Posts for evilchen

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*oh master dfangs(the guy which started my interest in fusion) posted a wip :D yay* i'll sure watch this at home today edit: have watched it - neat doubleshots at the eyebeamdors
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lava = acid before ridleys room? i think he has to wait anyway for the door .. and iam sure the extra damage shortens the waitingtime for the crystalflash :)
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Location: Mettmann maybe someone of you can explain this.. tried many different things but it still end like this - a blackscreen / game freeze iam not sure if i will continue this project because of some things like less interests from others for that game - also i think i've done a shitty job with that :(
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it goes like wtf you have pc in the kitchen? or a kitchen beside your pc? hahaha thats nice!
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you are going for 100% single TAS? or again no luckmanipulation and things like that?
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tdk wrote:
P.JBoy wrote:
which is faster that d.k's
Who's dk? And keep in mind that my segmented 100% run isnt for speed.
for what was it then? it was not entertaining (for me) either because of some things like: - saving in saving rooms - not manipulating luck everytime(eyedoors)
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the double shots at the xcore / eyebeamcore what ever comes from the up or the downside , i think the BOX room is to small for that
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like angerfist allready said thats star material! (or moon?¿) very great improvement!
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Zar[ShAngO] wrote:
consider this project as not continued by me.
thats sad to hear :(!
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i think its a good idea but i cant decide this! ;/
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Tompa wrote:
Ok, we can wait=). I think... Haha, good luck! This is going to be great!
can we? i allways enjoyed the day with, 1. coming home 2. make food 3. watch wips while eat i can't wait :D!
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ahhh i thought wtf when will pjboy finish it.. so well ok its wensday wheres the final wip ehh? ;)
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is gln64 the only linux plugin? the movies are annoying because gln64 causes sound bugs at my computer
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AzHP wrote:
Yeah, any reason you use this plugin this time around? It kinda sucks.
indeed it does.. :(!
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is the inventory screen f*cked up at you too? it has some weird graphics/sprites at me
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i tired the mupen m64 5 times - i did change the video plug but it allways desynchs while you are pressing away the dialoges with A AB AB B B A BA .. and so on.. :/ edit:problem solved, just switched back to the old plugin works fine now edit:2 i shouldnt edit my post while the movie is running .. with the old plugin it desynchs later when you leave your room :/ tried 3 times and now i dont have any solutions ps: the new video plugin causes some soundbugs too
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that gif is stupid sorry you sould remove it
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- killing them takes the same time as just waiting some frames - getting hit would kill me (got 1 hp-block) - swimming through without waiting hmm that would be fastest but i dont know how to manipulate them or something like that, maybe i try it after this weekend(i either dont know about those HEX(wtf)-things to manipulate things or drop or something like that :/) thanks for your comment angerfist
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Done done done third riddle done! improvements comments anything is welcome :)
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whats a bottle adventure?
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damn why iam using .12? that was the latest i found as i searched for fceu.. now ive got the mentioned problems ... crashes and such thing ;/
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OmnipotentEntity wrote:
Sure thing guy. 819 858 55 423 535 557 443 341 831 838 178 777 917 851 322 284 187 761 964 427 599 901 694 812 89 325 909 810 110 730 330 145 913 581 440 543 752 818 670 298 575 726 852 353 42 489 749 208 907 807 189 932 895 390 588 35 461 314 900 744 40 283 294 229 41 890 259 568 190 74 972 651 56 528 87 308 250 342 481 661 983 311 603 313 245 709 835 254 124 142 665 691 336 889 107 617 993 776 585 886 700 335 971 644 942 227 289 513 112 804 783 570 233 368 7 149 683 963 318 393 646 676 355 95 663 148 98 649 197 307 413 360 930 501 166 139 817 394 860 160 872 441 494 545 883 849 122 433 67 388 724 848 793 619 643 185 861 548 944 274 399 104 876 100 854 779 498 15 722 820 605 892 580 376 415 398 465 656 904 487 634 422 839 54 962 383 544 537 143 923 888 574 218 593 814 855 44 226 219 910 698 339 546 28 81 173 479 194 331 720 361 315 514 477 364 231 140 201 862 737 867 191 225 717 823 954 43 439 978 165 26 72 457 359 495 608 842 101 947 409 94 992 449 857 13 680 958 267 755 864 66 582 690 184 438 129 Let me know if there's anything else I can help you with.
HAHAHA i nearly peed my pants from loughing to this post hahaha thats great
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a suicide video tape? is it "the ring 3" ? :p
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i wish i could see frames per room with my nes/james bond like in the ceres 1st room video ;/
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Burning Death wrote:
Another example by me :D : The yellow coins in Super Mario 64 vs the mumbo token in Banjo Kazooie. They are both needed until a certain amount, and there is no way of knowing how much are exactly in the game if you don't know about it or try to get all yourself. And why doesn't FODA collect all yellow coins for his 100% 120 stars run and just activates all 3 cap swtiches (similair to the 3 cheato books in BK)? It would be all fun to watch getting EVERYTHING but pointless for a 100% definition/run I would say.
arr damn ;P