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^Did you just save 8 frames on Katanal? O_o
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Yes, I was saved 8 frames at mid boss, but then I lost 2 frames at somewhare I don't know http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18176612976464998
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Huh, nice, you waited at the second to last hit to get a faster last hit. Did you hex-edit the input after Katanal or did you re-TAS it? I was thinking that maybe we should test Ayame (the girl) to see if she’s faster… I know she has a longer boss fight on stage 5 or something, but I think she has faster movement and that may help in the long run.
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Thanks! about your 0x000C55E8 I think it's not correct, sometime when that numbers freeze on 4 frames but don't have same items Hmmm Ayame .... then must remake all again... Btw, I found on select items before start stage, just need only a frame for per input
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xxNKxx wrote:
about your 0x000C55E8 I think it's not correct, sometime when that numbers freeze on 4 frames but don't have same items
I’m pretty sure it’s correct, the items are determined when you press X on the Rank screen after the mission ends.
xxNKxx wrote:
Btw, I found on select items before start stage, just need only a frame for per input
What? O_o How?
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Example on my quick get boost items for stage 2 ...........U..|..............|0| ..............|..............|0| ...........U..|..............|0| .X............|..............|0| ............S.|..............|0| Hmmm about lucky for get items, maximum I got only 2 boost items and 3 shurikens, can't get 3 boost items :(
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Ah, that’s what you meant. I thought you meant we didn’t have to wait 1 frame inbetween X presses. Luck manipulation isn’t that important right now, we still need to finish stage 1 and TAS stage 2 properly. Also I plan on disassembling the RNG to try and figure it out eventually. Edit: omg we were actually losing 1 frame from pressing Start too late in the menu before stage 1… but the movie desyncs after that. I think lag changes depending on Start timing…
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I think you don't need disassemble the RNG because I was understood what things lucky depend: it's timer at end stage (at black screen) If you sure your address have correct, then on Hâthor movie file, I have note his RNG when get 3 boost items on stage 2: the number 4068032957 at black screen From your LUA file I was try learn how to write LUA for help warning me if see that RNG
local lucky = 0x000C55E8 local luck = 0 local find_RNG = 0 function fn() luck = memory.readdword(lucky) if (luck == 4068032957) then find_RNG = "found" end end function fm() gui.text(0,70, "Luck " .. luck) gui.text(0,80, "Find RNG " .. find_RNG) end emu.registerafter(fn) gui.register(fm)
Tested and work, hope it's correct Edit: Well, my idea nearly correct, I was join black screen at 4068032957 but I don't have 3 boost items. But when I try change other spots and other frames but still join black screen at 4068032957 I have same items. Now we know RNG numbers will not same on per stage and if we know how to calculator RNG numbers, we can get 3 boost items not too hard
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xxNKxx wrote:
Edit: Well, my idea nearly correct, I was join black screen at 4068032957 but I don't have 3 boost items. But when I try change other spots and other frames but still join black screen at 4068032957 I have same items. Now we know RNG numbers will not same on per stage and if we know how to calculator RNG numbers, we can get 3 boost items not too hard
What were the specifics of your test? Don’t forget that the items you get are different depending on your Rank, and when you unlock a new Grand Master item you only get 1 of it no matter what RNG. Did you finish stage 2 with Hathor’s RNG number and Rank, and still got different items? That would be weird… Edit: by the way in your Lua code, my friend said: [19:41:46] Julian: <<< local find_RNG = 0 [19:41:52] Julian: should be "" not 0 but lua will probably accept it anyway
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Sure we must aim noicve rank like we said before News, I found the number can get 3 boost items and 1 Mine : 3546801239 But I must wait long time for get that number, trying get it in fastest time Edit: too tired... Hope you can make it faster: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18180856484154384
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xxNKxx wrote:
Sure we must aim noicve rank like we said before
Well, Master Ninja would be better, but to get it I think we need to be spotted many times and then get a kill unspotted. Trying to find a dev version of PSXjin or whatever so I can disassemble the RNG atm.
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I tried remake stage 1 and get 4 shurikens, then I make last hit on mid boss with 1 shuriken then it saved 15 frames 1 shuriken for save 15 frames, it's expensive (because shurikens can help more time at later) :(
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Instead of taking another shuriken, use the strategy I said some time ago with a bomb.
a bomb for the samurai would probably help. With a bomb, my idea is to use it at the start and trade, then do Left+Square, then an Up-Down-Square loop combo.
You need the correct behaviour from Katanal for the trade, though, he must do 2 slash attacks so you can trade on the 2nd. Maybe it’s possible even with just 1 (like in our current TAS), but I don’t know. Edit: oh and I had an idea on how to possibly manipulate Katanal for those last 2 hits… aiming a shuriken without throwing it might make him move in a better way, but not sure if it’s possible.
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I wanted to check the beginning of the movie and I saved like 20 frames on the first 2 presses skipping the intro… but the game’s ridiculous, you have to hold down a button to skip them as fast as possible, if you just press it it doesn’t work. I don’t get it. Edit: 24 frames ahead after skipping the first 2 cutscenes. I absolutely do not understand the logic behind the inputs, but I’ll try to make it work as best as I can. Edit2: I think you can hold down a button for 5 frames and the game will consider is as being pressed on all 5 frames (so you can start holding it 5 frames before a cutscene starts for example). After that it ignores it. Though it doesn’t seem to always work… this thing’s a mystery. 27 frames saved after the 3 cutscenes. Wow I fucking hate this emulator so much. I somehow got myself into comparing against a fucked up movie file. NK didn’t lose anything in the intro. Uhm I think I saved 1 frame entering Options now though. ò_o 2 frames saved going to Start. 3 frames choosing Rikimaru. 4 frames ahead starting the level. Now to see how lag reacts and whether the movie syncs or not… Black screen after stage 1 screen: old: 2689/748 new: 2687/748 ends up only saving 2 frames for some reason, lol. I noticed those menu loads seem to work in 30fps sometimes… for example pressing X 1 frame faster would save 2 frames in the end. This time it was in reverse, saving 4 only gave 2… idk. Edit: 2686/748 by purposefully losing a frame at the Start press, whelp. The RAM seems to be exactly the same, so hopefully everything syncs. :) The way the first stage loads seems ridiculous though. Saved 3 frames in the menus, everything synced. :) http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18269789872301701 Still gotta test the bomb idea on Katanal, possibly try to optimize the fight even more without the bomb, improve the run to Echigoya and then comparing to the old movie to make sure that no frames were lost somewhere. By the way, taking that bomb would probably lose a ton of frames because if you start the level a few frames slower, suddenly the loading time gets much longer. It’s weird. Btw for Stage 2 I have 2 ideas: use the hook early to go on top of a roof and then finish with infinite jumps (maybe fall down somewhere to use the LFS); or going the normal route and initiating infinite jumps by going on top of that wheeled thing made of wood so you have enough air time to do them.
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Still gotta test the bomb idea on Katanal, possibly try to optimize the fight even more without the bomb, improve the run to Echigoya and then comparing to the old movie to make sure that no frames were lost somewhere. By the way, taking that bomb would probably lose a ton of frames because if you start the level a few frames slower, suddenly the loading time gets much longer. It’s weird.
You make me fears and didn't want do countinue, just pending for waiting. Because all can easy desync and maybe must remake all. Tell me when you have done at all :D
Btw for Stage 2 I have 2 ideas: use the hook early to go on top of a roof and then finish with infinite jumps (maybe fall down somewhere to use the LFS); or going the normal route and initiating infinite jumps by going on top of that wheeled thing made of wood so you have enough air time to do them.
You was forgot a thing: need make 6 spotted for get novice rank. Grand master rank is easy but will slower at later btw, nice 3 frames improved
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xxNKxx wrote:
You make me fears and didn't want do countinue, just pending for waiting. Because all can easy desync and maybe must remake all. Tell me when you have done at all :D
I don’t understand, what do you mean? You can test the Bomb idea on Katanal if you have time.
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I mean the lucky for get items. Example if I got 3 boost items but must remake somethig then maybe all run time will sync but sure lucky isn't same, then all fater that sure will desync :(
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Actually I think the RNG will still sync… it resets to 0 after the first level I think, so it should be always the same when starting the second. When I saved the 3 frames before starting stage 1 it all synced. Maybe it doesn’t if you save a lot of time though, I’m not sure. Testing Katanal with the bomb wouldn’t create any problem though.
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sacrifice 91 frames can have 3 boost items, 2 shuriken, 1 mine. Best lucky I found lucky number: 1484602553 http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18328949016274229 Edit: Woot, optimized that way, only lost 13 frames now. Can go now? Edit2: at this point, we was faster Hâthor 586 frames
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xxNKxx wrote:
Edit: Woot, optimized that way, only lost 13 frames now. Can go now?
Can you upload that file? Btw I had a thought that luck manipulation may be possible to do with a lua script, but I haven’t checked.
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Here: http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18336071353867165 Trying stage 3 with new way, hope it faster and finding 6 spotted Edit: I was done stage 3 and got 3 boost items. But I think the run need optimize more than. Can you ? http://tasvideos.org/userfiles/info/18338476339219271 Edit2: At this point, my stage 3 need 3115 frames, Hâthor need 3447 frames. In total result we faster 931 frames. But I think the boss battle can optimize more than. How about with 6 shurikens and a slash for save time?
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I wanna try figuring out the RNG. Seeing as I don’t know how to disassemble PS RAM, we’re gonna have to do it by mathing. Can you make a list of every RNG number that gives 3 LFS you found, and what other items it gives (other than 3 LFS)? Edit: a friend of mine already figured out the RNG formula: x = (1103515245 * old + 12345) % 2^32.
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I think we was wrong time detect RNG. I think it at time show result board, because at that time, the number didn't change anymore. If you can, try change that numbers at that time, I think items will change About your formula, I try with this Hmm didn't understand it, but it will help 3 boost items and a grenade after done stage 3
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xxNKxx wrote:
I think we was wrong time detect RNG. I think it at time show result board, because at that time, the number didn't change anymore. If you can, try change that numbers at that time, I think items will change
Yes, that’s what I meant when I said this:
I’m pretty sure it’s correct, the items are determined when you press X on the Rank screen after the mission ends.
xxNKxx wrote:
About your formula, I try with this img]http://i.imgur.com/cHkldeM.png[img Hmm didn't understand it, but it will help 3 boost items and a grenade after done stage 3
I’m not sure what you calculated at the end, but % means modulo. It’s the remainder of a division.
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Can you make a list of every RNG number that gives 3 LFS you found, and what other items it gives (other than 3 LFS)? .
On stage 2: 1484602553, 3546801239 On stage 3: 3722900745
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