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This is a special submission! It's a bit late, though, I'm sorry.
I was laying in bed with a nasty sinus infection on the real date.
To play this movie, please change two bytes, starting from the fourth byte in the ROM, to 04 01.
This movie will not play back properly otherwise!
The fourth byte is byte 0003. Remember, humans count from one.
Submission goals:
  • Aims for fastest time.
  • Collects 0% items.
  • Ignores all goals of the game.
  • Ignores the ending.
  • Includes handy DVD scene selector after the movie completes! Use left/right to control.
  • Has a nice frame count (234)
  • Was crated and submitted halfway between the day it was due and my birthday
  • Plays a good game
  • Uses no precomposed SRAM: This is an important one, and can be verified by checking the movie file
Happy April, everyone. Sorry I was late.

Nach: I'm all over this one! :)

Nach: Surprisingly, I don't find this run acceptable, what with it not being made for any game in existence and all.