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I support the idea of labeling this movie as "ace, glitchfest". It clearly tells both the goal of the TAS (showcase glitches) and means of reaching the goal (via ACE). People that are not too deep into TASes might get confused why there are 2 different glitchfests though. This can be avoided by rewriting this movie description. Currently the description does not mentions anything about glitches at all focusing instead on the fact that its an ACE TAS. Non-ACE TAS has a very clear description of what is in the movie, including mentioning the fact that the game even crashes a few times during the movie.
Post subject: Do not obsolete existing ACE.
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First of all, thanks to the author for making both those glitchy TASes! I did not maybe enjoyed all the parts (after all, it is somewhat hard to understand what is even going on), but both TASes show what the game is capable of doing without crashing and have a lot of fun and entertaining moments. However, I absolutely did not enjoy the decision to obsolete previous TAS with this one. Honestly, I would rather obsolete glitchfest TAS with this one rather than previous ACE. Or better - make a new branch. Here are the TASes I am going to talk about: ACE glitchfest (this submission) - [6035] SNES Super Mario World "arbitrary code execution" by IgorOliveira666 in 42:49.44 Non-ACE glitchfest - [4685] SNES Super Mario World "glitchfest" by IgorOliveira666 in 2:54:33.62 Minigames ACE (obsoleted movie) - [2513] SNES Super Mario World "arbitrary code execution" by Masterjun in 02:25.19 All 3 TASes attain different goals: -non-ACE glitchfest TAS demonstrates how crazy SMW looks and plays when things get weird by, well, glitching it. It shows "normal" gameplay that can be attained without making the game execute arbitrary code. -this TAS demonstrates even more glitches that are mostly attained by changing powerup-box contents and active powerup as well as sprites in 2 slots; these glitches cannot be shown without ACE but the run itself is still a valid gameplay. This makes it pretty valuable since with only such a small addition the range of glitches increases significally. -masterjun's ACE TAS removes normal gameplay and instead codes two minigames. These minigames, however, use (or seem to be using) elements from normal game. Namely, platforms (for pong) and moving block line (for snake). This make the run very entertaining despite not exactly being SMW anymore. Now, visually both glitchy TASes look quite similar - in that you can hardly undestand what is going on in there, though deep knowledge of the game may help that. Masterjun's TAS, however, is both competely different and everything that happens on screen is absolutely clear to most viewers (well, except if you never played/seen/heard of snake and pong) and is significally different to two other TASes. As far as I understand current site goals, we can have branches with arbitrary goals for as long as they provide different enough content, in addition to standard branches. The opposite also seems to be true: arbitrary TASes that are similar to each other should obsolete each other. Glitchfest TAS has an arbitrary goal to showcase as many glitches as possible without breaking the game. It looks like no other TASes look. This TAS, being ACE, has a goal of reaching control over the game by executing arbitrary code. However, it is similar to glitchfest. In fact, the TAS looks like it did not achieve total control over the game, merely coding a few buttons processing to change 4 variables. Masterjun's TAS, however, achieves a total control over the game. It shows something radically different, not only in comparison to other TASes, but even to the game itself! In my opinion, it is technically supreme to current ACE. Of entertaining, it was no worse either - sure, current TAS is longer but the "Wow!!!" that Masterjun's TAS produces beats it for me. Therefore, I would offer two possibilites here: 1) Obsolete "glitchfest" TAS with this submission. However, current glitchfest TAS showcases colossal amount of glitches without ACE so its value is too high to be obsoleted by an ACE version. 2) Do not obsolete anything and create a new branch.
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MAThVideos: Math demonstrating game movies. When TASing skills are just not enough. Awesome idea. I like how these AFD submissions go into totally different dimensions than you would imagine.
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Although framerate sheniagans allow this to be finished ridiculously fast, the juice of the TAS is actually the idea of allowing Mario to finish the game with no inputs which I totally enjoyed. Though this idea does TASing. But it was fun to watch anyway.
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InfamousKnight wrote:
It maybe because steamOS isn't supported yet.
This is why I have created this guide since my provided way of running BizHawk is relatively easy (in comparison to trying to get real mono if you are not a skilled linux user). It also seems to be stable. Of course this is the way intended for playing, not TASing, mostly because Windowed apps in Deck's Gaming mode do not exactly work well when multiple windows are presented (mostly due to only a single Window being able to be displayed at once). For TASing obviously you should run it in Deck's Desktop mode. However I believe that for this purpose Wine indeed would be a better choice if it is verified that BizHawk properly behaves in it. There is a possibility that in Proton there may be accuracy issues, although I am able to play games without any noticeable problems.
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There are two problems: 1. "mono: command not found", even though mono was installed. 2. I cannot change my deck controls because in desktop mode steam controller settings hang entire deck. Default controls are unsuitable for gaming. I have to add bizhawk to steam to use controller, but that will result in having to select proton.
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There is a single reddit post on the Internet that has minimal info on running BizHawk on Steam Deck. While it helps, it is not really in-depth. So I have decided to create a post here to give instructions on how to run BizHawk on Steam Deck. It uses Proton to launch a Windows version. 1. Download WINDOWS version of BizHawk on your Steam Deck. The Linux version relies on using mono console command which does not works even after installing mono via discovery due to it being wine-mono or something. We will use proton instead. Alternatively, you could just move your windows BizHawk, but you will need to edit any path settings in config file manually first, which worked for me. That would preserve your settings. You can move files between PC and Steam Deck via Warpinator. Steam Deck version is available straight from Discovery app, windows version is called Winpinator and is freely available on the net. 2. Add EmuHawk.exe as Non-Steam game to Steam. 3. Within Steam, in EmuHawk.exe properties set compatibility to "Proton 7.0-5". You can now run EmuHawk.exe and BizHawk should crash right away. Launch it again and it will now run... but performance will be poor. 4. In display settings, choose OpenGL rendering method. Choosing DIrectX will crash the emu (that is why it crashes on first launch since DirectX is default option) and revert to GDI. GDI itself is too poor in performance. 5. Use clock throttle and disable VSync. With VSync, some cores will run at 30FPS. Throttling is needed without VSunc to prevent emu running too fast. You also need to unlock framerate in power options (the "..." button on Deck) to allow fast forward. 6. Use BizHawk in the Deck's Gaming mode instead of Desktop mode and choose gamepad control scheme to allow binding input easily. 7. In Config -> Customize -> General -> Input Method select DirectInput+XInput. Bound keyboard keys do not seem to be working with OpenTK, so if you want to bind some additional key to grip buttons (for example, I have F12 as screenshot, R4 bound to F12), you need to have DInput+XInput. That's it. The performance seems to be good. For example, QuickNES runs at 600 FPS unthrottled.
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TiKevin83 wrote:
can you link the page with the issue? I have sent you a screenshot on discord, no idea how to post them on forum.
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I did not see any megamans after the update and had to clear cache to resolve in chrome. On edge there werent any double megamans, this cannot be the issue becauae i never used it at all and, therefore, there is no browsing history, including tasvideos.
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Incognito, cleared cache, tried a different browser (Edge, which was never used before) - its slightly purple light cyan on light cyan; requies tilting the screen to read that. Specifically, its RGB 0xC2D6FC on 0xCFF4FC. As of latest checkup, I am not considered colorblind of any kind; this is more of an issue of different displays.
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Only a little time since my last feedback, but the changes done in the last update totally changed my mind from "I hate the new site, burn!!!" to "Oh my, I totally love it!". The latest update brought borders between elements which was probably the sole reason of "I hate the design but cannot explain why" complaint from me. I also noticed that table on main have alternating colors for rows, something that is better than old design. What falls out though is that Recommended/Featured movie block does not have a visible outline unlike all other blocks. I can see the outline being there, but its color is between block color and background, while other blocks have color darker that both contents and background. Movie page is also totally great now! I would say that I prefer old design a bit more, but actually separating all the various links in blocks rather than in a single list is totally better idea. I am still waiting for youtube module and game submission history redesign (currently it does not even displays tiers). A small suggestion is to have entry history as an expandable block instead of a only separate page, although the page can still exist to be reachable from other sources. I am also still waiting for ability to sort rated movies by both ratings and in reverse order. Sorting by "last rated" would also be a welcome addition, though I do not know if such info is present in the database. Bugs: -"The rating system" tab cannot be opened. I click it to no avail. -"By default, all registered users can create and maintain a homepage if they choose." text on user homepage is cyan on cyan background. That is as visible as piece of glass in a murky water.
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What I like: 1) Speed. For a lot of the pages on the old site, I only could "crawl" through them at a speed of Goomba. Now I can browse though it at the speed of Mario doing BLJ glitch. 2) Game resources page. I don't really like the design, but in comparison to what was on the old site, that is definitely better. 3) The user profile page. Finally I can reach my non/rated movie list without knowing beforehand that it is in "rating.exe" which was accessed from some weird locations. In fact, it is now much easier to reach pages you want to reach because navigation was improved greatly, mostly by text now becoming clickable links in places you were expecting it to. 4) Forum design is now the one with the site and seem not to require a separate login. Maybe I will actually use it now. What I don't like: 1) Link color. On HP Pavilion Power 15, it looks just black. It is only sligthly visible on my other devices. Also, links that were navigated to are no more distinct from unvisited pages because default link is purple which is "been to" color at the same time. 2) Mario and Luigi at the top of the screen were removed. I chased them too much with the cursor to not notice. Not critical, but noticeable. 3) It was 2021, 1920x1080 is totally not the biggest resolution one can get... And by some reason, the new site uses about half of that res' width. Specifically, only 1110 pixels. Old site had only 10 pixels on each site as a padding and it was great. has and option called "Wide Load". If there were some logical reasons behind limiting page width, at least consider full width as a toggleable option. 4) Blue gradient at the top of the page lost some saturation. With new color it can be just safely removed then - aforementioned laptop barely has this color at all. But I would prefer to leave old color. However, new color looks better on mobile. 5) Publication button in a publication is obsolete. You are already at the pub, clicking the button does not do anything. 6) I can't find embedded video module. At all. I just don't like opening youtube site and would then instead download movies locally. 7) Tab design. It lost it's personality. New site has… line of text as a tab, old one has an actual tab frame and color of active/inactive tab. 8) Rating page currently does not have column sorting like the old one did. 9) (minor) New rating system with 0.5 steps instead of 0.1.
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I do not think that watching this at x1 preserves sanity, but fastforwarding to the actual action shows incredibly fast route to marriage. With a few entertainment gimmicks (such as "drawing" with stones on your farm), this is actually enjoyable. I have completed this game however, and I believe that this is a factor since the TAS basically consists of 2% juice and 98% peelings (pun intended). Still, this is a yes vote.
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@Samsara 1. I am not at all in this meme, so all that I replied earlier actually holds true: Mario Paint is a pretty great "game" and seeing actually good looking pictures was actually enjoyable. As I stated, however, the movie is a bit too long for its value since we are colouring dinosaurs. If we would, say, colour various Nintendo characters, that would add significant entertainment due to variety, possibly cancelling boredom of TAS longevity. 2. For a normal TAS, S usually stands for speedrun, but playarounds are done for entertainment, where S stands for superplay. While they are generally still do whatever they do as fast as possible, the goal is not to get to the ending as fast as possible but to instead play the game in an unexpected way of some kind. Taking NES River City Ransom playaround, there are at least a few moments when characters deliberately do nothing at all and waste time just because this adds to the entertainment. As such, you can kinda throw speed out of formulae for playarounds. But if you do so, you can probably throw away the ending too since, if we are not going for the ending as fast as possible, we might as well not go for the ending at all. I would like to note however that doing playaround of the game that does not have ending does not means that the TAS should not have one. This TAS has one, unexpectedly. And I found it extremely fitting, since the TAS ends with credits. Who cares if they are not real credits? The TAS has an ending of sorts. 3. To be honest, I find it hard to properly divide my opinion of a given publication into Entertainment rating and Technical rating. This might hold true for other people as well, which might create movies with very high reception and very low rating at the same time.
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I actually find this quite nice play around. Especially since colour a dinosaur is not a part of the game, so it does not breaks "no colour-a-dino games" rule. I find it somewhat similar to DS Brain Age TAS, although this cartridge is not actually a game in a full sense. The TAS feels a bit too long though.
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Just in case this was not clarified - you CAN bypass listening to the radio for the search to be called off. Tested on BizHawk 2.4.2 Gambatte core. Though it was more "forcefully stumbled upon" rather than tested: I always got search called off when I slept right after listening to the radio. Did 2 playthrough only, but that happened twice.
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The project has been cancelled due to the lack of writer's skill. It looks like simply knowing how something works is not enough to create an instruction about it.
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As a fan of this game, I did not expect much of this run, but the final battle was well worth 2 minutes of FTL warping. About early input end: there was a TAS of some Kirby game where the final battle was ended early and the actual boss kill happens 5 minutes after that because helper kills the boss. So for this one, where there is only like 40 seconds, I am pretty sure it is fine. Especially that you need a good RNG for your weapons to hit properly since projectile based ones can miss. Yes vote, although its somewhere between Meh and Yes.
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I still do not expect good deal of free time anytime soon nor I properly understand what exactly happens there to improve this.
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Strange. When I tried to apply boost earlier, I got much more presses after 0x20 so that it turned out slower by 1-3 frames. That was mainly due to different subpix values being stored when boosting. Right now, I am in the middle of low level computer programming learning. After this is finished, I plan to check source code of how exactly this value works. Right now I plan to leave the movie as it is, also because I have problems with TAStudio in Biz which I initially planned to do. Also sudden lack of time. If you want to improve the TAS by making movie of your own, that is not a bad idea at all, you definitely inderstand what happens under the hood of this game better.
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I have been playing with "subpixels", but when you jump and release move button, the value seem to be set to some completely unrelated value. I can even hardly call it a subpixel. For possible frame rule, I was unable to get any frames by jump boosting when the character can boost the last time behind the screen. For starting outside, I could probably have mistested something, but I mainly lose lots of frames by starting any earlier or later. The value that is assigned to subpixels seems to have nothing to do with actual subpixels. It just does not matters what the value is before, but the moment the right button is released, subpixel value seems to be set to some value that is exact same for any given X%256 coordinate, so I was not able to get any additional frames by optimising those. Furthermore, sometimes better subpixels seemed to cause frame loss on many jumps which require precise landing. When you jump, but need to land on the ground during boost period, you seem to get the most benefit of the boost ifyou time your landing so that it corresponds in certain way to R button press that you would normally do. This is usually done by holding A for 4 frames. Touching the ground screws up subpixels by setting them to a certain oscillating value, which seems to lose them. For what X%256 corresponds to which subpixel value set when jumping, it looks like it is X%256 itself with some variation depending on previous airtime. When boosting, if subpixel is less than 80, the speed seems to wrap around and cause character to move 2px per frame. If it is more than that, then its 1px per frame. When the value goes like 08-04-00-FD, underflow makes you lose that boost. When the ground is touched, if R is not held, major speed loss occurs. In 3-1, there is a single noticeable "bump" (actually slowdown, not complete halt). You can avoid that bump by trying to manage subpixels - and arrive to the exit one frame later. Moon logic. I was not able to improve the movie so far - some more testing of X subpixel is needed to better understand that, but in my opinion it needs asm debugging of movement segment. Unless I miss something totally obvious.
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This was not supposed to go anywhere beyond vault tier anyway, so I do not expect anyone to actually find this entertaining. It was that the improvement found during casual gameplay was too tempting not to try in TAS. Did not expect initially to actually shave off that much.
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I would say it sounds good. Just as with many major games, there are many glitches and these are usually fun to watch. Especially because N64 Zelda TASes feel like 99% glitches, 1% cutscenes. As for being normal dungeon order, I think i have seen too many reverse orders in various games. I think it is a good time to finally go and TAS the game in an intended order. At least somewhat. I am especially "yes" for this TAS if it would showcase glitches rarely used or even the ones never actually used.
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The last time the TAS was so lazy that it ignored the last boss and walked right past it. But this time, the TAS is too lazy to do even that and just finishes all the levels from totally middle of them. When the music stopped in one of the level endings, I swear I could hear the game screaming "I can't take it anymore!". When the second to last level misaligned vertically, I totally could read the same message. I truly wonder what is this Eric is thinking. For tech rating, this is an amazing piece. The bug with gun-dying is really interesting. Overally, this is an amazing job. For entertaining, not too bad too, but I must say that the TAS does not exacly features tons of action. Does not mean this is a bad job. Its just the game. I personally would like to see this in Moon. While not truly interesting, the movie shows interesting bug and is itself short. But with current standarts, I am pretty sure this will end up in Vault and I don't think I will have any arguments against that. That this movie is at least to be published is for sure though.
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When you walk over lava on Parma, you seem to take a route which have 1 lava square more (you enter a "corner" of lava instead of entering one tile above from the tree tile) than "safer" one. Since taking damage from lava flashes the screen AND freezes you in place for few tens of frames, wouldn't it be faster to walk through one less tile of lava? Or is there something I miss?