
Joined: 4/25/2004
Posts: 615
Location: The Netherlands
Hm, you can convert fcm to fc2 from within fceux (otherwise I'm not sure what you mean) and I hardly doubt the mic can be recorded but I'm sure adelikat can confirm/deny that.
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I know you can convert between the two. That's not the problem. Here's what I mean. I download the fm2 file; I have no fcms for it. There are, however, plenty of other fcms for other games in my movie folder. I think this is what's throwing it off. I go to File->Replay Movie. Even though there are no fcms for this game, I get a note along these lines: "FCM format no longer supported; you can convert them to fm2 in the tools menu." I hit OK to get past it; it throws another at me, same message and everything. Repeat seven or eight times. FINALLY I get to the Play Movie dialog box where it has the input file I just downloaded ready to be played. I find it needless and annoying. Only once should be plenty. Also, the microphone is just a one bit value that detects the presence of sound and nothing else. It can be easily emulated by the press of a button, so it shouldn't be too difficult to record.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
Banned User
Joined: 12/23/2004
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I think it's related to FCEU's scan-the-directory-for-.fcm-files, which is perfectly normal and in fact something I enjoy about it, though they seem to have forgotten that a) it would be better to present a list of both .fcm and .fc2 b) it would be smarter to just say "Convert to .fc2 and play movie?" c) it is best to only bring up the dialog after selecting a movie to play and hitting OK, not inside the dialog itself Unfortunately this hasn't been fixed yet. :|
Joined: 4/25/2004
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Location: The Netherlands
Ah, I believe the scanning was fixed in the interim release, but I don't think it's up to date so I can't point you to a binary download (you can get the source from sourceforge and build it yourself). I guess fceux scans the folders, sees fcm's and just throws the error regardless.
Skilled player (1415)
Joined: 10/27/2004
Posts: 1978
Location: Making an escape
I thought so, but it's confusing because I have more than 8 fcms. :/ Whatever. At least it's known.
A hundred years from now, they will gaze upon my work and marvel at my skills but never know my name. And that will be good enough for me.
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alden wrote:
Yeah that cleared that up pretty good :) Rewind is fluid on every game now. Thanks! Oh and fceux is taking 300 megs of memory :D
That happens to me too. I once just only had the emulator paused after a few minutes of being open, opened task manager, and the RAM usage just kept on going up and up nonstop http://www.a3share.com/members/1119/fcememory.PNG
Player (121)
Joined: 2/11/2007
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If this is happening with the rewind script you can open the script with a text editor and change the value of rewindBufferLength to something smaller -- it's set to 3600 which is a whole minute. Or, if you're not, then I'm of no use :S
I make a comic with no image files and you should read it. While there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free. -Eugene Debs
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If you meant that to me, no sorry I never use those tools. I'm not a TAS'er, just a rom hacker. It literally rises without anything else open at all.
Post subject: Great, new bug
Banned User
Joined: 12/23/2004
Posts: 1850
Due to the lack of a memory.readregister (for NES registers like sound, scrolling, palette etc) I'm trying to read the memory in RAM itself. Unfortunately, a good deal of these are write-only. So, I figured attempting a memory.register read would be a good idea.
function gameloop ()
	for i = 0x00, 0x13 do
		text(8, 8 + 8 * i + math.floor(i / 4) * 2, string.format("%04X> %02X", 0x4000 + i, memory.readbyte(0x4000 + i)));

	text(8, 8 + 8 * 0x15 + 8, string.format("%04X> %02X", 0x4000 + 0x15, memory.readbyte(0x4000 + 0x15)));
	text(192, 8, string.format("Writes: %4d", writes));

function test()
	text(64, 8, string.format("4000> %02X", memory.readbyte(0x4000)));
	writes	= writes + 1;
memory.register(0x4000, test);
writes	= 0;

while (true) do 
	writes	= 0;
Watch your emulator slow to a crawl, as any write to memory will set off one of these. This is basically two things: - Bug: memory.register doesn't like addresses above a given threshold or of a certain type, it seems - Feature request: have a way to read values from NES registers/memory, not just the NES's RAM, because there are other useful things outside of that.
