some 3 frames you can jump to perform the trick at the next landing. It is close but I don't need to renew the head due to the saved time. Taking damage saves time here. Since soldiers do less damage than the rockets, but give you the same invincibility time, hit them instead of the rocket if possible, to pass the rockets. EDIT: Hm, it seems the autoscroller was a bigger disappointment than I though. I'm sorry for that.
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emu wrote:
I still could find a way to speed up Headdy: Shoot the floor diagonally, when landing (seems not to work when rising), and stop pushing right, when he reached the triple speed to maintain the speed. After some 3 frames you can jump to perform the trick at the next landing.
Could that be used in earlier/later levels to save time at all? The Nasty Gatekeeper battle made me laugh by the way. It usually takes me ages to get her down, but to see you do it in just a few shots was awesome.
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Thanks for your opinions and time, I appreciate every feedback I get.
I still could find a way to speed up Headdy: Shoot the floor diagonally, when landing (seems not to work when rising), and stop pushing right, when he reached the triple speed to maintain the speed. After some 3 frames you can jump to perform the trick at the next landing.
Could that be used in earlier/later levels to save time at all?
I checked all the levels and the only other two occasions with spike heads are in Toys in the Hood before Snake Eyes and the second Headcase in Mad Mechs 1: -The one in Toys in the Hood is a significant reason to check, if the upper route is really longer. -The Spike Head in Mad Mechs might be tricky, since 1. Headcase shows the Spike Head at an awkward moment (I still think its possible) 2. You need a hammerhead afterward, and you need it fast, if you want to pull of upthorn's route. I also get one after the Fight with Tarot, but sadly the level layout limits its use a lot. I'm at Sparky now and plan to post the next file after finishing the game, unless it is requested earlier. @Raiscan: I also use to have a lot of problems with the Gatekeeper :) Interestingly, You corrected me by referring to the right gender, since in the original version she is not a that strange robot, but a creepy woman
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emu wrote:
So here are the comments: General: - every head of the flying levels does the same amount of damage - compared to the biplane, the laserhead moves faster and the birdhead more slowly - they don't start shooting neither immediately nor at a fixed frame number after button pressed (sometimes 3 or 4 frames)
Slight elaboration. The heads fire on fixed frames. For instance, the laser head will only fire on frames that are divisible by 4. If you press B on those frames, it will fire immediately (which, because of the genesis frame buffer, takes 2 frames), otherwise it will fire at the next multiple of 4.
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emu wrote:
Interestingly, You corrected me by referring to the right gender, since in the original version she is not a that strange robot, but a creepy woman
Comparison time! USA/EUR Nasty Gatekeeper Japanese Nasty Gatekeeper (Izayoi) I know which one I find scarier.
<adelikat> I am annoyed at my irc statements ending up in forums & sigs
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Looking good! I'm eagerly awaiting the finished run. I especially loved how you completely owned Nasty Gatekeeper. It's amazing how big a difference a little luck manipulation can make. Have to agree with your sentiments on Sky Battleship. It really is an enigma. Compare your TAS to my speed run and note how long the level takes to complete in each one... yours is only about a second faster than mine, yet I take the time to destroy the cannons/mouth (not to mention that I'm probably not hitting it at the earliest possible frame each time). The only thing I can think of is that the Battleship, like the TB and Baby Face fights that follow it, has a certain amount of HP, but also has a "pattern" it must finish before it actually dies.
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@upthorn This is a very useful information. The behaviour of the laser drove me mad. Knowing this will save a lot of time, work and frustration. Thanks @Raiscan :) I definitely go with the Japanese one. The U/E-version looks like a childish drawn robot with mean eyes. But Izayoi (thanks for the name) looks like psycho killing machine, who wants to ...... devour me any moment. btw: the picture of the U/E-gatekeeper looks so smooth. Do you have a special emulator-settings, or is it just edited? @Thanks for the feedback. Again, I totally agree with your assumption regarding the battleship. While fastforwarding the movie I actually realized the first time, that the whole scenery rises, braking through the clouds (I first thought, that a storm disrupts the fight and leaves) - another confirmation, that the fight is fixed. Oh, and by the way, I finished the movie :) http://dehacked.2y.net/microstorage.php/info/4201/Dynamite%20Headdy%20by%20Emu%20%28UE%29%20%5Bc%5D%5B%21%5D.gmv Sparky might not be very optimised and Far Trek has nothing special, thus may be fast forwarded. The rest will be commented later, as usual.
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emu wrote:
@Raiscan :) I definitely go with the Japanese one. The U/E-version looks like a childish drawn robot with mean eyes. But Izayoi (thanks for the name) looks like psycho killing machine, who wants to ...... devour me any moment. btw: the picture of the U/E-gatekeeper looks so smooth. Do you have a special emulator-settings, or is it just edited?
Actually I thought the scariest is Beau. I mean cmon, the "target, target tar- tar- target!" still gives me nightmares. the picture was done using the EPX renderer included in Gens rerecording 9z. Its really good but in superhigh resolutions the framerate goes really bad. I shall watched the latest movie file tomorrow. Scan shall sleep now.
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Comments on the last file: Illegal Weapon 3 -don't forget to boost jump, when you reach him -I did not need to manipulate him, to shoot the slow missile, but since he doesn't attack before you reach his screen, I guess this can be done by varying the frame you arrive -I redid him as I realized that I can get the banana in Fun Forgiven with nearly no time loss. getting hit and getting the banana saves appr. 60 frames AND enabled me to get the SBP without timeloss :) Fun Forgiven (buggiest level until now) -don't stand on the shaking platforms, or you can't time your jumps due to missing floor contact -the Molochs cause glitches, but only killing ones, or make it unable to step on the lower part -I don't know, if it is only here, but falling from higher places reduces your speed when contacting the floor. I could not find a way to prevent this -shoot the buzzsaw, when descending, to save time when climbing the wall (credit goes to arrow) -Tarot's first form, like Sparky, has no invulnerability time, making it possible, to hit the balls into him several times in a row. Unfortunately, I have to delay the last shot, since a bug would cause Tarot to swing around invincible, making it impossible to proceed. Interestingly, I had to wait, until the first ball I used, made a full turn. Might also just be a coincidence. -when changing to the second form, I have time to use the sleep head (which looks cool, due to Headdy's yawning). Since I don't need that much HP later on, this makes the previous banana unnecessary, what I didn't include in the movie, due to laziness, sorry - Tarot's "sunrays" don't hurt Headdy. -I shoot Headcase twice to prolong the Spike Head time, which actually was not necessary -at least for climbing I recommend the RAM viewer, to check the vertical speed. When you contact the wall ,you have to be much slower for the next pull to get max boost. However getting some distance (I tapped left about 3 or for times, it depends), allows to make the next pull for max speed earlier -could not boost jump the first venus trap (at least 50 tries) -bug: when performing the spike head boost, the blocks sometimes suck you in. Prevent this by varying the input by some frames. I could not find a way to use the bug -since the hangmen only appear when they are onscreen, which is to late, I could not boost through here as expected Vice Versa -the vertical speed is maintained when turning the level. remember this, not to get stuck in the walls -the protection head seems to be the fastest method to push the blocks, additional head shooting did not speed it up. however, sometimes the shield does not hit the box (bug?), after turning the level. Shooting a box first, "reactivates" the shield's ability. The shield can even push the block, while walking on in, saving much time -credit for the last blocks technique, again, goes to arrow (I cancelled the head to prevent to last block to be pushed off) -Sparky needs a LOT of planning (thus not perfect). Hitting him with two balls, deals double damage, but I really don't think it is possible to hit him with three balls at a time. You can sometimes prevent him from shooting, when you pass him, but I didn't find out how. The balls can be stepped on and moved, when they lie on the floor. The best strategy until now, is to use two balls, which hit him on the same side. This causes them not to fall apart and use them for the next hit -don't forget to change the level (If necessary) when he crashes down, to not waste time Twin Freaks -sorry for the boring fight, but there is not much to do -you can touch the boss without being hit (I actually let him push me though the level) -I run out of ideas for victory dances before damage calculation. maybe you know something :) Fatal Contraption -autoscroller -> no way to speed things up except for: 1. route splits: the right route is always faster (first one: 8 frames, second one: app. 60 frames) 2. standing in the middle at the end of the level (far right or left wastes 2 frames) -I did not know about the speed differences at the first junction first, however, although I'm a big frame save enthusiast, I'd still prefer to take the left route, if it is impossible to get both secret points, when going the right route, since this task, which was thought to be impossible, is the only highlight in these two rather boring levels -to keep it suspenseful, I try to pass most passages at the last possible moments (causing a little warp) and play with the rather sloppy collision check of the spikes Far Trek Although being hard, when played normally, this level is boring as hell, when being tased. I make some difficult jumps, play some jumping games with TB, etc., but did not spend much time here. Maybe you have some ideas to make this autoscroller more entertaining :( -DON’T FORGET to make a statesave before leaving the level, since the only way to manipulate Dark Demon's first attack, is by varying the frame you exit here Finale Analysis measuring the time from the appearance from one item circle to the next, the attack times are: Time, Attack, Colour of Ball 1273 frames, Crushing Wall, Orange 963/1012 frames, Green Spikes from below, Green 792/802 frames, Electric (?) Wall with yellow balls, Blue 727/>1700 frames, hopping or flying creatures, Pink 722 frames, big bad ass blast, Flashing between the above colours (destroying everything as fast as possible/doing nothing) This means the fastest method would be to have 7 big blasts. Since we neither have so much health nor, that much luck, I suggest to go with the hopping and flying creatures (Hammer Head required). They also offer the possibility to manipulate the next attack, by destroying the last one on a later frame. This leads to the strategy to manipulate DD to make the big blast attack, leading to another blast (if HP allows it) or to the creatures to allow further manipulation. There are sometimes fluctuations of app. one two three frames, sometimes caused by hitting DD or taking a head. Unfortunately, the big blast attack is the most unstable (which means, I checked at which frame I have to hit the last creature to get the blast, but then, when took a head, DD changed to the blue, apparently the most stable). Besides the moment you hit DD does not influence the battle speed. IF, it is allows to end the input here, I suggest taking the super or warhead, to end the movie before the last strike. If not, the last inputs necessary are: start, after point calculation at credits and the numbers at the panel. Total Time: last hit: 122383 (34 min) panel: 184331 (52 min) @arrow: I tried to reproduce your glitch at the panel and apparently it only happens, if you Press C one frame before you can enter the first digit. This makes your already highly impressive speedrun even more unique :) @Raiscan: ^^ Right!! How could I forget him! I bet he even has nightmares of himself :) Thanks for the info about the renderer. Looks so much better (except for pixel perfect tasing).
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Great run! I've been blown away by this from the beginning, and the grand finale is no less impressive. A few comments... Using the protection head to move the blocks was pretty clever. There were a few parts where it seemed like you could have saved time by jumping before hitting the switches (in Vice Versa)... this is just speculation though, haven't exactly tested it or anything. Sparky fight looked really good. I knew having multiple balls hitting him did double damage (harder to do in real time, though), but did you happen to notice if the size of the balls caused different amounts of damage? Twin Freaks got owned so hard :) Never knew that the routes on Fatal Contraption actually impacted the scroll speed. I'll have to take that into consideration if I ever try to improve my run (which I'm considering more and more. I could cut a lot of time out if I just get luckier on Stair Wars and Finale Analysis). Far Trek - personally, as someone that has played this level many times before, I found it extremely entertaining. Making such an annoying level look trivial amused me to no end :) As for DD, I was fairly certain that the fastest attacks were his flashing and purple ones (provided you killed the enemies quickly). Thought you did a really great job here.
shoot the buzzsaw, when descending, to save time when climbing the wall (credit goes to arrow)
Haha, even though I missed it in my run =P At least you noticed what I was attempting to do.
I tried to reproduce your glitch at the panel and apparently it only happens, if you Press C one frame before you can enter the first digit. This makes your already highly impressive speedrun even more unique :)
Seriously? That's hilarious, and a bit surprising since I've been able to reproduce it at least once (I level skipped to the final boss shortly after completing my run to test the glitch again and see if it was a random fluke or something that always happened if you were hammering C at the end of the credits). Emu, I really think you should submit this for publishing. Although there's a few minor improvements you've noted, I can't see a future run saving more than 10 seconds over this one.
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Wow, you really put a show on in this installment. You mocked the 3 bosses I had the most trouble with in this game (Izayoi, Twin Freaks, Dark Demon) and the autoscrolling was very entertaining. Outstanding work :D So uhh... whos doing what now? Optimization? I really think you should optimize and publish, seeing as how Trask is up to other stuff.. Also Far Trek could have been much worse, I think you did a very good job of avoiding Bruin and Ze Lazers (tm). Thumbs up from me.
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Thank you all for your feedback. It helped me to finish the movie and honours me, hearing this from a Dynamite Headdy master. The first intention to start the run, was to show some things, which were hard to explain. Later it started to make fun and began to be a solid test run. Some stages were actually played rather perfectly (Flying Game, Fly Hard 1, Illegal Weapon) for the case, someone wanted to copy them. But the fact, that it never started flawless supported laziness, resulting in more and more mistakes (towering internal bosses, fun forgiven banana,…). So unfortunately this run cannot be submitted. There are several reasons, why I didn't immediately started a new tas: 1. I don't want to take away the project of trask 2. upthorn is a way better taser 3. soooo many autoscrolling and waiting parts, I don't know how to fill them 4. some battles with so many possibilities, that its doubtful if they can be played perfectly (second TB, Wooden Dresser, parts of Terminate Her too, Stair Wars, Sparky, Tarot, DD) 5. not the fast paced game, thus not interesting for people unfamiliar with the game 6. I don't know how much free time I will have Still I really like this game and if nobody will do it, I will consider it. But I can't make promises at the moment. @Arrow First of all thanks for your time and advises. About Vice Versa: I might be wrong about this, but since the main objective is to advance to the left, I think the moment the switch is triggered does not interfere with the speed, as long as you don't walk into a wall, thus temporarily stopping the movement. Sparky's Balls: ^^ You caught me on this one. I did not test this out, but I read at gamefaqs, that the size of the balls does not matter (no pun intended). Also, beating sparky several times with different balls always resulted in the same number of hits, indicating, that this theory might be true. I checked about 5 times at the second junction in Fatal Contraption and always got a difference of about 1 second. But it is insanely hard for me to go the right route. I tried it three times at normal speed and always died early, making it very risky for a speedrun imo. Again, I want to emphasize that your current speedrun is already outstanding. After tasing the game I realized how hard it is to beat the game at that speed without dying.
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Has anyone actually checked the upper route in Toys in the Hood? It might be more impressive using the spike head to do a modified form of wall-jumping in that part. By the way, I'm not familiar with this gmae, but I found the run very entertaining, mostly because of the gameplay mechanics. Also, there was some pretty good dancing in that run.
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emu: You've put enough work into this that if you do get around to polishing it, you should most certainly publish it. If I can beat it, I will. ;)
End of Line
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Ok, I like your deal trask, but I won't make it easy :) That clears point one. With arkiandruski clearing point 3 and 5, the major problem will be time and point 4. But I guess, that's what tasing is about. So if I find some time, I will give it try. Thanks for your support. Edit: I will be at my parents the next weeks, where the Internet connection is not that good. So I won't be able to come here very often the next time
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Posts: 188
Location: Germany, Munich
I'm back now, in the town, where I study. Still, I don't have much time, so progress is slow :( In the run, I'm at the battleship now (unfortunately, I couldn't copy the level from my test run, which is frustrating, since tasing the flying levels is boring, needs much time and doesn't look very overwhelming in the end) and try to figure out its HP system. I'm just asking, if someone knows it, because it would save a lot of testing. Until now, I think it has 64 HP and seems to take damage, when about a third of the screen is covered by the dark clouds. However, it seems that it can take some damage earlier. As you see, it is a little unclear. The second question is, what I should do, IF I don't have to hit it all the time. Playing with the worms or destroying everything else on the ship, for example. But please, no dancing to the music :)