Yeah, I knew from the start my post was flawed. Admittedly I tried to use a satirical tone, but it obviously didn't work. Personally I know the advantages/disadvantages of capitalism to socialism in Marxist theory. Personally I think socialism can work well if done right, as shown in the video. (people get jobs based on passion instead of capitilistic motivation, equality, shared resources ect. are all good things), However because there are so many negative connotations with communism, it's just so easy to insert a smart alec comparison to North Korea or something.
Personally, whether or not this video does or doesn't support Marxism is irrelevant. The main point I was trying to send across was that yes, we do have problems with our system, yes we can change it, but yes, everyone does know those two truths. People aren't stupid but if you think that, or imagine that people are somehow less critical and more biased than you are, you are subject to the introspective illusion. There are no secrets with capitalism. If you didn't think that large corporations acted purely (or almost purely) for financial gain then you are sadly mistaken, but pretty much everyone knows this. In fact media in popular culture have perpetuated this claim as well (for example Jame's Cameron's Avatar, or the International) not to mention the numerous other forms of media.
Secondly, the video says that it promotes critical thinking and then tries to force feed us it's own ideologies. Of course we're going to be resistant to that sort of thing. Noone likes to feel that someone is trying to force feed them an opinion, but then again, isn't this what the video is trying to promote? We can't mindlessly accept the truths presented in the video: that defeats the point. If we are to agree with the video, then we have to do it conditionally. "Okay, so I can agree that capitalism is flawed, but I can also see that socialism has flaws too. I can agree that people should be more curious, but I don't agree that no-one can think at all". In a way, I guess this video did enhance my curiosity slightly, but not in the way they wanted.
Also, I just want to say, it's one thing to have a viewpoint on these subjects, but it's another to actually do something about it. Go to a protest. Start a petition. Exercise your freedom to do something, let your voice be heard, but don't let crappy internet videos influence your opinions. Make some for yourself dammit!
Is my post critical enough for you? Do you believe with everything I just said? If you answered "no" to any of those questions then you can critically think.