Posts for jlun2

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So it's the fastest? Well, why does it need a max score branch then if based on the comments, it doesn't seem like a non-max score would be faster (nor more entertaining)?
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Spikestuff wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
Wait, so does max score make is slower or faster?
Slower. But in-game time, faster. max score + time trial: end it as fast as possible time trial: force everyone to wait for about 1 minute for it to end.
Wait, then this isn't legible for vault then. A TAS that doesn't get max score would acheive a faster real time, so why is this accepted to vault?
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Spikestuff wrote:
jlun2 wrote:
But is maximum score a vaultable category? :o
It's less levels... so yes. Also if it was just Time Trial the TAS it would become less than 5minutes. It would ignore the 2 longest levels "Mega Speed Race" and "Race or Fall" and fail the both of them.
Wait, so does max score make is slower or faster?
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This was a very strange TAS. I mean, outside the asinine premise of a pepsi-based superhero and his bizarre antics, they actually placed a commercial right before the credits. It was somewhat fun though and managed to get me entertained at least.
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mklip2001 wrote:
jlun2: Well, going for maximum score will make the run slower. I'm pretty sure we don't need another submission to know that. By including maximum score in the branch, we're (a) being more clear about the goals of the branch (since changing those goals can make the run faster), and (b) setting expectations about what we hope to see in an attempt at obsoletion. A new submission which only goes faster because it gets a worse score would not be viewed favorably.
But is maximum score a vaultable category? :o
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Spikestuff wrote:
GASTLY “Rick Gastly” LEVEL 50 Dream Eater Confuse Ray Night Shade Hypnosis Oh and the save file
"File was deleted from server." :o
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Nach wrote:
Or one could just backport the patch. IIRC, it was just a simple mathematical operation.
That should work, since it seems the crash bug I mentioned has been in Dolphin for quite a while even before the Wind Waker bug was patched. :o
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natt wrote:
On playback, I get graphical glitching on some of the animation frames for these grey dudes, as you can see here.
Well, according to this post, it was supposed to be fixed along with the Wind Waker graphic bug, but Dolphin now seems to crash after a certain revision post-update. I'll try and track down which revision started to crash it. Edit: It seems whatever graphics fix seem to crash dolphin. :o
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Just curious, is "Maximum score" really needed in the branch name? I thought the fact that it's a vault run already means it's the fastest branch, so unless a non-max score run was submitted that ended up being faster does that mean the branch should be removed?
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Having also watched the previous one, this was a fun run. Yes vote.
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PikachuMan wrote: Do they look adorable or what?
They sure look a lot better than G3 ones, but then again, the G3 version looked like this: :o
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solarplex wrote:
Here we go. Starting Hidden Mansion mode, a frame ahead of Wakssbm before Parlor, and another frame before portrait cutscene.
Wait, is the reason why you're ahead of him because of hidden mode, or optimization? Because if it's the former, it'll mean you're slower if done on a new game.
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You could do something like FractalFusion talked about on the Wheel of Fortune submission.
Post subject: Re: In which Alden presses A periodically.
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feos wrote:
Is 0% Metroid Fusion really the fastest possible branch?
I asked before, and got this response:
Dragonfangs wrote:
any% would be too similar to 0% in Fusion. You'd grab a few extra missiles, bosses would be slightly faster.
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solarplex wrote:
I'm going to start over using Hidden Mansion savefile I found if I can. hopefully getting the ghosts way faster and one cycling will make things interesting.
In that case, you need a verification movie file.
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Chamale wrote:
thatguy wrote:
It's Sod's Law that you can get all the Poison-type third-stage Pokemon early game, when those are precisely the ones that prevent WtW abuse.
Over half of all the Poison-types in existence are from Generation 1.
So to clarify, Snorlax doesn't disappear if you cancel a Trainer-Fly by saving and resetting? Just when I thought I'd actually had a good idea for once...
To make Snorlax disappear, it has to load onto the top of the list of disappearable objects, because the trainer-fly glitch removes the first object from that list. I'm not sure if Snorlax disappears if I do the first part of trainer-fly before meeting it but trigger the encounter later. Now that I think about it, I think triggering the "wild" encounter is the event that actually deletes Snorlax. Unfortunately skipping the Gambler battle requires triggering Trainer-Fly twice, since we have to pass him once to load Snorlax onto the list of disappearing objects and pass him again once Snorlax is gone.
If anyone wants, there's more info on this here. :P
Post subject: Re: Appeal to Re-examine Submission
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trlky wrote:
Or someone could work on a version with an official DOS emulator.
I've been wondering, but does JPC-rr work with this game so this can be done?
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itsPersonnal wrote:
Crazy new trick: So far, these light towers are the only known places we can activate this... Goo Lagoon backwards saves around a minute non-TAS. I don't think it'd be useful in a TAS though.
I got a question. How would the route change in a TAS if Goo Lagoon was done after you get bubble bowl? Also, in downtown Bikini Bottom, can you go OoB at the lighthouse to skip most of that section as soon as you get the sock?
Post subject: Re: Requesting leniency towards submitting a movie
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AngerFist wrote:
What I fear is, worst case scenario redoing from start or 2000 frames or so which I have done once before, is something I am not considering. I am really determined to finish this huge project. Also, it's my birthday, cut me some slack :(
Maybe other TASers should submit TASes on their birthdays for leniency then...
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Warp wrote:
Scepheo wrote:
This is mostly giving me the idea that applying random input to pokémon will, eventually, beat the game.
You mean like this?
Just checked on it again and I'm surprised it actually has managed to get pretty far into the game (lake of rage) for a series of random input. :o
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eternaljwh wrote:
(it's always six of one item, for those uninitiated), meteor-sniping, achievement counter overflow (I'm rather surprised at that one-it's the "stars x 1" after the match, except obviously then it shows a lot more being cleared).
Wait, I thought the stars meant how many rounds you've won since poweron. :o What overflow are you refering to?
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ais523 wrote:
I'm genuinely unsure on whether to redo from halfway through the TAS or not. It looks sloppy, and it is sloppy, so I don't really want it in the run, but it might be a lot of effort to get everything lining up like it should. I guess one option is to see whether we can get the gold duplication section to sync again via moving random seeds around (without changing our movement pattern); if we can keep the same movement pattern, everything should start syncing again after a while.
Well, if there's consensus to restart to that point, is there anything that could be done faster/different along with the leashes?
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solarplex wrote:
One thing that's not the same if you guys watch the twitch streams is that with everyone doing Hidden Mansion, it is way easier to suck up ghosts and move at the same time. Regular mode it is very hard to try to move around with ghosts because if you hold down directional keys, there is a chance you stop taking their hp away for a frame or more.
But that'll require new game+ and a verification file, so might as well make an any% from a blank memory card and use the savefile from the any% TAS for 100% Hidden mansion.