Post subject: Famtasia capturing
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Famtasia capturing guide is necessary for those who want to mirror unmirrored movies. I edited it on with addind useful links. Thouth, I can't capture anything even using all recommended settings/patches. Where Famtasia saves caprured AVIs?
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I've actually managed to make a finished movie with Famtasia, but I don't have the logo or subtitles added so all I have is a clean movie. Do anyone happen to know how to add a logo and subtitles to an already finished movie? Or perhaps somewhere during the encoding? I'm not afraid to redo this again if it allows me to get everything in place. Oh, and feos. Famtasia saves the captured AVI in its folder. I can go through all my settings on how I encoded the movie myself if you want.
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Tseralith: thanks, but i refused Famtasia's encoding, Dacicus & other guys do it better. And speaking about adding logo, I suggest you to use this AviSinth script:
a = AVISource("movie.avi")
b = ImageSource(file="logo.png", start=0, end=119, fps=a.FrameRate).ConvertToRGB24()
c = BlankClip(b, audio_rate=a.AudioRate, channels=a.AudioChannels)
d = AudioDub(b, c).Lanczos4Resize(c.width, c.height).AssumeFPS(a.FrameRateNumerator, a.FrameRateDenominator)
last = d + a
Subtitle("Game Name by Author\nPlaying time: 0:00.00\nRerecord count: 0000", y=165, align=8, first_frame=737, last_frame=1037, size=13.0, text_color=$00FFFFFF, halo_color=$00000000, lsp=1)
Subtitle("This is a tool-assisted recording.\nFor details, visit", y=180, align=8, first_frame=1038, last_frame=1338, size=15.0, text_color=$00FFFFFF, halo_color=$00000000, lsp=1)
ConvertToYV24(chromaresample="point", matrix="PC.601")
ConvertToYV12(chromaresample="lanczos4", matrix="PC.601")
Your logo's size must match frame size of the movie. Put things in one folder & drop the script into Virtual Dub to test. Further info you can find in IRC.
Warning: When making decisions, I try to collect as much data as possible before actually deciding. I try to abstract away and see the principles behind real world events and people's opinions. I try to generalize them and turn into something clear and reusable. I hate depending on unpredictable and having to make lottery guesses. Any problem can be solved by systems thinking and acting.
Joined: 5/27/2008
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I have questions too about avi creation for famtasia. I've followed the directions exactly, by getting the proper patch and setting the correct settings, but there's no indication that it is creating an avi file anywhere. Help would be very appreciated.
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If you used the vending machine that Bisqwit made ( and checked the AVI recording patch, then in conjunction with boing.dll and do_record you should be able to export AVI files simply by running the emulator. The files will be in the same directory as the emulator's executable. You will need to manually cut out any extra frames from before you played back the movie file. The patch maker still works, as I recently used it to record some old Morimoto videos to AVI for Youtube. It only exports to uncompressed AVI and will start a new file when the filesystem's file size limit has been reached. (You may need to stitch them back together later.)
Joined: 5/27/2008
Posts: 17
What file extension should do_record have? I have these files, the patch, and all the configuration correctly set but no .avi file is created. Running Windows 2000 SP4.
Editor, Player (69)
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do_record should not have any extension. CMiller: Just to verify, which patches did you have selected when you downloaded Famtasia from Bisqwit's patch machine page? You put the boing.dll and do_record files (also from Bisqwit's page) in the same directory into which you extracted Famtasia, right? You could also search your computer for files named recording00.avi, recording01.avi, etc. That's what Famtasia calls the files it dumps.
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The following were checked: 60fps Windows Fix Fix Movie Length Calculation Occupation Slider Fix From Now Recording Fix Avi recording patch do_record and the dll are in the same directory as the patched application, yet no avi files are created anywhere.