Posts for upthorn

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This is highly impressive stuff, as many have noted during the WIP stage. Towards the end it starts feeling like a lot of time is taken up uselessly shifting focus from one enemy to the next, but I trust that you minimized that to the best of your abilities. All in all, as I said before this is highly impressive, yes vote. Edit: remainder of post deleted as it is no longer relevant.
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Callmewoof wrote:
mmbossman wrote:
real time will always beat out in game time, for any game.
words of disagreement
Let me fix mmbossman's statement to be universally applicable: for runs that aim for fastest completion: real time will always beat out in game time, for any game, so long as the player does not sacrifice game speed in favor of shortening score tally screens.
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mmbossman wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
I have came to believe that no person can actually comprehend anything smarter than what they are themselves. Each person thinks that there's nothing more intelligent; for some, it is even insult to suggest otherwise. One just cannot comprehend how someone could be more intelligent
I disagree. lots of words.
mmbossman, you seem to be confused as to the difference between intelligence and knowledgability, but I am going to back you up in disagreeing with bisqwit, because I know several people who I would consider to be smarter than myself, in knowledgability, wisdom, synthesis of data, and problem solving. I have also, on multiple occasions, felt that I was in the wrong about an issue, and abandoned my arguement as a result. My experience has actually been that I am barely, if at all, able to comprehend people having less intelligence than I do, it is difficult to understand how people could struggle to understand logic chains that strike me as obvious. I think that this is the where the difference between vanity and humility lies. One thing that we have in common, though, is that in our behaviors, we are attempting to apply universally a trait that we know ourselves to have.
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I propose that locke trim the URL, terminating it before the first &, so as to stop stretching this thread horizontally.
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This is the first TAS of this game that I've actually enjoyed watching. Good work Xoinx, Xyz.
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Fantastic. I enjoyed the old version, but you can definitely see the improvement in the new one. Good work.
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DrJones wrote:
I don't like that the 3-ball powerup is overused
quoted for truth. In fact, because of this, I actually find Genisto's movie more entertaining -- it uses twice as wide a variety of powerups, it also does a variety of cool things like making sure to kill every alien on certain levels, and beating one level in between missing the ball and losing a life. If this run aims for entertainment, and is meant to obsolete Genisto's, it has failed in its goal, because Genisto's is more fun to watch, even though it is longer. My vote is a resounding no.
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Sonikkustar wrote:
And r0xm2n, my run doesnt plan on geting all swords. I dont know where all of the swords are.
When you want to TAS a game, and your knowledge is lacking, it is often helpful to use online resources like gamefaqs to find out what you need to know. (In this case, where all the swords are). GameFAQs guides are almost always useful for help planning TAS routes, but never trust their boss strategies -- they give strategies that are safe for unskilled players to use in real-time. TAS almost always opens up a whole array of new strategy possibilities.
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Deep Loner wrote:
Bisqwit wrote:
Deep Loner wrote:
I was unofficially officially not a member anymore, but this has got to be the funniest thing I have ever seen!
I'm not sure what you mean!
I mean that when I saw the "Ask Fabian" and "Ask Bisqwit" threads, I simply cracked up! It is simply one of the funniest things I have ever seen posted in an internet forum! It's one of those things where LOL can actually be taken literally. Maybe it's irrationality on my part; I don't know.
I think he means he doesn't understand what "I was unofficially officially not a member anymore," means.
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DarkKobold wrote:
Why are you being a trendwhore, and not working on Gens? J/K. Kind of.
Because I am having difficulty coding the feature I am at work on, and tend to work better on these sorts of problems if I can take breaks and come back at them with fresh perspectives.
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DK64_MASTER wrote:
Any ideas what caused this horrific fire that is affecting the atmosphere in most of the Bay Area, if not all of Northern California?
Labor Day weekend camping trips.
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Zurreco wrote:
Do you think that the Kantian ideal for the Kingdom of Ends is possible without mankind making a leap in reason until we all achieve a hive mind?
Due to my distaste for Kant's philosophy, I have only a tenuous grasp on the concept of the kingdom of ends. I do believe it is possible without a hive mind, but I'm not certain it is wholely desirable.
Zurreco wrote:
Do you believe that religion, both in the theological sense and moral applicability sense, lead to factioning throughout a society, no matter how ideal or unideal that society would be? Would you determine that we have factioning here? Do you think that this is a good or a bad thing, and should we actively attempt to abolish "technical" factions (as in, official bonds, rather than simple friendships)? Would you conclude that this makes us an ideal or unideal community?
I do believe that religion does lead to factioning throughout a society, in both senses -- so long as more than one religion exists which applies to each sense. And yes, there is factioning within TASvideos (though I don't believe it is attributable to religion). I would rather there weren't factions here in TASvideos, because I would prefer we could all agree on its purpose. I have no idea what you mean by "official bonds", though. I don't think that TASvideos is my ideal of a community, either, but for communities that are real it ranks fairly highly.
Blublu wrote:
Dear trendwhore, What have you done?
I've created a monster.
Blublu wrote:
Dear trendwhore, Will this madness ever end?
andrewg wrote:
How many "ask" threads do you think will be in existence on this forum in the next month?
I'm going to be an alarmist and predict at least 9000.
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Warp wrote:
Can you explain, in simple terms, the ramifications of the Poincaré conjecture?
No, as it involves many terms with which I am not familiar.
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alden wrote:
I kind of meant which do YOU like better so far... as a follow up, which one, if any, will go the distance?
Don't ask me to choose between fabian and Bisqwit. As for which will go the distance... I'm pretty certain Fabian wil see his through, but I'm not going to predict Bisqwit won't.
Zurreco wrote:
I asked this of Fabian, and he didn't even attempt to give me a true response. I'd like to have some sort of opinion on it, though, so I guess I'll post it here.
Zurreco wrote:
So Fabian, are you aiming to have a large public discourse here, or simply a method of altering Off-Topic back to a dialectic in and of itself? That is to say, are you looking for unending debates on the intangible, or are you simply trying to stimulate conversation? Depending on your answer above: Do you believe that religion, both in the theological sense and moral applicability sense, lead to factioning throughout a society, no matter how ideal or unideal that society would be? Would you determine that we have factioning here? Do you think that this is a good or a bad thing, and should we actively attempt to abolish "technical" factions (as in, official bonds, rather than simple friendships)? Would you conclude that this makes us an ideal or unideal community? OR Where do you see our site heading towards, assuming that we either take an active stance to "better" it with new ideas or stick to our guns and work towards our original ideals? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Could you possible compare the teleological image of tasvideos to that of another site (as in, a progression towards a site vs the degradation to a state such as gameFAQs)?
Also, how is the weather up there? It's really nice down here as of late.
For the first question, I pick option B. For the dependant question, all communities are constantly evolving. The trend I've witnessed since I joined, though, is a sort of dynamic stasis, wherein new members become interested and start contributing, as old members fall by the wayside, and aside from the names nothing much changes at all, except the chatter in offtopic. As for the weather, it has been smoky for the past couple of days, though that is now giving way to a more normal hot + windy.
NrgSpoon wrote:
What percentage of people here do you think will actually understand what the ^H^H^H is supposed to be?
At least 25.
DK64_MASTER wrote:
Dear Upthorn, Are you a boobs or ass guy?
I'll take birds over donkeys any day of the week.
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ShadowWraith wrote:
Hi Upthorn, Did you create this thread purely to ward off people that would follow the 'trend' of creating "Ask ___" threads, or did you do it because you wanted to answer peoples questions as well?
Both, but if either purpose is fulfilled I will be happy.
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AKA wrote:
Dear Upt^H^H^Ha How many more threads like this do you expect to see.
More than I'd like to. The idea behind this thread is that it will be right there calling anyone else who makes an "Ask _____" thread a trendwhore. Hopefully that will ward off the majority of them.
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alden wrote:
Dear Upt^H^H^Ha trendwhore, Seriously: Ask Fabian or Ask Bisqwit? Thank you, Question whore
If you mean which do I think is better, it really depends on the kind of answer you want. If you want to better understand the driving forces behind the site administration, the Bisqwit thread is clearly superior. But if you want the raw, unedited opinion of the citizenry, Fabian is the way to go.
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moozooh wrote:
What TASes would you like in the foreseeable future? What runs (TAS/otherwise) would you like to see done?
I'm looking forward to the Saturn's Super Metroid Reverse Boss Order TAS, as well as the myriad Super Metroid TAS improvements by the myriad Super Metroid TASers. I'd also like to see entertainment improvements of the Streets of Rage TASes, now that 2P runs are becoming more commonplace. Lastly, I'm looking forward to an improvement to the old Contra: Hard Corps run. Beyond this, I can't really say, because I'm not really excited about any of the TASes I'm planning. As for non-TAS runs that I'd like to see done, it might be nice to see 100% runs of Sonic 2, or Sonic 3 & Knuckles over at SDA. Besides that, I haven't really been keeping up with the non-TAS scene, so other things I might list may already have been done.
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Fabian wrote:
upthorn wrote:
Tub wrote:
Is this thread an attempt to receive the same attention Fabian and Bisqwit got or is it just an attempt at mockery?
This thread is an attempt at mockery of anyone else who makes a similar thread in an attempt to receive the same attention as Fabian and Bisqwit.
And how's this working out for you?
I won't know until someone else does this.
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Tub wrote:
Is this thread an attempt to receive the same attention Fabian and Bisqwit got or is it just an attempt at mockery?
This thread is an attempt at mockery of anyone else who makes a similar thread in an attempt to receive the same attention as Fabian and Bisqwit.
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Fabian wrote:
Can you recall specific examples of why you don't like me?
I can recall several occasions on which I strongly disagreed with you on an issue, but I like you just fine. I don't know what gives you the impression that I don't.
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Following in the footsteps of Fabian and Bisqwit, I am starting a thread where you can ask me anything and I will respond with the unique perspective on the issue that I get from being a trendwhore. Clarification: This thread subject not in anyway meant to be an attack on Bisqwit's motives for creating his thread. But rather, an attack on the motives of anyone who creates a thread like this after those first two.
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xebra wrote:
Fabian wrote:
Warp wrote:
Dear Fabian, Could you explain me in simple terms the Riemann hypothesis and why it has such a great importance in the field of mathematics?
I'll tackle this one. The Riemann hypothesis states that a particular mathematical function has a particular property. I don't think it will add anything to the discussion to get any more detailed than that. The Riemann hypothesis is important to mathematicians because it is unusually interesting. For one, its formulation is simple and easy to understand, yet it has remained impervious to proof for a century and a half. It also links together seemingly unrelated areas of mathematics, namely number theory and complex analysis. Discoveries that link previously unrelated fields together are always exciting because then you can use ideas from one to discover new insights in the other. A recent discovery along these lines was the addition of homotopy theory to algebra, which allows one to use techniques from algebraic topology to solve problems in algebraic geometry. If you are looking for any practical importance, it really doesn't have any that I know of. Because of what it says about prime numbers and their distribution, the correctness of certain algorithms for determining primality depend on the correctness of the hypothesis, but proving it won't break RSA or anything like that. Nowadays, mathematics is sufficiently advanced that very little of the new theoretical work has any practical importance. Really, deep exploration in mathematics is just an end unto itself, like sports, chess, music, or art.
I wonder if Warp was actually thinking of the riemann-zeta function which has been practically applied as a "random number generator" for cryptographic and other purposes since world war 2 (at least according to Neal Stephenson)
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DDRKhat wrote:
stickyman05 wrote:
DDRKhat please stop arguing back to upthorn.
Okay daddy. I'll behave :) I vote for using new topic, my reasons are already stated.
Usually in cases where the "one topic per game" rule is not observed, the new topic gets merged back into the old topic as soon as bisqwit notices. You could request that the argument be split out into an off-topic thread, though
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DDRKhat wrote:
This topic has been created for the purpose of running this hack-in-progress. Please post any run related stuff in there. This new topic will be started in the interest of clearing the topic up from obvious "drama" and other things that have happened in this one, Thank you wrote:
Resurrecting threads We prefer having one thread per game, so that relevant information is kept in one place. It is preferred to reply to an old thread about a game (use the search function to see if there are any) instead of starting a new thread.
How fleeting are all human passions compared with the massive continuity of ducks.