Posts for kolechovski

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I noticed you said Crash Bombs aren't used do you bring down Wily's ship then? Bubble Man can sometimes make it through okay (see bubble and stuck70 videos), and sometimes he falls offf the screen (bubble2 video). Also, how do you go through Crash Man's room? My method just leaves me falling in a pit, and I can't open up his wall the shutter tech way, so I'm anxious to find out. Someday when I get FCE to work, I'll check out the video you posted by patching item 1 into heat Man's stage, as well as the other FCE movies. As for the Item 3 bug, sometimes when I launched it, it just dropped rather than being thrown upwards, but since I did no special button presses, I'm still trying to find out how to constantly do this. It works standing or jumping. Well, like I said, I'll post those errors the next time I get a chance and see if you guys can help me to get it running. I even tried the version on bisqwit's site that allows the resuming of movies, but it crashes the same. As for finding out which movies do what, inside the "screwed" folder should be a "secret stages" folder. This is the main one, although I haven't been able to organize this ZIP since it's not done yet. Inside the secret stages folder is a video description document that outlines the videos in all the subfolders. Stuck94 and stuck95 show the crash bomb bug. Also in Level Layouts are drawn maps, as well as a few screenshots, of the areas beyond the RM stages, mainly the glitch worlds. edit-I have another question...when you mentioned "heatbug", you said it was left scrolling. How do you get it to scroll to the left? For me, it always scrolls to the right. Also, for me, Air Man always turns invisible, so I'm anxious to see how you make him stay visible. And I can't even do any scrolling with those other bosses, so I'd like to know how you do that shutter tech in their rooms. Asking questions about earlier posts, I noticed someone said about elevating at the top of a ladder by pressing up and down at the same time, but for me this doesn't work. Mega Man just stands there. I even used FADV to make sure they were being pressed together, and still no luck. Also, I tried that trick for freezing Metal Blades, and it isn't working either. Is there something wrong with Nesticle that prevents this? Or is it only doable in Rock Man 2, not Mega Man 2? Another question that Mr. Bisqwit himself answered, although I can't understand entirely, is why Mega Man's appearance screws up when shooting a fireball/taking hit at same time. His reply was something about scanlines, although I don't have the reply right here. Can anybody explain it better? You can see the example in the fireball video.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Hey, I forgot to show pics of the errors I get when trying to use FCE...I'll show them next time. Also, I blew out the Mpeg versions of the videos I made, because the MPEG versions were so horrible, they're not worth it, especially given the huge amount of space they take up.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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What? You know how to do that? Well, how? I'd like to see what's beyond that ladder, and if I can consistently replicate that Item-3 dropping, I can finish my video of that stage. Also, it seems that some of the videos were lost and are gone...most of the ones in Bubble Man's stage showing the 2 zipping shortcuts, and the becoming invincible videos, although I think 1 survived...looks like I'll have to remake the lost ones.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Posts: 109
Hey, I know you guys are working on a speed run video of the fastest possible time with these bugs, but I'm also wondering if anybody is willing to help me make one giant "bugs and glitches" video once that is all done. I think something similar to the famous Marios Bros crazygodtechnique video might be a hit with MM fans. Maybe consider this sometime?
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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It's not working!? I have no problems downloading it...hmm, well, I'll send it to you directly, and you can mirror that for me in case Geocities screws other people, too.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Sorry I was late getting is what I've done so far for the past few months: -okay, it seems you have to copy and paste this to your address bar in order for it to download. Let me know what you think...BTW, they're not finished. I'll have an updated version by next week with more videos. Okay, first, questions I have that you guys may be able to explain. About that Wily 4 bug, if the guy who does it actually opens a wall, then it's not the same one that I did. I worked my way into the first room after the boss room, shown in my maps, and climbed up the ladders there. At some point when all the guns fire, if I'm off the screen, either the pause occurs, and the screen scrolls up, showing the previous screen, or it fails after the pause and resets the game. Since somebody also mentioned crash problems in this level, I'm wondering if anyone had similar problems with others levels, as I only experience this crash here. Another question is about a couple of the stuck90s videos, 2 of which show how to beat the boss of Level 4 with only 4 Crash Bombs. After the last bomb starts exploding, holding the B button and running into the final gunlet (must not be your last hit) will break it at the same moment you get hurt. This is obviously a huge benefit for a time run video, not only here, but it allows you to have 2 Crash Bombs left over to beat Wily's ship quickly. What I want to know is why the last gunlet breaks like this. You may notice that you can fire a new bomb just before the last one quits exploding, and the B button trick only works in the same time frame. Anybody who can look into this can give some good help. The next question is why both of the invisible bosses (Air Man and Heat Man) can only take one hit after you go through the wall. Collisions will still hurt you, but they can only take one hit, so to beat the stage, it must be their last hit. Also, for the bosses that don't disappear, their looks almost always become scrambled. Why does this happen? I understand why the Wily stages have the wrong graphics, but why do the sprites of RMs, and their weapons, change? And the next question is about why so much screen shaking occurs when breaking into Level 1 beyond Heat Man's room. One of the videos I made clearly shows this as much as possible, up to the point where you need Item 1, then I just do the dual death thing. Can anybody figure out how to get up there? I know if anybody can figure out how to drop item 3 instead of throwing it, I can probably pull off this trick and reach that ladder. I've only had random success in dropping it-can't figure out how to make it work all the time. Next question-it seems you guys call that screen scrolling "shutter tech"...what's that for? And has anyone figured out exactly how it works? (I don't mean the screen wrapping where you end up to the right of the displayed screen, but the method where you force the screen to scroll right, like in the RM rooms)
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Posts: 109
Well, I can't watch FCE movies since FCE Ultra isn't working right now, but if you can put it in Mpeg form, I can watch it and compare. Or wait until Monday, and I'll have it anyways. Also, if anybody has trouble viewing Nesticle videos, I can make an mpeg version of them with my digital camera, but it will be poor quality.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Posts: 109
Right...this is just to show you what all I've done so far. Over the weekend, I'll ZIP up a copy and post the URL when I'm ready. Some other bugs I haven't heard mentioned that you guys hsould check into is a bug in Level 4 that allows you to climb off the screen during the boss battle after the screen wrap, though sometimes causes a reset for some reason, explained in the manual I wrote. Also, several glitch screens can be accessed there. I also had a question about why I can kill the level 4 boss with only 4 Crash Bombs, while holding the B button and running into the final gunlet to break it. These reasons for these questions can be shown in the videos. I'll have it up on Monday. For now, I'll just host it from geocities until I have the final version with my website. Note-I've spent days fixing the desynced videos, so they all are guaranteed to work now. Also, don't miss the zillions of save states included in each folder when I get it up. To see a preview of the stuff I've posted so far for, here's the stuff. All questions I had regarding these ZIPs, I've figured out the answers to already.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.
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Joined: 1/13/2006
Posts: 109
Wow. It's nice to know I'm not the only guy who's been playing around with these bugs. I have finished making many movies of bugs in the game. Since FCE won't work on my computer anymore, I've been forced to use the forbidden emulator Nesticle. Still, if you people don't mind using this one and would like to see all the stuff I've come up with so far, let me know, and I'll post the whole collection in a ZIP file. I haven't had a chance to read all these posts, so I'll check them out and then include any additions.
Life is like a box of chocolates-when you want peanut butter, all you get is coconut.