Posts for upthorn

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140 but it's NOT a valid IQ test.
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nitsuja wrote:
I didn't mean the glide turnaround, I meant going below where you're trying to get to then jumping up there. In your WIP "UpthornS3KWipV3_IceCap.gmv", I see you doing this: then falling below, instead of this:
Ohhhhh. I'll fix that as soon as I'm done redoing HC2 again.
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nitsuja wrote:
That method of gliding into the boss doesn't actually put you in a position you can't get to by jumping up there and starting/canceling a glide. The only reason it worked in that movie is that it somehow caused the boss to not start moving up when it normally does. Weird... You still did that slow thing in Marble Garden 2 at around 30 seconds in. If you jump from the spindash, then glide on the right frame and immediately cancel and hold right, you'll land on the upper slope under the pulley. You can spin dash immediately upon landing then continue as normal, saving at least 100 frames.
Err, I'm not still doing that slow thing in MG2. Haven't been since I posted the "Marble Garden" complete wip. Unless I accidentally hexed the wrong set of input in after the end of HC2. Did the WIP you watched that did that also defeat Sonic's MG2 Boss?
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Spindash speed does not transfer to glide speed, but it does transfer to jump distance. Since gliding is slower than jumping we want to get as far to the right as possible before we start the glide, to save time.
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Dustin wrote:
bkDJ wrote: for marble garden one: so is regular sonic the only way to beat this boss before it gets too high? Sprintgod does it by getting the first hit from beneath, and using the lightning shield to jump through. Knuckles can't do that.
But...Super Knuckles can do this and save 3 timeunits. Sorry I can't put the savestate on microstorage and I have no hosts so you'll have to fastforward.
That's brilliant and insane. Thanks for the tip, I'm sure to be using it. Edt: Dustin: I can't concieve of a way that using a weaker spindash would speed it up. But I guess I might as well test, eh.
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Fabian wrote:
Just wanted to throw my opinion in here upthorn. I've been wondering why that boss has been beaten so slowly every time I've watched this, and it bugs me that SprintGod is so very clearly faster here. If I qualify as an average viewer, I'd much prefer beating it quickly and then waiting where the obvious wait is.
Interestingly enough, SprintGod doesn't defeat the boss as fast as possible, so that the pillar will be in the right position. Also my definition of average viewer is basically the same as who Bisqwit has said that the stars are aimed at: someone who's new to the site and watches TASes primarily for entertainment value, and will notice more if flow is broken than if there's some minor delays in activity which takes place off the screen. So it pretty much categorically excludes any active posters here. Although, in this particular situation it's irrelevant because:
nitsuja wrote:
What about hitting the signpost to get the pillar in a better position without wasting any in-level time, after beating the boss as fast as possible?
That seems like an excellent compromise I'll do that.
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nitsuja wrote:
upthorn wrote:
So after doing thos fixes in the beginning of HC2, I can only really afford to speed the boss up by ~30 frames.
It should work to do everything before the pillar as fast as possible, and wait for it to get into position when you get there. Even if it's not really faster, that would raise less questions, since it's obvious you're waiting for it there instead of being inexplicably slow on a boss way back in a previous level.
Stylistically, I feel that the less time spent with no motion, the better. For instance spending an extra second defeating a miniboss which, even with the extra time only appears on the screen for about 30 frames, I may not be doing that specific thing as fast as possible, but I'll be in motion. Whereas if I beat the boss as fast as possible and then wait for the pillar, I'll be standing still for an extra second. For me, and for the average viewer, the version which doesn't wait for the pillar is more entertaining, and shows more planning, than the one which beats the boss as fast as possible. I will, however, redo the boss so it gets beaten in just the right number of frames to be the same speed as waiting for the pillar.
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nitsuja wrote:
nitsuja wrote:
It seems like there should be a way to beat that [Hydrocity 1] boss faster, as well.
I was right; at least 144 frames faster is possible by jumping from the left wall (movie). I forgot to check if gliding before the last hit on the boss can save even more time (it probably can).
Initially I did it slow so that the pillar would be in the right position in HC2. I haven't yet taken the time to redo it. Although from current, (with your additions to HC1) I can only actually save about 56 frames without the pillar in HC2 blocking me. So after doing thos fixes in the beginning of HC2, I can only really afford to speed the boss up by ~30 frames.
nitsuja wrote:
At the start of Hydrocity 2, jumping underwater there slows you down a lot, so you can save some frames (at least 11 getting to the same spindash position) by continuing to roll for a while and re-spindashing as necessary.
Yeah, I did this before I had the speedometer, and didn't realize that underwater jumps begin losing speed immediately.This shouldn't be a big problem to fix. I'll still want to be standing by the time I hit the ramp, though, so I can do a controlled jump.
nitsuja wrote:
About 11 seconds in, why do you do a full-power spin dash and jump a few frames later? A weak dash and a sooner jump saves a few (at least 5) frames.
An oversight on my part. After the full power spindash, the jump I do is the soonest that i can jump and not be brought to a complete stop (by surface tension?). I didn't play around with spindash strength. I can probably save a few more frames by doing a weaker spindash on the set just above, too.
nitsuja wrote:
Do you need that bubble shield that you get after glitching through the slide the first time? If not, you can save ~30 frames by glitching through the slide further down it.
No, I don't. I was just following Sprint's route without thinking about why Sprint did it there. I feel stupid now. Heh.
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bkDJ wrote:
about 35 seconds into angel island one. can't you hold right until the last possible frame where holding left will not touch the wall to end up a little closer to the rocks you spindash through?
I believe I already am. Edit: oh, you're right, I'm not. This could maybe save a frame or two, I'll try it. Edit2: Oh yeah, i don't do it because if I have more than about 1 pixel per frame of leftwards momentum when I land, I can't spindash without spending an extra 5 frames. This is why I currently don't even hold left all the way down.
IdeaMagnate wrote:
bkDJ wrote:
For hydrocity 1, are we absolutely sure going down into the water at the start and messing with the conveyers is faster than taking the upper route?
Unless there's a glitch that allows Knuckes to glide or move to the right faster than normal while falling, taking the upper route involves climbing up the wall.
Furthermore, the upper route involves skipping the first giant ring, which would delay getting Super Knuckles until sometime in carnival night 2.
bkDJ wrote:
for marble garden one: so is regular sonic the only way to beat this boss before it gets too high?
Sprintgod does it by getting the first hit from beneath, and using the lightning shield to jump through. Knuckles can't do that.
bkDJ wrote:
for marble garden 2 boss: uh, why did you leave two hits till the end?
No matter how many times you hit him while he's drilling, it will take at least one hit once tails comes in. But more to the point, Knuckles can't jump high enough to get any more hits in any time where the boss isn't already flashing.
bkDJ wrote:
For Ice cap 2 boss, why don't you just glide and stay in the air at the beginning. you could get a hit early probably.
I can't just glide left, because it's a spindash jump, so I have to turn around. And even if I start gliding from the peak of the jump, by the time I've turned around, I'll be below where the platform is when I currently land on it.
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New wip here Completes through ice cap. Also redid quite a lot in Angel Island, Hydrocity, and Marble Garden. Prior viewers should watch again from the start. Well, okay, you can skip the menu.
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Zurreco wrote:
I can't link to the page directly, since it has been moved, but I have a transcript of some stuff. "no court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider an application for a writ of habeas corpus filed by or on behalf of an alien detained by the United States who has been determined by the United States to have been properly detained as an enemy combatant or is awaiting such determination." Eugene R. Fidell, president of the National Institute of Military Justice, added that: "What it means is that certain categories of people are going to be second-raters in our legal system. You can't sneeze at the fact that citizenship has got to mean something," Fidell said. "But if I were a green-card holder, thinking about the other pressures that are being brought to bear on green-card holders, it could make me pretty nervous."
That would tend to indicate that citizens retain the right of habeas corpus.
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Ouzo wrote:
Movie Description wrote:
This movie probably has the highest rerecord count (160,027 which is about 50,000 more than in the previous version!) of all the movies of this site.
This should be taken out since Sonic Advance 3 and Mega Man 2 have more now.
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Zurreco wrote:
Serj wrote:
BIf you are a political enemy of his, or anybody for that matter, your life is in danger. I'm an American, born and raised, I believe in the words of the constitution, and I'm scared to death of my government. My constitution no longer protects me. It's been voted out.
The bill doesn't target legal nationalized citizens. Therefore, not everyone is 'targeted' by this bill, only foreign migrants that aren't nationalized or haven't achieved citizenship. As I said before, this isn't the best thing ever, but peopel are definitely blowing it WAY out of proportion.
Reading over the text, (admittedly only in short bits at a time), I haven't seen anything that prevents it from being applied to naturalized, or even American-born citizens. If you have, I would thank you to direct me to the applicable clause(s).
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Serj wrote:
This is the worst thing that's ever happened to America. I'm about to kill myself. Seriously. I've never been more sad and more scared in my life.
The death of the outraged will only leave us with noone to protest.
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adelikat wrote:
L4yer wrote:
How come few people protest crap like this? Is there that much fear and lack of majority in the US?
How come people only bitch about this stuff when a republic is in office?
Because democrats don't do anything worth bitching about? Or anything worth talking about, for that matter.
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The bill's official title wrote:
A bill to authorize trial by military commission for violations of the law of war, and for other purposes.
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Post subject: I'm not normally one to bring up political matters, but...
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If you live in the United States, you should be aware that S. 3930 passed congress today. The full text of the law is available here.
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Mr. Pwnage wrote:
I don't think there are any plans to enter a bonus stage (as opposed to a special stage) at any point in this run. They're all time-consuming, and the best result Knuckles can hope for is getting to 50 rings in order to go super. I don't know of any place where you could get to 50 in a bonus stage faster than you could get to 50 by progressing normally through the level.
Well, there is a second use for bonus stages -- the only way to turn back to normal after going super is by beating the level, or entering a bonus stage. As, once he's got 50 rings, knuckles can't glide without going super, this could be useful to conserve rings for a boss (I'm looking at you Sandopolis, and Flying Battery). At least, if there weren't the matter of waiting around for the star circle to form, it could be.
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Truncated wrote:
>"Fixed" the one-column problem by substituting the floating boxes with a two-column table. Damn non-compliant browsers. Are you suggesting Opera is non-compliant? I'm pretty sure they would like to hear about such a thing so they can fix it, since they are usually very zealous about conforming to standards.
Opera is non-compliant in several ways, last I checked.
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It bypasses the keyboard, directly emulating inputs.
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nitsuja wrote:
Random question about special stages: If holding up saves a small amount of time, doesn't that mean walking backwards wastes time because you're not holding up then? What about holding down when you're walking backwards, does that help? Also, I am guessing that holding up only helps for 1 frame of each turn you make; if it constantly changed anything it would save more than 30 or so frames, and turning is the only action you do that few times throughout the stage.
Whenever there was a sequence that involved walking backwards, I tested the amount of time it took to complete the special stage if I continued backwards along sprint-god's planned route, vs if I resumed going forward at the first turn (where it takes the least amount of time). Switching from back to forward seems to waste at least 6 frames of redundant movement, but there's been one case so far where it got me to the emerald faster. Moving backward seems to prevent acceleration, the counter still accumulates as normal, but the acceleration won't happen until you return to forward movement. As a result, I suspect that holding down while going backwards would be useless. That and when I tried it on one special stage there was no noticable change. You might be right about the turning thing. That would make sense with the behavior I've observed.
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There are two. No mutants, just poor depth indication.
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Post subject: Re: Do you like boobies?
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Guybrush wrote:
So, do you like boobies or not?
Do you mean or ?
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Keep these improvements coming, I'm taking a break for the rest of the day to get some IRL stuff done, and I'll incorporate any improvements you find before I continue.
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nitsuja wrote:
Found another one in Angel Island 1: After you get the 2nd emerald, you can land on the ledge with the star post directly from the spring (you were 1 frame away from doing it), and from there go through the spikes and spindash away past them before they even start to retract.
You're kidding! I gave up on that after about 50 tries, and appearantly the 50th try is only 1 frame away from being successful. Oh man.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.