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sorry, youtube really become a pain for me, multiple logging verification etc, no temp encode :(
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Post subject: Re: Google and Spike, Spike and Google. I need a theme song.
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Spikestuff wrote:
Nettoyez votre prononciation. Je sais que je ne suis pas en droit d'écrire que raison d'être dans la zone française et l'utilisation de Google mais je fais plus de sens que vous. >.>
C'est tellement vrai...
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nan mais les gars soyons serieux deux minutes, c'est SUR et CERTAIN que pas la moitie du quart du demi du tiers de ce qu'il dit est vrai... je veux dire ca me parait surrealiste ce qu'il est capable de faire (ou plutot pretend) au regard des questions a la mord moi le noeud qu'il pose "faire de l'ua script" ^^' enfin bon si ca l'amuse ou si il en tire une quelconque satisfaction
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gamerretro2 wrote:
your level one is unoptimised i won 4 frames
reading these make me feel strange lol, you are a troll for sure!
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a little question about fighting game : when aims for fastest time, are we allow on TASvideo to set the battle on 1 round instead of two? for the submission, i'm a little confuse cause i know you can't (maybe it's the same for everyone) TAS it on FBA, but he psx version is really a pain to watch...(loading, please wait...)
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phoenix1291 wrote:
C'est très drôle ces nouveaux topics de jeunes TASeurs en herbe en tout cas :D
j'avoue... en tt cas certains ici ont une patience legendaire ^^'
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avec l'experience tu verras qu'une journee c'est parfois le temps que tu mets pour optimiser 15 secondes de gameplay, donc un TAS complet... au debut on est chaud on croit que nos oeufs de lump sont du caviard or que c'est super pas optimise continue de bosser et a un moment le gout de l'optimal viendra tt seul trad with more experience, you will notice that a single day is often the time you use to complete only 15sec of a complete TAS... at the beginning you are entouthiast, thinking your lump-fish roe is caviar, but your work is just unoptimal continue try and try and you will gain the optimisation power and sens
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there is a particular reason for setting the game to level 3 ?
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jlun2 wrote:
What would a "camera freeze" TAS time be like?
i'd like to know what would be the duration of this too (maybe if it is not too long or boring to do you can submit a camera freeze one) yes vote! i never understand this game and was very frustrated when i played it on my childhood, now i can see why...
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even if i really don't like hack games for multiple reasons i have to admit that this run contains serious skills...
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i'd really like the old one and got entertained so much, i even use it to test some things... cool that you improve it, particulary marble 3 yes!
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like most people i was sceptic when i saw A7800... and it is the first TAS i saw on this system which is non extremly boring and have descent graphics i can't say is a very entertaining one due to the game itself but it clearly do the job! yes vote of course
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"in SMW is it possible to make the ending glitch happened in yoshi's island 1 when you miss the orb glitch?" well, i got my answer ^^'
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click workbench, see Masterjun name... crazy shit gonna happen ^^ great work MUGG, you finally did it (of course yes vote!) p.s : can't wait to see if someone find one in mario land1
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i definitly go to 4P fastest time, thanks guys super cancel
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shame one me :s for the human life i took well, maybe i should cancelled it, and try a more attractive version if you guys are interessed by... hope it will have a better audience edit : i'll give the 4p run a try, if it possile in pacifist mode ; do you think another goal is better in 4p mode ?
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for the second boss, he have a lot of invicibility frame, maybe tha'ts why, and i did a few manipulation shots i take the dual-wield for the final boss for destroy his statue more quickly, you are not forced to have it, particulary if you pacifist, it is way harder to deal with this straight line shot for the bonus level, in my very first runs, i score perfect but it takes way too much time for the bonus point count (really) and it break the pacifist rule so i just shoot them before they become active i assume horse parts are boring, i'd like to put more enterainment here, but those guys just shoot you all the time so i pass most of time finding a way to dodge true : no pb, can you be more explicit, i want learn for my errors
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here a glitch i found when testing the game deeper before TAS edit : thanks Cooljay, it's public now... i think it's more fun than just shoot everything everywhere, particulary for an "autoscroller" it don't save time cause i had to deal with guys who interferate during boss battle
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give him his money back nintendo!
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yes vote! that glitch!
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i'm a big fighting games fan and like Spikestuff i watch way more entertaining and glitchy run of this port... a MK run must be perfect (for me), due to all the possibility you have in your hand (glitches, combo, Kung, etc), and i think it's really hard to deal with i don't say i can do better or else but your submission is not what i search in a MK Tas for improvement (not regarding to what i say earlier): maybe you shouldn't take hit or loose round just to show a glitch (and just for say, everybody knows how Kung Lao is broken/glitched, i guess ^^') toasty!
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basically it can, level 8, but it only change your rivals performance/classement so it's not necessary
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thanks for all the informations you write in this submission! great work
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i have the same feeling, why use password? if it's for reach the final stage i don't get the reason why...and regarding to the rerecord count it seems to be that of course an encode will be appreciated, i don't know that game, and for the moment it don't make me want find the rom. edit after watching : are you kidding me?
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Merci Lil_Gecko bon ba je la refait, meme si ca avait l'air assez potable comme anglais, non? En gros dans le jeu tu as quatre courses, a savoir les pays que j'ai cités plus haut, le truc c'est que tu ne peux faire qu'une seule de celles-ci avec un credit, donc deja je pense que le probleme des branches vient de la. mon but c'est donc de finir ces quatres courses avec le "maximum score" (donc le plus possible sous le -par) et une fois que j'aurais le support complet, m'essayer/inciter les autres a faire mieux, meme si ce que je post est deja vraiment poussé Pour ce faire, Almeida est le perso parfait, (Robert L. l'est aussi mais la barre d'Almeida se charge bcp plus vite, ce qui pose de gros probleme dans une vraie partie mais pas en TAS)et les autres du coup servent a rien je creerai pas d'autres branches, par contre je propose "playaround" pour la video deja publiée parce que de toute maniere elle sera obsolete niveau "maximum score" si je poste la version avec Almeida (au niveau du score donc mais pas au niveau du style/divertissement) dailleurs au sujet de celle publiée, elle ne peux pas etre obsolete par cette soumission parce que ce n'est pas la meme course, l'une l'Australie l'autre le Japon cette soumission c'est donc techniquement la part 1/4 de mon projet j'ai fini la Germany donc j'ai deja la part 2/4 me manquera donc donc 2 courses et c'est bonc, pour un total de 4 soumissions en excluant la video publiée ouf, desole pour les accents Gecko, je les met jamais et encore merci edit : ca te derangerait de m'explique l'edit 2 de Spikestuff stp
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