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Sweet pause hack you got there Alden ;) You know, the game doesn't LOOK so bad, graphical wise for that era anyways.
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Alternatively you can probably mash it up, creating an image (aren't there some kind of gd support functions in emulua? I've never used them) and blitting it offscreen somehow (just replacing the old with a new image, might cause flickering though).
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As long as the box is made out of cardboard and owned by Jim's friend...
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Yeah, good idea. I don't think I have to mention double"vote" measurements :)
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I think it's possible to capture input with iup. Then assign a key to rewinding so you can rewind on keypress, much like frameadvance :)
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Not that I voted that often, but allowing people to vote can at least give the runner an idea (as well as the judges). Maybe putting that message at the voting system linking to the whole reason thing is a better option?
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Have you tried to (avi) record a published movie backwards yet? :p
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completed with help for 8 and 19
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Heh, nice Alden. Although it seems to be laggy when recording. It's funny to see it rewind though :D
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How's this run coming along? Any updates? ;)
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IUP? Oh, sure :) Let's see. I don't know for linux, that needs a heap of stuff installed I really don't know about. For windows it's easy. You need to extract the entire contents of the to your fceux dir (if you haven't done so already, and you probably have). This includes about 13 iup*.dll files. I'm not sure if the iup example was added, but just in case you can find it here: Remember that this needs our auxlib.lua (part of the luapack), because of some functions that deal with closing stuff. The example above basically shows you how to create a window with a few basic controls. It's a reaaaaally easy learning curve, even though the docs take a while to get used to (I found them difficult to navigate at first). iup reference: Btw: Xkeeper: Canvas Drawing: But don't ask me how to get it running, please do tell me if you managed it to :p Oh and this is a nice reference for the basic lua functions, in case you need something quick:
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You should post the youtube of that Xkeeper ;) Anyways, I had a movie desync for me once with Lua as well, but it turned out I still had a script running that had a "cheat" enabled that would make an enemy behave irradic (which obviously caused the desync). So make sure that whatever you do with Lua, on playback don't mess with the RAM unless it was recorded that way... Also, have you found the iup capabilities of Lua yet Xkeeper? That allows you to spawn new windows, create a GUI and I think even a canvas to paint on. -- Oh I think you mean the start menu wrapping. I know, I mentioned it but it seems to be quite hard to compensate for it, especially since it doesn't happen for everybody (depends on fonts). If you scale to 2x it's fine and the bottom part doesn't disappear (and you can actually see what happens anyways :p)
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As I recall the savestate was placed in your userdirectory. However, Zero talked about not using files for anonymous savestates to speed things up and I don't know whether and when he did so. Last I checked I had 32000 savestates and no problem, so 100 savestates isn't going to show up significantly ;)
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My two cents... If you're a techie and know what you're doing, don't open strange (porn or whatever) websites, email, MSN virii links (easily recognisable) and other spooky stuff, you don't _need_ any AV software. I don't run any and I've been fine for years. Heck, I'm only using the windows firewall and that's fine. In this case you should have a few tools handy in case something fishy starts happening (process explorer, portquery, etc) so you can immediately investigate (it's obviously not exactly the safest thing). On the other hand, if you're not that great with recognizing these dangers, AV is recommended. Big time.
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Something to do with some wind in Texas...
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The way I do it is by putting my input into a key table and at the very end write it to the joypad table. That way I can poll key to see what buttons I will actually press. And in case this wasn't cleared up yet... FCEU will use the user input when lua has not written anything to the joypad. FCUE will (ONLY) use Lua input when lua writes something to a joypad. You will ALWAYS get the original userinput (keyboard) when doing, never Lua. (ok nevermind...) Finally, I don't remember for sure, but I believe this was player independent. So setting input for player 1 in Lua still makes it possible to directly input player 2 (this you'd have to test though).
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Nice movie. I really liked the scroll- and diagonal blocks glitches. Kudos to whoever found them.
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ShinyDoofy wrote:
I know it's useless to post it twice, but maybe one of the SDL developers looks here first before checking SourceForge or somebody else here might have an idea. Bug #2085437
No. They don't.
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I don't think that constitutes that label... He's not actually abusing that flaw, he has no choice in the matter... He's just aware of the fact that this is the way it is. It's like saying running away gets that label because the game is bugged and it doesn't look at luck at all...
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Why does this movie get "abuses programming errors in the game" ? I can't think of one (that you're not forced to use anyways, those can't be 'abused' ?)
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I can't go faster than 40kbs to Youtube (and I can go much much higher). If anyone knows a trick to up this speed please do tell...
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TheAxeMan wrote:
Ok, here's an IPS for my hack: Making the hack was actually pretty easy to do with ffHackster. Anyway, if you play on this version you can see exactly where around Coneria there are no encounters.
I actually created a Lua script to do this for me :p Just trial and error, count the difference in the step counter and display it as a grid. That's how I figured you probably didn't know about that stuff in your previous run :p
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Is it really a problem? The user canceling a loadstate operation can be considered an error (in more ways than one... ;)
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Ohhh, that's my problem then. I never really gave the ROM data much thought (except for decoding the rng, which was so frigin simple). I guess that data never even gets loaded into the RAM, which was why I couldn't find it. I check FFhackster out, but decided it was a ROMhacking tool and didn't spend too much time on it. Ohwell, I guess now I'm happy I only wasted the preliminary time on it and didn't actually do the run :)
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Well, at least for now, that isn't true for FCEUX. Unless you persist in asking questions answered in the help files of course. We're maintaining the tracker very actively and try to fix bugs found asap.
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