Posts for Zurreco

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So that is your wishlist? You want to see a TAS for all of those games? Something tells me you haven't even played some of those games. I mean, come on, Xena? Army Men? Sim City 2000?
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That's exactly what I meant. Duh.
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Well, it would be better to hang out in the thread on SDA. New improvements pop up ALL THE TIME, but it takes a long time to get them up on the scoreboard.
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Wow, don't know how I overlooked that. Yes vote.
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What was the purpose of moving down after you died at the last boss? For that matter, what was the purpose of dying? You did die, right?
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That's a terrible point to make. Do we accept Dali's liquid clocks as indicative of real clocks? No, you shouldn't, just like accepting Kojima's current sketches aren't indicative of the real Simon. If you want a comparative Simon Belmont, get his action picture from the cover art of Super Castlevania 4. edit: ^^^that works too. Look at those manly legs!
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Methinks that isn't Simon or some myspace/deviantart kid got to a better picture of him.
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OgreSlayeR wrote:
Simon Belmont is the most manly man ever. He has a leather skirt pretty much, and a Kinky Vampire Killer Whip, yet he still is at the Top Tier in Man Land.
Surely you jest: Solid Snake? Dante? Edgar and Sabin Figaro? Magus? All of these men, including Simon Belmont, all kick it at the Round Table of Video Game Manliness. The man who sits in the throne is...SLIPPY FROG.
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The current style is to androgynize characters so that everyone can relate. The problem with this is that it also limits what the character can do (versus what they should do) so that they can keep an androgynous visage throughout the whole shebang. Then again, I can't really think of any masculine male characters in the games. Even Fefnir is kinda girly in his questionable jealousy towards Zero. Harpuia, Elpizo, CopyX, Zero, etc all seem to be very effeminate. The only characters who are outright masculine are Weil and Craft, though both of which are supposed to play stubborn antagonists to a certain extent. What does that say about gender roles?
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If by red Megaman you mean red robot, then yes, I would agree. The similarities stop fairly quickly when you compare them correctly. Play X3 and switch between them. You'll see enough of a difference to know that he isn't "just a red version."
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pirate_sephiroth wrote:
What??? upgrade your glasses, fella
You don't see the androgyny? Zero was presented to us as a bigger brother to X in X1: the kind of man a guy like X would look up to. His demeanor illustrated that with large feet, prominent shoulders, and a very firm face. His hair never really flowed, so much as it just stuck out and was there to give him some rebel look. In the Zero series, he is given a very femenine physique, and it seems (to me anyways) that his hips and chest are accentuated. All of his burly assets were removed, and his face became very very soft. His hair even flows, a lot, drawing a lot of attention away from "I'm a man with long hair, deal with it" to the "I'm a man who seems to condition and brush my hair in between battles." Granted, I'm basing this all on the artwork. I honestly think that the artwork of the Zero series does not look a damn thing like the sprite of Zero, save for the helmet construction. His sprite looks like the old zero, but more ninja-y. None of this extreme attention to the fact that he is wearing form fitting spandex under what little armor he has, or any expressions aside from the cold gaze of the Zero we know and love.
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SpiDeY wrote:
ok, maybe not an NFO, but a "readme.txt" or something
I think you're missing the point here. It's not practical to double the amount of files being thrown around on the site just to save a very small group of people from having to look it up on their own. If you want .nfo files with each of the movies, make it yourself and distribute them on a demand-basis.
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JXQ wrote:
I hope your next game consists of Jax from Mortal Kombat punching Zero and that annoying little skank until they explode, and then saying something cool, causing all of you to realize how gay this style of graphics is.
If they hadn't made Zero look so anorexic and girly, it would have been fine. The hair does seem a bit out of place, though. SPOLILERS: Zero dies in MMZ4, just as X "died" a decade before MMZ1. Also, Ciel doesn't die, save for on the inside ;_;
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Or, if you really like the info that the comments gives, you can just save that page as an htm for each run.
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Why would we need to include that? It's just one more reason for someone to get it from a secondary source, which is suck. If someone doesn't want to go to the problem of reading up on the comments or run specs, that is their problem. No need to force everyone else to delete a file everytime something is published.
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Yes vote. After not having played this game for over a year now, I finally realise how far the series has come.
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moozooh wrote:
Well, regarding Michael Flatley, this was a part of his answer to my mail I wrote him a couple of days ago.
I apologize to have left the scene so suddenly, I have not played a single console/computer/emulator game since I got married nearly a year ago. I hope to someday start this hobby again but right now my focus is elsewhere :O/
Oh dag, totally called it.
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bobwhoops hangs out in IRC. I'm guessing that college is making him too busy to be our friend :( Sleepz is still around at SDA. Ever since the falling out after Phil taking the SMB2 publish and TSA childishly refusing to let Sleepz take the LoZ speedrun record, he probably got tired of trying. As for the rest, I'm going to assume that:
  • michael flatley is too busy having a job and being a newlywed to pick up where JXQ left off, especially since JXQ is already planning to improve what was already improved upon from flatley.
  • Frenom died in a hideous plane crash whilst in the middle of a Genesis Aliens run.
  • Viper7 is still around, but not active enough to post.
  • Teri probably moved on to/back to a Japanese TAS group, since the language barrier doesn't hold him back out there.
  • M_Fried was eaten by a roving pack of GameFAQ boardmembers after hearing his full name and rampaging against the FCVE'er.
  • Lezard is probably busy running, or not running, his site and starting his own legal consultation company.
Seriously, though, people leave all the time. That is the nature of message boards.
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hopper wrote:
The only thing that's obviously not right is the little television screens, which are just black instead of having some well-meaning idiot asking you "Is this such a good idea?"
I'm sorry, but getting rid of those annoying little animations is probably the most right thing you could do with that game.
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I would agree that the tag is inconsistent, but it does play a certain role. Postulate: "Ignores semi-important goals" should only be used when a run skips pivotal and necessary portions of the game, not just skipping over a level. In this instance
  • Final Fantasy 3 does not skip any mandatory scenes, despite the fact that it does generally avoid the majority of the WOR. Therefore, not tagged.
  • Super Mario World 11-exit does not skip mandatory portions of the game. Not tagged.
  • Megaman skips the boss refights, but I personally don't find this portion of the game to be pivotal in any sense: it is just an obstacle wherein you can tinker with new techniques and items against bosses. Not tagged.
  • Shortglitch versions of ALttP and LA both use a major glitch to skip important and otherwise mandatory portions of the game. These portions of the game have necessary items that would be considered 'entrance goals', whereas completing these portions would be considered 'completion goals'. By skipping the areas, you skip the goals, boom.
Etc. etc. I forgot where I was going with this. However, I do think that we need to have a fairly thorough debate on whether or not Werewolf does these things.
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It would probably be impossible, if not insanely improbable. For the 2/3 of a short OoT run that would be input heavy, Mario would be crawling around a lot, since backwalking across Hyrule Field demands that Mario either be long jumping or crouching. For the 1/3 that OoT is in story mode, Mario is going to be jumpinga hell of a lot.
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hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Very well played. Yes votin' dis.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Mirco Crocop is cooler, namely because he is a politician that is also an ex-bounty hunting mercenary from the old country that has killed with his bare hands.
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Why on earth are we going to qualify eachother now? That can't lead to anything good.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine