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If it makes an annoying sound, mute your computer? Do you need the sound?
Puzzle gamedev https://patashu.itch.io Famitracker musician https://soundcloud.com/patashu Programmer, DDR grinder, enjoys the occasional puzzle game/shmup.
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He may have meant the constant shifting. I know just watching that can give me a headache. And make me nauseous...
Joined: 5/19/2009
Posts: 47
Just make sure that the time required to acquire new weapons is smaller than the timer these weapons will save. I remember doing my own research on this and came to the conclusion that getting anything beyond the crossbow wasted time - that's all. Then again, maybe in a TAS setting this knowledge is obsolete, so let's hope for that. Clipping the fence was pretty random for me too, but then again I didn't have any TAS thingies to do proper research with. The boulders I remember working every time, though I don't remember the sweetspot (there IS one, so look for that - maybe it's between a boulder and the wall). The way I tried to do every clipping trick in this game was to get to a spot, start running (in place), and start jumping/dash jumping towards the sweetspot (not sure if this is required) at different angles, while holding different directional keys each time. Once you know where the sweetspot is, you only have to find the right camera angle and the direction you have to "push" - it often has to be pretty precise, like with the fence clip. As for "the uber skip": The enchanted earth can be skipped. My method was a bit slower than the guy's who pointed this trick out earlier because I made the jump from the top of the tower. You HAVE to land in the exit triggger, otherwise you will be stuck. So the only thing left for this beast to work is to skip the gauntlet. In theory there are a couple ways to achieve this: 1) Get out of bounds and land in the exit trigger 2) Clip through, or somehow get above, the gate that requires the yellow rune 3) Clip through the gate that holds the yellow rune 4) Clip through the gate with the button that opens the gate which holds the yellow rune 5) Clip through the dragon gate AND then clip back Ad. 1) No luck. Although I managed to climb one of the walls nearly to the spot where it isn't even textured, it seemed to reach even higher than that. I also managed to partially glitch into a couple of walls where Dan would do that I'm-about-to-fall animation and you could rotate the camera so you could see the void, but I never got fully through. Now why do I think this would work? Because of how the void works in this game. When you reach the bottom of the level, the game sets your z-position to the highest point possible, while the x/y position stays as is. This basically means that once you get outside of any level's boundaries you "loop" through the level and can land wherever you want. Ad. 2) The wall seems too thick and there seems to be an extra invisible wall above it, so no luck here either. Ad. 3 & 4) Here's the funny part - I managed to clip through nearly every small gate on this level, except these two. Ad. 5) You can clip through the dragon gate from one side, by luring a big zombie and letting it attack you while you're dash jumping into the spot where the fire meets the left-hand stone serpent head/tail/whatever-it-is. If now you could just get back - this whole thing would work. Maybe play around with the dragon in the trap chest (it's in that area) and maybe he'll push you through. With the right timing it can give you a monstrous boost. Unless you manage to overflow the memory or leave any level with a yellow rune in your inventory, without the game dropping it, or even grabbing the rune through the gate without clipping - I can't see any other way for this to work.
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Joined: 3/27/2010
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Patashu wrote:
If it makes an annoying sound, mute your computer? Do you need the sound?
Na not really, but I find it annoying to play the game in pure muteness... Then again, I could just mute the TAS sound plugin. :P But, even if I listened to music, I'd still find it rather boring :/, but with everyone's help, I'm finding out that really, the highest thing I'll really need is the crossbow, maybe the warhammer for zarok, I'll figure something out :P.
groobo wrote:
Just make sure that the time required to acquire new weapons is smaller than the timer these weapons will save. I remember doing my own research on this and came to the conclusion that getting anything beyond the crossbow wasted time - that's all. Then again, maybe in a TAS setting this knowledge is obsolete, so let's hope for that. Clipping the fence was pretty random for me too, but then again I didn't have any TAS thingies to do proper research with. The boulders I remember working every time, though I don't remember the sweetspot (there IS one, so look for that - maybe it's between a boulder and the wall). The way I tried to do every clipping trick in this game was to get to a spot, start running (in place), and start jumping/dash jumping towards the sweetspot (not sure if this is required) at different angles, while holding different directional keys each time. Once you know where the sweetspot is, you only have to find the right camera angle and the direction you have to "push" - it often has to be pretty precise, like with the fence clip. As for "the uber skip": The enchanted earth can be skipped. My method was a bit slower than the guy's who pointed this trick out earlier because I made the jump from the top of the tower. You HAVE to land in the exit triggger, otherwise you will be stuck. So the only thing left for this beast to work is to skip the gauntlet. In theory there are a couple ways to achieve this: 1) Get out of bounds and land in the exit trigger 2) Clip through, or somehow get above, the gate that requires the yellow rune 3) Clip through the gate that holds the yellow rune 4) Clip through the gate with the button that opens the gate which holds the yellow rune 5) Clip through the dragon gate AND then clip back Ad. 1) No luck. Although I managed to climb one of the walls nearly to the spot where it isn't even textured, it seemed to reach even higher than that. I also managed to partially glitch into a couple of walls where Dan would do that I'm-about-to-fall animation and you could rotate the camera so you could see the void, but I never got fully through. Now why do I think this would work? Because of how the void works in this game. When you reach the bottom of the level, the game sets your z-position to the highest point possible, while the x/y position stays as is. This basically means that once you get outside of any level's boundaries you "loop" through the level and can land wherever you want. Ad. 2) The wall seems too thick and there seems to be an extra invisible wall above it, so no luck here either. Ad. 3 & 4) Here's the funny part - I managed to clip through nearly every small gate on this level, except these two. Ad. 5) You can clip through the dragon gate from one side, by luring a big zombie and letting it attack you while you're dash jumping into the spot where the fire meets the left-hand stone serpent head/tail/whatever-it-is. If now you could just get back - this whole thing would work. Maybe play around with the dragon in the trap chest (it's in that area) and maybe he'll push you through. With the right timing it can give you a monstrous boost. Unless you manage to overflow the memory or leave any level with a yellow rune in your inventory, without the game dropping it, or even grabbing the rune through the gate without clipping - I can't see any other way for this to work.
Well to find out for sure, I'll do 2 TAS's, one with just getting the crossbow, and (if we can skip the Gallows Gauntlet) one with me getting the Warhammer, and if we can't skip the Gallows Gauntlet, one with me getting up to broadsword (for the Asylum) ... So far, the only problem standing in our way is the Gallows Gauntlet itself, if we can skip that, then the route of the levels is optimized, and the only thing we need to do is decide what's the best weapons to get in as little time for Zarok. The rock skip, is confusing me, and we can't dash anything in this level because we don't have it :/ ... I'll keep working and figure out how to get this working haha, but if we can completely skip the Gauntlet, it won't be of any use anyways :)! The Fence skip, I got it by pure luck, and have got it by pure luck everytime, I'll eventually figure out what I'm doing though lol. For the Enchanted Earth (or uber skip in your case), can you guy's show me a video/ explain in full detail how to do this, I'm massively confused lol ;D.. Edit: I actually managed to land in the area after coming up from the place where you use the shadow artifact and get the shadow talisman/ release the demons.. Etc... I'm not positively sure how to know where to move, as that was by luck... Can you help any on this? As for 1) I believe this would be a fairly easy method, I'll experiment around with it, do you think you could tell me what exactly (preferably a video or a screenshot :P) the part that I can get out of bounds on this level? As for 2) Hmm, there's an invisible wall there, I've tested it (turn camera angle to view Dan from the side), it won't even let you touch the gate... So #2 is for sure a No :(. As for 3) I suppose there must be a way to clip through this gate :P As for 4) The button to open the gate which holds the yellow room is in the room past the dragon fires, so number 4 is kinda dropped. As for 5) So either number 1, or number 5 seem to be the most easiest way's to do it. Number 3 may work, but if we really end up having no luck, even still stated, if we can actually clip through #3, can we even get back out o_O? ... I'll spend alot of time testing all of these today... I'll just have to keep trying, and I really believe number 5 is our best best, then number 1, then 3 (only because we don't even know if its possible) ... I have bad luck with clipping through things, so perhaps you could help me more by testing this out as well xD? Unfortunately, runes are designed to be for each individual level, (example: Use the Hilltop Mausoleum level, get the moon rune but don't use it, complete the level, after the battle you still have the rune, after you get the skull key or treasure (after you done have the skull key), you'll notice you still have it, but after the level is complete, it's gone). You know I think it might be possible to manipulate the values because in "Return to the Graveyard", first time playing through no matter what level you enter you have the key, and when you use it, its gone from your inventory, and everytime you play this level after that itts back, but any other level and it's gone... Maybe something similar to that? Grabbing it without clipping would be rather hard, but I'm sure it's possible as long as we touch the pixel of the rune that says you've picked it up. But, the gate, kinda is there to stop that I'm sure :/ ... I'll keep trying stuff, and I thank everybody for helping ^^, I'll post back if I can figure anything out :]
Joined: 4/20/2008
Posts: 466
Just watched the WIP; I was entertained! Not knowing anything about the game, what was up with smacking that statue around early on? It didn't seem to have an obvious effect.
A warb degombs the brangy. Your gitch zanks and leils the warb.
Joined: 4/29/2005
Posts: 1212
Personman wrote:
Just watched the WIP; I was entertained! Not knowing anything about the game, what was up with smacking that statue around early on? It didn't seem to have an obvious effect.
Smacking the statue actually opens up doorways, if I remember right.
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Personman wrote:
Just watched the WIP; I was entertained! Not knowing anything about the game, what was up with smacking that statue around early on? It didn't seem to have an obvious effect.
The statue controls the gates =P, and thank you ;D ... In the submission of it, I'm going to actually make it very entertaining.. Wasting ammo, clipping through gates, walking in oob (hopefully), killing everything asap, and stuff... Since I really have absoulutely nothing to go by, this is why I'm making this TAS the way I am xD... Fun fact: This game will be TAS'd, before it has been speedrun >_>. Edit:
Kitsune wrote:
Personman wrote:
Just watched the WIP; I was entertained! Not knowing anything about the game, what was up with smacking that statue around early on? It didn't seem to have an obvious effect.
Smacking the statue actually opens up doorways, if I remember right.
Yupp :p Edit... Again: A level video is up, if you guys are interested in watching.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYS3pqI4Uvo
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I skipped the shadow artefact !!! go to the bird nest and dash jump to the up-right corner of the screen, hold, wait few seconds, press jump again. You end there. It's not the exit, but at least we have something to improve now. screenshot. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/theere.jpg can't do it again... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... forget it
Joined: 6/19/2005
Posts: 180
I think gathering at least some of the chalices would make the game much shorter. Some of the weapons may not be necessary, but definitely make the game shorter. The Witch Talisman (to get the dragon gems) would be absolutely necessary to get for a low% run, unless there's a way to get through/around the flaming gate without the dragon armor. If someone can find a way around that, then that's good news. As far as the last battle, I was watching a guy play through, and he tried his hardest to keep everyone up to full. He used up less than 6 and a half bottles. Now, that's keeping them all up to full health... I can't tell you what bare minimum would be, but I'd guess probably around 4 or 5?
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IMPblackbelt wrote:
I think gathering at least some of the chalices would make the game much shorter. Some of the weapons may not be necessary, but definitely make the game shorter. The Witch Talisman (to get the dragon gems) would be absolutely necessary to get for a low% run, unless there's a way to get through/around the flaming gate without the dragon armor. If someone can find a way around that, then that's good news. As far as the last battle, I was watching a guy play through, and he tried his hardest to keep everyone up to full. He used up less than 6 and a half bottles. Now, that's keeping them all up to full health... I can't tell you what bare minimum would be, but I'd guess probably around 4 or 5?
First off, we only need to collect whats necessary, in this term, what is necessary, while also being able to save us time, and the time spent collecting the stuff, to save said time, is shorter than what those said items will save us in the long run. We can basically skip the Enchanted Earth, we're extremely close.. We've done made it so we can skip the Shadow Artifact. Now, all we need to do is be able to skip the Gallows Gauntlet... And on that, we're extremely close, we've managed to "Clip" into the dragon fire gate (aka flaming gate), however, getting out, is a different story... As well, we can get oob in this level, with the loop dive trick (read all posts to see what I mean), it's basically possible to get into the exit trigger... Just in due time, we will find it :) ... If not, then the broad sword is a big help, however, as people have mentioned, the broad sword takes some time to get, so really the highest thing we need is the warhammer, and, if we can skip the gallows gauntlet, the only thing we need is the crossbow. (Example: Time taken to get anything past the crossbow does not save time at Zarok, Crossbow saves time at Zarok [asummed, but not fully tested, kinda obvious though, but I MAY be wrong lol] )... As for the witch talisman, that's what we're trying to do right now... A way to skip it, the dragon gems, and the dragon armor. It's necessary in 100% though. Well, that's non assisted, and that guy, surely didn't know what the hell he was doing then, I've done it unassisted with 3... There are rejuvenation fountains in the room. Really, I think it's possible with just 300 energy (no life bottles). In the TAS PXM I posted (if you'd taken the time to watch it to get an understanding of what I know and don't know), you'd know I did the battle pretty easy, and pretty fast.. With 3 Life bottles ;) .. Kinda a waste though considering I could've done it faster :/ Uhm.... Well right now, what I know, is levels that are "From Point A to Point B" (Graveyard, Ghost Ship) can't be skipped. Levels that are universal (Enchanted Forest, The Lake) can be skipped... Levels that have varying factors (Gallows Gauntlet, The Haunted Ruins) can be optimized/skipped in entirety, if we figured out glitches to do so.... The haunted Ruins has a HUGE pool of slim, if we could skip that, we could skip the level basically. As for the Gallows Gauntlet, we can clip into certain gates, and into the Dragon Fire Gate (but can't get back out), however.. We're still working on it :) .. If you wanna help, download the game and mess around with what you can figure out, you'll be credited :]
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skychase wrote:
I skipped the shadow artefact !!! go to the bird nest and dash jump to the up-right corner of the screen, hold, wait few seconds, press jump again. You end there. It's not the exit, but at least we have something to improve now. screenshot. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/theere.jpg can't do it again... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU...
Don't worry man, I've got to the point, though your way of getting there is much faster, so obviously.. Now the shadow artifact is skippable =p, but like yeah, I've been able to reproduce it several times, the closest I've gotten to the exit, is right after you come outside that shadow demon "release" place... The game is programmed that when you release them, it rearranges the map and adds shadow demons to the "Enemys Allowed List", so they start spawning.. With the glitch, we're still in the first part of the Enchanted Forest, so we're stuck in that place and have to reset... If we could land in the exit trigger it'd be nice ;)
Joined: 5/19/2009
Posts: 47
I think I'll simply record all the tricks that I know of.
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groobo wrote:
I think I'll simply record all the tricks that I know of.
That will be VERY appreciated :) ----- 2 New Levels are up for people to view... -Haunted Ruins: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYS3pqI4Uvo -The Ghost Ship: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aeCyZJlc0Tc
Joined: 5/19/2009
Posts: 47
Hold your horses, both these levels can be partially skipped :). One question: how the hell did you get this game running in pcsx? For me it crashes right after loading dan's crypt with the default settings/plugins.
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groobo wrote:
Hold your horses, both these levels can be partially skipped :). One question: how the hell did you get this game running in pcsx? For me it crashes right after loading dan's crypt with the default settings/plugins.
Go into options and click "Enable Interpreter Cpu" ... And ... lol... *holds* :D, just make sure that you're using scph 1001 (if NTSC) or 7502 (I think) (If PAL) , and preferably, a BIN version of MediEvil (I had no desyncs with it as a BIN file, though I've not tested it with a ISO version, but in my past experiences BIN>ISO :P) Just, whatever you can help with... Before the end of the day, I'll also have the Time Machine and Zarok's Lair uploaded, all 4 levels are really suboptimal, because I lazy TAS'd them, but, atleast give you the idea of how I'm going to do them, however, if they can be skipped, obviously, I'll be using your ideas. I don't see a reason to upload a video of "The Entrance Hall" :P It's massively skipped xD
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All of the time machine is skippable, so hold on a sec :p.
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groobo wrote:
All of the time machine is skippable, so hold on a sec :p.
Okay then lol, I'll just go do something else, I've been working on this for the past 7 hours -sigh-, I'll check back later ;)
Joined: 5/19/2009
Posts: 47
Turning on that cpu something option makes the game work, but basically kills my pc. Pcsx runs at 40fps top and that's with massive frame skipping and the no sound plugin, so any advice for getting better performance on this piece of crap would really help. For now I figured out the boulder clip, here's a screenshot. Just make a running jump towards the marked spot - works every time. I'll try to get some videos up tomorrow.
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groobo wrote:
Turning on that cpu something option makes the game work, but basically kills my pc. Pcsx runs at 40fps top and that's with massive frame skipping and the no sound plugin, so any advice for getting better performance on this piece of crap would really help. For now I figured out the boulder clip, here's a screenshot. Just make a running jump towards the marked spot - works every time. I'll try to get some videos up tomorrow.
Here's the settings I use: PCSX RR Version 0.1.3 http://i55.tinypic.com/1zv66ia.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/63zo78.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/1ytqx0.jpg http://i53.tinypic.com/2hcj9yh.jpg With a BIN version of MediEvil. And it works pretty good! Note: Click Run CD, instead of running through the BIOS.. just in case. If it doesn't work with those settings, I suggest going into the task manager of your computer and closing settings which take up use of your memory, definately do not try emulating while you have internet explorer, firefox, or another browser up. Just have the emulator up =p, If still nothing, It might just be your computer. Edit: Thanks for explaining how to do that clip, It works everytime like you said! :) Ps - Ever get it working :P??
Joined: 2/26/2007
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Did you ever try out charging daggers vs. releasing individual daggers against that one boss? I am curious if the programmers, in their finite wisdom, lowered the damage output of the daggers due the charged rapid fire. If they did not, I would think charging the weapon would be faster.
skychase wrote:
I skipped the shadow artefact !!! go to the bird nest and dash jump to the up-right corner of the screen, hold, wait few seconds, press jump again. You end there. It's not the exit, but at least we have something to improve now. screenshot. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/theere.jpg can't do it again... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... forget it
ALWAYS record when trying things out. Comicalflop did the same thing, except in OoT, where he was able to zip up a ladder. As far as I know, he has still not reproduced that glitch. This was from 3+ years ago XD
adelikat wrote:
I very much agree with this post.
Bobmario511 wrote:
Forget party hats, Christmas tree hats all the way man.
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Sticky wrote:
Did you ever try out charging daggers vs. releasing individual daggers against that one boss? I am curious if the programmers, in their finite wisdom, lowered the damage output of the daggers due the charged rapid fire. If they did not, I would think charging the weapon would be faster.
skychase wrote:
I skipped the shadow artefact !!! go to the bird nest and dash jump to the up-right corner of the screen, hold, wait few seconds, press jump again. You end there. It's not the exit, but at least we have something to improve now. screenshot. http://i281.photobucket.com/albums/kk227/skychase2rebirth/theere.jpg can't do it again... FFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU... forget it
ALWAYS record when trying things out. Comicalflop did the same thing, except in OoT, where he was able to zip up a ladder. As far as I know, he has still not reproduced that glitch. This was from 3+ years ago XD
Charging the weapon is faster, also it's faster to charge up the daggers, throw them at the boss's heart, then switch to the crossbow, and rapid fire.. So that saves some time ;) . And, I do realize you're directing that at skychase, but I should be doing that as well, so I can figure out how I'm doing things ;), thanks for the tip sticky :D
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These were the settings I was using, so I just gave up on pcsx. Epsxe works great for me, but my pc still nukes whenever I try to record something so screenshots will have to do. I would advise monitoring Dan's coordinates while oob with RAM watch or whatever. Without that you really won't know what is going on in the void. Enchanted earth: Go here and do a dash jump at the last frame possible in the pointed direction. Once you pass the kill trigger you're on your own. Two things, though: While oob you have to be moving horizontally at all times (your hspeed has to be anything other than 0, to be more precise, otherwise Dan will die for some reason) - if you want to fall straight down, move in small circles. If your destination is too far away to reach in a single jump, make sure you don't land on anything and let the level "loop". Pools of the ancient dead: You can skip the red rune here. Do a dash jump and curve around the gate, like this. You do it exactly the same on your way back. The lake: Go to the general area where the exit is. You can skip going through the building with this jump - same method as the previous shortcut. For reaching the exit trigger early, jump between the crystals and the fissure on the left side of the door, then jump towards the fissure, then onto the roof. You should hit the exit trigger in two or three steps. The haunted ruins: You can't fall straight to the exit trigger in this level because it isn't loaded until you return the crown to the king's ghost. After the chicken herding, go up the wall, and do a jump like this - you won't fall but you will still trigger the demons to run for the switch which opens the gates (it's important to do this, otherwise you'll be stuck later on). Now go back to the bridge and curve around the side of the entrance with a dush jump to avoid the kill trigger, like this. You want to drop to the room with the crown and complete the rest of the level as you normally would. The ghost ship: Get to this spot, dash jump avoiding the kill trigger, fall straight to the exit. The time device: You can drop down avoiding the kill trigger right where you start the level. The lower part of the left-side wall isn't solid - you're safe to fall straight to the exit trigger once you go through it. That's all for the levels we have to go through one way or another. I'll try to remember the shortcuts for the rest of the levels probably tomorrow. I played around with the in-game cheat codes and found out that you can teleport anywhere with one of these babies, so I can do even more crude researching! Theory time: There are no invisible walls above the walls around the last gate in the gauntlet - this means we have to get to one of those spots. I already tested it and we can get to the exit from there. Also, going out of bounds is out of the question: this is one of the levels where the game warps you right back into the level's boundaries the moment you get out, even if you teleport 10k units away from the playing area. I also had an idea for a small shortcut in the return to the graveyard level which would skip the yellow rune and all that stuff. Maybe it's possible to jump from one of the tombstone's on the lower level up to the cliff. With a dash jump I can easily do it - it's a whole different deal without it, though.
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groobo wrote:
These were the settings I was using, so I just gave up on pcsx. Epsxe works great for me, but my pc still nukes whenever I try to record something so screenshots will have to do. I would advise monitoring Dan's coordinates while oob with RAM watch or whatever. Without that you really won't know what is going on in the void. Enchanted earth: Go here and do a dash jump at the last frame possible in the pointed direction. Once you pass the kill trigger you're on your own. Two things, though: While oob you have to be moving horizontally at all times (your hspeed has to be anything other than 0, to be more precise, otherwise Dan will die for some reason) - if you want to fall straight down, move in small circles. If your destination is too far away to reach in a single jump, make sure you don't land on anything and let the level "loop". Pools of the ancient dead: You can skip the red rune here. Do a dash jump and curve around the gate, like this. You do it exactly the same on your way back. The lake: Go to the general area where the exit is. You can skip going through the building with this jump - same method as the previous shortcut. For reaching the exit trigger early, jump between the crystals and the fissure on the left side of the door, then jump towards the fissure, then onto the roof. You should hit the exit trigger in two or three steps. The haunted ruins: You can't fall straight to the exit trigger in this level because it isn't loaded until you return the crown to the king's ghost. After the chicken herding, go up the wall, and do a jump like this - you won't fall but you will still trigger the demons to run for the switch which opens the gates (it's important to do this, otherwise you'll be stuck later on). Now go back to the bridge and curve around the side of the entrance with a dush jump to avoid the kill trigger, like this. You want to drop to the room with the crown and complete the rest of the level as you normally would. The ghost ship: Get to this spot, dash jump avoiding the kill trigger, fall straight to the exit. The time device: You can drop down avoiding the kill trigger right where you start the level. The lower part of the left-side wall isn't solid - you're safe to fall straight to the exit trigger once you go through it. That's all for the levels we have to go through one way or another. I'll try to remember the shortcuts for the rest of the levels probably tomorrow. I played around with the in-game cheat codes and found out that you can teleport anywhere with one of these babies, so I can do even more crude researching! Theory time: There are no invisible walls above the walls around the last gate in the gauntlet - this means we have to get to one of those spots. I already tested it and we can get to the exit from there. Also, going out of bounds is out of the question: this is one of the levels where the game warps you right back into the level's boundaries the moment you get out, even if you teleport 10k units away from the playing area. I also had an idea for a small shortcut in the return to the graveyard level which would skip the yellow rune and all that stuff. Maybe it's possible to jump from one of the tombstone's on the lower level up to the cliff. With a dash jump I can easily do it - it's a whole different deal without it, though.
Wow, this is... Stunning, If I'm not mistaken, you've spared about 15 minutes off of the run just by finding this! lol I feel lazy now! I shall try your methods man, thank you very freaking much :) , I'll post back after I try all of this! Edits: I've got 2 values which deal with Dan's speed, I really don't know what they mean... but atleast I know that they mean he's moving lol. I'm working on the Enchanted Earth Skip, I... Edit: OMFG :DDDDDDDD I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Video soon!) Thanks for the tip on pools of the ancient dead, it'll save maybe a second or 2 :) Thanks also for the tip on the Lake, this'll save some time maybe... 2-3 seconds, if that. (The Haunted Ruins) Hmm... Couldn't we just shoot a shadow demon with the crossbow? It has the same effect =]. So basically, we can drop into King Peregrin's Room and just do the level as usual. Not bad :) Definately will save like 10 seconds or so. For the ghost ship: We can skip the boss too right? xD For the time Machine: We can complete this level without being on the train right? For the stupid level (Gallows Gauntlet) that is standing in our way of pure awesomenesssauce... I really, just don't know... Our best bet is the flaming gate now, I suggest we just keep trying on it! And for the return the graveyard, the level is definately suboptimal.. I like your idea, but, Idk about your idea without the dash jump (which we get at the end of the level)... It may work without it, but, I just really don't know, I'd have to try it out alot. The boss though is optimized :D (lol I know that had nothing to do with what you're saying, but just saying ^^). Welp, Video of me Skipping the Enchanted Forest coming up within the hour!
skychase wrote:
The first official tas isn't even finished and you two already broke the game, it would be funny to find somekind of BLJ, Medievil in 10 mins xD.
Well you've helped some as well :). The reason why I want this TAS to be basically flat out optimized before I publish it, is because, this is one of those TAS's where, the author (me) wants it to stand, for as long as possible... Because this game is much more to me than just a game, because along with Spyro it's one of the first few video games I ever owned (still do). As for a BLJ lol in the sense of Super Mario 64, I don't see it happening x), it's possible with MHS but you know, it's not allowed xD... And like, I believe the end time of this is going to be somewhere around 20-30 minutes in the end :).
Joined: 3/25/2007
Posts: 212
Location: Quebec, Canada
The first official tas isn't even finished and you two already broke the game, it would be funny to find somekind of BLJ, Medievil in 10 mins xD.
Former player
Joined: 3/27/2010
Posts: 270
Skychase my reply to you is in the one above where you posted.. The reason why I'm posting here is because I'll be posting the url of The Enchanted Earth skip (Yeah we finally did it man :D) ... Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GMcMucXSsug But (omg :D) (OMG) (OMG!!!), still for groobo, man try going into the TAS Graphics Plugin and click use system memory, maybe that'll work!! (Btw, if you didn't know, you gotta use KKapture to record PCSX .. Go File -> Movie -> Record AVI Help for more info :] Welp time to record and upload the awesomeness.
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