Posts for nitsuja

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Actually, performing that glitch on console is much easier than duplicating almost any other feats done in these time attacks; rather than requiring superhuman reflexes and perception, all it requires is a willingness to screw up your controller enough to press up+down at the same time. The full run is not using that glitch (it may still possibly press up+down/left+right somewhere, but not as an essential part of the run or to glitch out the game).
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1302)
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Looks good to me so far, can't think of any way to do that faster. I found an interesting glitch, doesn't seem to save time (although I haven't tested that extensively) but it might be fun to show it happening anyway: If you put a controller's L and R on alternating autofire and then walk around, the game will forget to update that character's animation so you'll glide around or stay in whatever pose you were in, which looks funny if done while jumping out of water or getting off a trampoline, or can be used to walk backwards. (Has to be turned back off to fire most weapons, though.)
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Well, watch both versions and see which one you liked watching better. I'm estimating that overall, not getting hit will make the levels take 25% longer than getting hit, or more if there are any major shortcuts in later levels (which is possible).
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Yeah, getting hit will barely ever save in-game time, but I'd rather see something actually go faster than get the game to say it's faster while really being slower. Anyway, here's a quick try at the first 5 levels, they could be more perfect but it's just for the sake of comparison: (the E and J ROMs have identical timing so they should both work to play it).
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I think a run that takes damage would be more entertaining and skillful than one that waits around to get through, actually. You can only survive 2 hits, so using brute force to go faster is actually quite difficult and not really possible when playing normally (due to the unpredictable reaction to collisions).
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papajones wrote:
I cant even start recording. :( From what I can tell Battle chip results seems extremly hard to control. This is a major problem, the only thing I can probably stand controling is if a chip drops or not for chip machine.
Battle chips aren't that hard to control... You can easily avoid all random encounters, but if you ever get into one you'll notice the chips you start with are completely randomized depending on when the encounter happened. This is also when the next 5 chips you get (if you use ADD) are randomized, so to manipulate that you'd need to change something before the battle, or if it's after the first turn in the battle you'd need to change what you did on the previous turn of the battle to manipulate it. (If you mean the drops from enemies, then I don't know, those always seem determined further ahead of time.)
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Released another new version (9), mostly to fix bugs. See the first post of this thread. Here are the recent changes: - fixes support for motion sensor re-recording [somebody had better make a tilt n' tumble time attack now] - adds auto-hold (toggle) key commands, for those who get tired of holding the run button all the time - makes auto-fire better (so you can make it hit different buttons on alternating frames) - fixes bug with playing a movie that's already open sometimes leaving input at end of movie - widens the hotkey customizer list so long commands aren't cut off - adds a warning dialog if beginning recording when lag reduction is off - reduces the length of some more messages - makes some menu items never disable so their accelerators don't stop working (workaround) - tweaked the Recent menu - fixes display of motion sensor buttons, and hides it when the game doesn't support it - fixes a sporadic from-snapshot desync bug for the umpteenth time (About the emulation speed - I am leaving it at 60 Hz for now, mainly because there's no easy way to change it.)
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Gigafrost wrote:
I'd post movies as well but they always desynced on me.
You mean these movies? They play fine for me... Uh, after I figured out what bit VBA set wrong and repaired them, that is. (I'll release another bugfix version sometime soon.) EDIT: It's released; see the VBA forum for version 9, which shouldn't give you any more problems with this.
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spezzafer wrote:
King Golem defeated
Hmm, I know that boss can be killed a lot faster, using a different ability, but I'm not sure if the mobility you gain by keeping the Missile ability makes up for that.
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Besides the extra loading time, the things you mention sound like enough to make a case for staying with GB if you want to do that, although personally I'd still rather watch an SGB version for the better graphics unless it drastically changes what you're able to do, and keep in mind the Rules page currently has the following: "If the game supports SGB (there's a graphical border and the game supports palette changes), don't play it in the monochrome GB mode." (About the screams, I think VBA unfortunately forgets to emulate one of the sound channels in SGB games, which I've noticed is also used for the explosion sounds in Bomberman games. I'll look into it, but I don't think I'm likely to figure it out unless it's something really obvious in the code.)
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Well, I would find it more impressive with the secret/bonus levels, and it makes sense to do them if you're also aiming for 100% of neighbors saved. Unless they're boringly long levels or something (I never managed to get to many of them).
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McBAIN wrote:
Uhm, i have the US rom and the new VBA version. still, things go wrog within 4 seconds of playtime. what am i missing? :S
What does it say for "Your ROM" and "Movie ROM" in the Play Movie dialog? Also, are you sure you're using version 8c of the emulator? (About the movie so far - isn't it possible to avoid burning through enemies so often? They slow you down lot.) EDIT: Jeez, I can't type. I'll use Preview more often, I swear.
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quietkane wrote:
On the contrary, encounters are determined based on the number of steps you've taken.
Ah, I must have been thinking of Lufia, not Lufia II. Interesting that they changed the random encounter formula to be more like what the Final Fantasy games almost always use.
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Oh, I must be mixing some of them up, sorry. I meant wherever you use it to move straight up, because your movement in that direction seems to be so fast anyway and doesn't require crushing your head on a block for a while. (And yes, I was also considering that it could then be put to use afterward moving horizontally.)
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Ok, I can reproduce it now, that is a bug. I thought you were talking about toggling "read-only" which is another way to switch between watching and recording. (I always keep a save state at the first frame, switch to read-only, and load that state to avoid having to bring up the play movie dialog for that.) (And I know nothing about SGB speed in VBA. I haven't seen anything that would cause SGB games to emulate at a different speed than GB games but I can't be sure about that.)
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You save before the mistake to fix it? You have to save, switch to recording, then load, to fix it. err... ok, hold on a sec
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Ferret Warlord: It sounds to me like you never actually re-recorded away the mistake; the only thing that does anything is loading a state while recording, just saving the state can't change the movie. But maybe I misunderstood your question... your step #2 was pretty unclear to me. (Actually, could you explain which command you chose to go from recording to playing for number 3?) Bag of Magic Food: Going from recording to playing is actually quite useful for making movies, in my experience - it allows for both recovering lost save states without having to start watching it over from the beginning, and watching segments of the run as it's in progress.
Emulator Coder, Experienced Forum User, Published Author, Skilled player (1302)
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Question: Why are neither of you using the SGB functionality of the game? Would that make it play differently or something? Otherwise an SGB run of it would be preferred over a GB one.
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Here's a question: Should a time attack of this game minimize real time, or in-game time? The two will be quite different because of the time the game artificially adds when you hit something.
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Honestly, after watching your Ridley-first run, it looked like you saved so much time doing it in that order that getting the speed booster first couldn't possibly make up for it, but maybe you'll find something surprisingly faster. Also, I had a question: In your Ridley-first run, when you use a speed boost to fly straight up, did you test whether it's really faster to do that? It looks like perfect wall-jumping up the shaft would actually be faster because that doesn't require running into another room, running back out to get the boost, the 2 extra screen transitions those involve, the small delay for the boost to start, the long delay waiting for you to recover from slamming into the ceiling, and backtracking down a bit from there to get to the next door.
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Is it possible to not bring up the menu screen to avoid random battles on the world map? I was pretty sure that the chance of hitting an enemy on the next step never goes up to 100%, in which case it could be postponed indefinitely (Dragon Warrior-style) without bringing up the menu.
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The branch you're at doesn't matter (top and bottom are basically the same), so it's probably faster to take the lower one. I recommend starting over with the "lag reduction" option turned on, however, because it does affect this game although the effects are pretty minor in what you're through so far. Also, I would consider swallowing the missile (in the next room or so) since it's decently fast and doesn't slow down at all going through the air. And I would definitely get the Fighter ability when you can (the dog-looking powerup pedestal that'll come up soon) since its press-B-while-walking move makes you move really fast (faster than running), and it has a large variety of attacks.
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You should change the settings you use when recording in the record movie dialog. Turn "Use WIP1 Timing" on, "Allow Left+Right" off (so less people will have trouble viewing the movie) unless you know it does something cool, and it's probably best to turn "Sync samples with sound CPU" on. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to seeing this. (By the way, would it work to always make both characters save an equal number of people to minimize the delay time between levels?)
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Well, the main mistake you made was to stop for things that were in the way instead of jumping over/on top of them to keep going at full speed. When the path splits in two, you take the low path when the high path is obviously much faster (just harder to get onto). Once you get the mouse in level 1, it's possible to never come to a complete stop (and only slow down a little once or twice) before reaching the end of the level. I think you were just recording at too fast a speed (the mouse moves so damn fast that you should really use frame advance or at least 3% speed) and not making enough attempts at each part of the level to avoid stopping/slowing down (I would expect the re-record count be 10 to 100 times higher after the first few levels). As a more minor thing, you start out each level by punching (since it's the run button), but that slows you down a lot unless you press it right after you start a jump or right before you pick up an animal ability. Also, the hits you take aren't necessary to maintain speed, but I guess that's more of a style thing than a speed thing.
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VBA can't emulate it, but there is link system support in an unofficial version of VBA that seems to work by letting an application start as the server, then multiple instances of VBA (possibly on different computers, I assume) can connect to that server and think they're linking with other GBA systems. But it would be difficult to record such a thing into a movie and allow it to play back - certainly possible, but the modifications required would be substantial. (How to represent playback, 4-way split-screen by emulating 4 GBA systems simultaneously? My computer can barely emulate 1 at a time.) (There is the single-player portion of Four Swords, but that is barely changed from the SNES version which is being worked on already.)