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It is my time atack for the game Revenge of Shinobi.
This game is very hard, have fun!
- Takes no damage
- Aims for fastest time
- Plays at hardest level
- Genre: Platform
Tanks for all

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This topic is for the purpose of discussing #321: Neofix's Genesis The Revenge of Shinobi in 15:06.15
Player (71)
Joined: 8/24/2004
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Location: Sweden
Pretty good. But why are you grabbing those 1-up's if you're not using the jitsu needing extra lives to do? Seems like you spend some extra second just to grab them.
Former player
Joined: 11/5/2004
Posts: 43
well the play is not very impressive but is good nevertheless. I dont think you can do impressive stuff with shinobi. The actions where just the ones needed. the story and the game are so good that I watch it in a row without getting bored. i vote yes.
Joined: 11/20/2004
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Hm. . . The Super Shinobi(USA version, obviously) played not quite as quickly as possible. It's also not being played on the hardest difficulty available. Technically, playing with 0 Shurikens and on Difficult(Expert?) is the hardest you can get. This works immensely better in The Super Shinobi II, but can be done here, as well. Anyway. . .let's go over some stuff, shall we? Round 1 • There was some lost time in jumping, cracking open crates, and killing things when it wasn't necessary. • You could've taken out the boss faster. Round 2 • More slow jumps and movements. Not impressive. • Why did you use one of the slowest Jitsus available? Does it do all that much more damage than say. . .the self-explosion one? Technically speaking, blowing yourself up doesn't disqualify the "Takes No Damage" clause. . . Round 3 • Nice deflection of bullets and whatnot in the fenced area. Also good use of those brick walls. • Ya know, though. . . If you're going to keep your Shurikens up to a good number, you should use them more, instead of taking the time to stand there and slash away and people. • The Round 3 boss could have been done way faster if you'd just used your Sword more often and been less picky about the hits. . . Round 4 • Nice use of Shurikens in the Junkyard area. Though, I still saw some slowdown on your part in some areas. • Beautiful use of Fushin Jitsu in the Scrap Factory area! • Nice way to bust up that T-600, too.(Don't argue with me. That is a Terminator Series 600 in the Japanese and early releases, and even continues to look like one in Release 3, here.) Round 5 • Again, beautiful use of Fushin Jitsu on the High Rise area, even though you took about a second to get it going. • Man, you slowed down right before the exit on the Freeway area. What's up with that? • Destroying the Missile Carrier could've been done at least a couple of seconds quicker than you did it. . . I'm not impressed. Round 6 • I'm surprised they kept the kung-fu girls in in China Town. Nice use of Ikazuchi Jitsu. • Good job on disposing of Spider-Man and, I guess, Man-Bat.(Supposed to be Batman, but it doesn't really look much like him. Even in the early releases.) Round 7 • You do know that you can do the Spread Shuriken attack even if you have only one Shuriken, right? That could've saved you some time in the Harbor. • Pretty decent taking-care-of of Godzilla. The Jitsu may have slowed you down a little, though. Round 8 • Pretty nice work on the Neo-Zeed Maze. • Eh. . . Moderate work on destroying Neo-Zeed himself. My Vote: No. Reasons: I was gonna vote "Meh" orignally, but a lot of things in this game could've been done faster, I notice. Boss fights, the levels, etc. Plus, for a truly interesting movie, I think someone may want to make a "Hardest Difficulty, No Shurikens" run at this, or its sequel. But that's just me. Advice: Practice, practice, practice!
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Good work, Neofix. this movie is interesting because: - The bosses are smooth and fastly done (the Terminator and Zeed are a prime example). - You play at hardest level. - You use surprising shortcuts. i found the movie fun, interesting and surprising. my vote: yes //Julianch.
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om, nom, nom... blech, stale!