Posts for gbagcn

Post subject: Anyone here ever play lines of action
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Joined: 5/30/2005
Posts: 98 If you like chess and checkers you should give this board game a try. I actually like lines of action more than these games since it is more creative. The number of spaces each piece can move is constantly changing and this game has an interesting victory condition.
Post subject: I found an interesting theory about the universe
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Wow exactly 10:00. You don't see times with so many 0's very often.
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You seem to be assuming the only way to solve board games is through a brute force method. Through advances in AI a computer could determine certain sets of moves that don't have a chance of being the best ones. I think in 100 years we will have solutions to every currently invented (as of year 2006) video game and board game. See also: This is probably just the beginning of machine learning and humans and computers will probably be able to come up with better ways they can learn in the future. Also what do you think is the theoritical max for data storage is. In terms of 10^x GB what do you think the highest number x could be.
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So how would you get the timer to display any time in sonic 3.
Post subject: Timers keeping track of miliseconds and running at 30-60 fps
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A milisecond is 1/100 of a second so in order for every milisecond in a timer to be displayed a game would have to run at 100 fps and show one milisecond every frame. Since most games run at 30-60 fps if the game keeps track of miliseconds that means that 40-70 milisecond displays have to be skipped. This isn't a big deal in real time because even if the game was running at 100 fps you wouldn't be able to read the numbers very well if they were changing each frame. If you slow the game down when making a TAS though you would be able to see each frame seperately and be able to tell if numbers were skipped or not. Anyone have a list of what games have timers that keep track of miliseconds. The only ones I can think of are sonic adventure 1-2, sonic advance 1-3, and f-zero games. I know there are certain times that are impossible for level clear times in the sonic games when speedrunning but I haven't heard what times are impossible for f-zero games probably since I don't follow the f-zero speedrunning community.
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I wonder what playing a game like mario kart 64 with 2 players perfectly would look like. Since you can manipulate luck both players could get any item they wanted but using items that slow the other player down probably wouldn't work too well since as soon as it was used the other player would probably be able to find a way to block or avoid it somehow. My guess is that every time either player hit an item box they would manipulate luck to get a gold mushroom. Since you can't get these in first place (I think) they would have to slow down and drop just behind the other player when stopping the item roulette. I wonder if it is possible to get ties in mk64. What would happen if both players crossed the finish line on the same frame. I am assuming it would give player 1 the win but I am not sure.
Post subject: Solved board games and solving multiplayer video games
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Posts: 98 I was surprised to learn how many board games have been completely solved and how many are close to being solved. I wonder how long until this happens to multiplayer video games. Of course in video games since most don't have turns you have to seperate each move by frames and there are alot of frames to consider espically when you compare them to the number of turns in an average board game. Fortunately though the number of possible moves on each frame is lower than the possible moves for each turn on a board game. If this knowledge was applied to an AI it would be unbeatable and competition between these AI opponents could be more intertaining than watching the best human players. Too bad computers haven't advanced far enough yet.
Post subject: Using modified button press files instead of savestates
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The problem with savestates is they only capture one frame and have no memory of what happened during the game before they were created. Button press files however have the memory of what all of the frames in the game were like. What if you somehow managed to modify a button press file so that when you loaded it it automatically fast forwarded through all of the button presses until it got to the last one. Once it reached the last one emulation would be automatically paused. Would loading a button press file like this really be any different than loading a savestate. The only thing I am worried about is that fast forwarding process taking a while and possible desynchs. I am not sure how much of a problem either of these things would be.
Post subject: I have an idea for another type of bigame tas
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Most people perceive bigame videos as being videos of games were the same input is entered on different games at the same time. The way I perceive them is the 2 movie files existing in a cause and effect relationship. When a button is pressed in one game it causes the same button to be pressed on the other game on the same frame. For example pressing the A button on frame 100 in one game causes the A button to be pressed on frame 100 in another game. What if instead of only using this type of cause and effect relationship you expanded it. What if pressing the A button on frame 100 on one game caused the B button to be pressed on frame 100 of another game. You could also subsitute any 2 buttons on the controller with the buttons used in that example as well (ex pressing right on the d-pad causes A to be pressed in another game). This type of bigame movies can also be even further expanded. For example what if pressing the A button on frame 1000 in one game caused the B button to be pressed in another game 5 frames later and then after another 5 frames had passed caused the up button on the d-pad to be pressed. If these types of comparisons got complicated enough you might be able to relate one movie on the site directly with another movie. The only downside I see to this idea is it is kind of complicated so some people might have trouble seeing how 2 movies like this were related if they don't fully understand the concept. Also there were probably have to be a bunch of text in the avi file explaining how exactly the movies are related.
Post subject: Anyone interested in making a TAS of this YI hack
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Joined: 5/30/2005
Posts: 98 The IPS patch must be patched to Yoshis Island 1.0 (U) to work right. This hack is pretty fun espically since it is the only YI hack that I have ever heard of. I would really like to see a TAS of it.
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So what determines the height you get when using the Sonic/Cream tag action after jumping off ground that isn't sloped? What I have found is it seems to be determined by your running speed and the height of your jump. To get the most height out of the tag action you want to be at your maximum running speed (I wonder if you go even higher when in boost mode) and release the tag action at the top of the jump. When testing again to see how much height I could get I did manage to get close to the maximum height with the tag action but instead of getting a 90 degree upward angle the best I could do was a 45 degree angle. This probably has to do with the fact that when you are running at that speed there is so much forward momentum. There must be some way to cancel this forward momentum while not losing any height when using the tag action but I haven't figured it out. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have been testing this only in real time.
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I tested the vertical height differences between using the Sonic/Cream team and the Sonic/Tails team tag action and this is what I found. The height from the Sonic/Tails team is about 1.8 times the height that the Sonic/Cream team gets. This height difference is so significant that I think that it is worth the small times delays associated with using it. There still could be some levels where you don't need this much height and in that case Sonic/Cream would be faster. The only level I have found like this is Cyber Track 1 but there may be others. I tried using Sonic/Cream on Chaos Angel 1 but found that they wouldn't work in some parts of the route and on other parts of the route they were slower when compared to my Sonic/Tails strategy (which is a soniccenter record). I guess I could try to come up with a new route for them on that level but I doubt it would be faster.
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The only advantage I have found that the Sonic/Cream has against Sonic/Tails is the boost forward that you get when you press A while in midair. Also Sonic/Cream has many disadvantages compared to Sonic/Tails such as the upward boost from the tag action not being as high and not being able to fly like you can when you use the tag action in the air with Sonic/Tails. The only level I have found where Sonic/Cream is the best team is Cyber Track 1. This is the team that I used to get my record of 39 seconds that I submitted to soniccenter. Another team that is only good for one level is using Cream/Amy for Chaos Angel 3. Cream is useful because her flying is faster than tails and amy is useful because if you use the tag action while on the ground and then use it again as soon as possible while in the air you can get more vertical height than tails tag action. If you are interested here is the guide for that level (not written by me): The only thing that I would add to it would be that you can spindash jump and fly off of the first 2 moving platforms which is faster than just jumping and flying off of them.
Post subject: Averaging Gradius
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Posts: 98 I find the idea of finding out the reactions different people make to the same situations in a game very interesting. I wonder what other games this idea could be successfully applied to besides gradius.
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If there is a problem with the camera in sonic advance 1 why don't you just make a hack of the rom that makes the camera move faster. The only problem you might have trouble getting it accepted since you are using a hacked rom with only a minor change to the game.
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Its kind of sad how you guys are arguing about something that 90 percent of the people watching this movie won't even notice (maybe more). Since these runs are made for entertainment this is a significant factor. Also having a sonic 1 run submitted and not be perfect (no movie on this site is perfect anyway) is better than not having one at all. After seeing xebras attitude in this topic it is no wonder he got banned from soniccenter. If he keeps this up he might be banned from this site too.
Post subject: Why aren't there any rerecording PSX emulators
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Since we now have a rerecording N64 emulator we should now try to get one for PSX to increase the 3d TAS game possibilities. Aren't there any PSX emulators that are open source that can have rerecording support added to them.
Post subject: Would TAS of homebrew games be a good idea
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Do you think allowing TAS of certain homebrew games would be a good idea. Just like hacks not all homebrew games should be accepted since some of them aren't that good. Since certain hacks are accepted it is only fair the allow homebrew games as well. If anything they should be more accepted than hacks since they are completely new games instead of a modification to an existing game. Anyone know of any good homebrew games that would make good TAS.
Post subject: There should be a seperate forum section for hacks
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Since there is now a seperate section for hacks in the movie file listings there should be a seperate section in the forum as well.
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What are the controls for this game. I can't figure out how to use items. Great game by the way.
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I think I remember someone saying something about Visual Boy Advance not being able to correctly emulate this game. The game should work on other GBA emulators but none of them have rerecording support.
Post subject: Request: DK King of Swing
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I just got this game a few days ago and it is pretty good. I would really like to see a TAS of it. It shouldn't be too hard to make because the only buttons you need to use are the L and R buttons to countrol DK's hands or move left or right. Since you don't need to use the d-pad this game has fewer inputs per frame required than most NES games.
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Maybe you could do a run with just one of the starting decks. The only problem with this is that you could just manipulate luck so your opponent never draws any monster cards so you could win easily.
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The download links from the first post don't work. Is there anywhere else I can find this hack.