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They always smite the ones being correct. Duke Burger 1 almost felt like a real level! I was so entertained for all the 2 minutes the level lasted!
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Mmm. Duke Burger. I'll have mine with extra bacon. >^.^<
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Kitsune wrote:
But yea, I did take it back to get my money back.
I don't understand how that can work (as a business model, I mean). If you don't like a game you bought, you just go back and say "I didn't like it, gimme my money back", and they just happily give your money (and, I assume, sell the returned game as used at a lower price, and hence they lose money). How does that work? I could, perhaps, understand it if they gave you less money back. Then it would work a bit like game rental. (But even then it would still be dubious as a business model.)
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First of all they don't pay you back in cash (but rather allow you to "relocate" it to a different purchase), so your money remains in the shop in any case. I'm sure there are other limits imposed as well. From a consumer's standpoint it's a great business model, though.
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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The game hadn't come out yet. I canceled a Pre-Order. I got a full refund for In Store Credit. Which works out since it's where I'll be buying my 3DS. And that's how it works.
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AKA should rename this topic into "Kitsune's 3DS"
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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You're the ones who made a big deal out of it. Oughta be renamed "Moozooh and Cardboard Can't Drop Things.".
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Or: "I'd rather buy a 3DS than Duke Nukem Forever."
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Look, the point is, this topic is about DNF, which for the record stands for "Duke Nukem Fails", now when AKA and I made lots of complaints about this game being mediocre to average at best, it was perfectly fine to then state "I won't be getting it then", we really didn't need to have "I won't be getting it then, instead, I'll transfer the exact amount of money onto a console, and then I'll describe the situation for another four or so messages". Do notice the difference. Now on a related note, I'll finish DNF only to be able to say "I finished Duke Nukem Forever". Then, I'll probably never play it again. The name of the ghost town in Highway Massacre really did it for me.
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Dude, just drop it. Stop trollin'.
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Kitsune wrote:
Oughta be renamed "Moozooh and Cardboard Can't Drop Things.".
Yeah, well, apparently I'm a moderator. It's my duty here to come out and say "dudes, you're being off-topic here, get back on topic please". Cardboard should have known better than paying your posts further attention, as all it ultimately resulted in was a few more vapid responses which we have an abundance of by this point. One more post not about Duke Nukem Whatever (the game, not the circumstances of its purchase, refunding, and whatnot), and all of the 3DS purchase slice-of-life debate will be split into a separate thread and promptly locked, and I sincerely hope it will not come down to this. Do we have a deal?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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Hey, I was back on topic. Cardboard dragged me back out of it. I can happily say that won't be happening again. I'm choosing to ignore anything else that's Off Topic from the Thread Name. So yes, you have a Deal. Now, back on topic. It's sad that this game we've all been waiting almost 15 years for has come out to suck big time. 2 out of 5. It'll probably get at least that if not worse on X Play.
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Out of curiosity, is that based on the demo alone or did you have access to the full game?
Warp wrote:
Edit: I think I understand now: It's my avatar, isn't it? It makes me look angry.
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I haven't played the game as of yet, but the things I've been hearing aren't good. Clunky Controls, long load times, long waits between periods of action. Now, I could forgive the Long Load Times and the long periods without fighting. But bad controls are something I hate with a passion.
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Mitjitsu wrote:
The game feels pretty average to me. I don't understand why they thought it would be a good idea to only allow you to have 2 weapons at a time
I guess they thought it would be more realistic if he can't carry too many guns, but when has Duke Nukem ever been about realism? Besides, two weapons is too few, so it actually makes it more unrealistic. I kinda liked that idea in games like Crysis because you could carry at least 5 weapons, and it added to the realism and strategy. This only got 5/10 on ign, that really sucks, I kinda looked forward to this. Well, it still might be fun, reviews aren't always accurate for everyone.
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I was really looking forward to it too. I mean. I heard it was coming back in February, and that got me excited to play it. Shoulda known something was wrong when the Release Date went from May 3rd to June 14.
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Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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Cardboard wrote:
Now on a related note, I'll finish DNF only to be able to say "I finished Duke Nukem Forever". Then, I'll probably never play it again.
I apologize for sidetracking a bit, but I am curious about this. From what I have seen in different forums, there are many gamers who like to play their games more than once, some even regularly. Many of these people sound like mass-consumers of games. I can't understand where do they find the time to do this. I am an avid mass-consumer of games, and I am constantly running on the problem that I have too little time to play games even once through, not to talk about replaying them. Even now I have something like six Xbox 360 games and nine PC games on my shelf (or on my HD in my PC, having been purchased via Steam) in line waiting to be played. Some of the games are mercifully short (the shortest "big" games can be played through in 2 or 3 days, even though I certainly do not rush through them), but others are exceptionally long (for example it took me 3 months (!!!) to complete Lost Odyssey). This is not a "problem" which would be solved by simply just playing regularly because the market is constantly flooded with new games that I really want. Even if I wanted (which in most cases I really don't), I simply wouldn't have the time to replay games. It would be a physical impossibility (well, at least unless I want to let my queue of unplayed games to be left unplayed forever). Where do avid gamers find the time to replay games?
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Obviously, the time comes from not buying a new game instead and from not having games on the line to be played? (easily achieved by not buying new games before you've beaten or ditched the old ones and not forcing yourself to play absolutely every decent game in existence. take it slow and relax. oh, and don't play games like lost odyssey) I'm sorry if this reply seems out of place.
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Kuwaga wrote:
oh, and don't play games like lost odyssey
That's a completely unreasonable suggestion! :P
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The time also comes from not researching an extreme amount before playing a game. If you spend time you would otherwise be researching on playing, you'd play a lot more games and generally know a lot more about games.
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Warp wrote:
Cardboard wrote:
Now on a related note, I'll finish DNF only to be able to say "I finished Duke Nukem Forever". Then, I'll probably never play it again.
I apologize for sidetracking a bit, but I am curious about this. ... Where do avid gamers find the time to replay games?
I generally play through all games at least twice, first on an above-average difficulty, then on the hardest difficulty, just to keep myself from losing my touch. Some games, I end up playing more than twice because they are totally awesome (Uncharted-series), and some games I never finish because they simply are not worth my time. Some games are such a great experience that it's worth to play through them time after time, and since I only play single-player games, I never end up wasting time playing the same MW-map 50 times per night, 7 nights a week. That being said, has anybody tried the multiplayer in this game?
Warp wrote:
omg lol this is so fake!!!1 the nes cant produce music like this!
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I actually liked the game. It's not the revolutionary new game that Duke3D was back in its days, but it's a solid shooter nonetheless. I like the amount of variety in the game. Each level looks different, the small sections are a welcome change, minigames are fun enough and the weaponry - while hardly new - is still fun. Add the right amount of boss fights and you've got a good game. I also liked the duke. I can't understand why someone would play the duke, then complain about the immature macho one-liners. It's the duke as we know him, as he should be. The gfx were ok. Some may call them outdated, but then again my three favourite games are from 1994, 2000 and 2005, so screw that. On a less positive note, the loading times were awful, the difficulty curve was quite bumpy and the console-induced restriction to two weapons sucks. But meh, didn't stop me from having a good time.
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So perhaps we could summarize it as (I haven't played the game, only read this thread): A more or less average but good FPS, but definitely a disappointment compared to all the hype?
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I'll probably pick up a copy later on with Steam when it's a little cheaper.