A fat man is kicked out of his own castle, and goes on a rampage to reclaim said castle.
Note: While mike89 didn't directly contributed to making this movie, he was listed as coauthor because most of the routes originated from him.

Game objectives

  • Emulator used: VBA23
  • Fastest Time
  • Manipulates Luck


The run was made into existance when shortly after the publication of the previous run, AndyD discovered a faster, more optimized route at the second stage. He also came up with the brilliant idea of using the routes made by mike89 in his 100% run, and modifying them to work in the Any% run. Lastly, he discovered how the Final Boss's Run energy works, which helped in shortening the battle.

Stage by stage comments

Turn off the alarm clock!

No improvement due to lacking input.

To the castle!!

This stage has been changed to resemble mike89's 100% run. The 3rd and 4th rooms are the only ones in this stage that were not based on mike89's run. Also, it was a complete coincidence that the dime appeared at the last room. Saved - 114 frames.

Storm the castle!!

The pausing in the room with the firefox is due to AndyD's discovery that pausing allows the enemies to move during a screen transition, allowing the critter to move closer to the pots. By the end of the stage, thr run is 168 frames ahead of the previous run.

Defeat the giant spear man

While doing the run, we noticed some of mike89's routes were actually slower than his routes made in the Any% run. So we combined them together, and ended up 194 frames ahead of the previous run.

Go through the grand hall

Same as above,this stage combines the routes from the Any% run with the 100% run. By the end of the stage, it is 266 frames ahead of the last run.

Kick 'em out!

The most noticable thing is that the Boss ran out of energy earlier, and without pausing. This is due to AndyD's discovery of how the Boss depleted his energy, so with careful manipulation, we were able to exhaust his energy faster than before. Admittingly, the boss could've been stopped earlier, but this happens.
For anyone who wants to attempt this in the future, these are the addresses for the final battle:
  • C037 - Energy 1 : Can't be manipulated (1 byte unsigned)
  • C038 - Energy 2 : Can be manipulated (1 byte unsigned)
  • C036 - 7 Frame Timer before the boss could be hit (1 byte unsigned)
  • C025 - Boss Horizontal Position (1 byte unsigned)
Also, there's a 4 frame rule to everything, so you either save 4 frames, or lose 4 frames.

Other comments

We would like to thank mike89 once again for his tricks and timesavers. Without him, the time saved would not be possible.
Screenshot Later.

sgrunt: Replaced the submission with a version 25 frames faster.
Flygon: Added YouTube module.
klmz: Accepted as an improvement to the published movie.
Flygon: Processing.

Joined: 5/5/2009
Posts: 901
Location: QC, Canada
I think any kind of noticeable improvement should be published. Yes vote.
Post subject: Movie published
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This movie has been published. The posts before this message apply to the submission, and posts after this message apply to the published movie. ---- [1675] GBC Wario Land II by Pikachu & jlun2 in 08:07.83