Posts for Zurreco

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Deep Loner wrote:
And I can't get over their misuse of "Flawless Victory". Really!
Logically, almost every fight ended in a fatality. Why didn't he announce it every time?
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jaysmad wrote:
AKA wrote:
I think Game to Movie adaptations are worse than vice versa because movie makers don't try to make the game fit in with the movie and often make the wrong decision in trying generalise it so it appeals to the regular audience.
Here's a good example, House of the dead?
No, that movie was terrible because Uwe Boll had something to do with it. You could have given him the script to Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels, and he would have ruined it beyond belief. Then again, Uwe Boll thinks his ticket to fame is making video game based movies, all of which are terrible.
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VirtualAlex wrote:
There is actually a DOA movie? I need to find that.
It's terrible. 4 of the female characters (who look nothing like their counterparts) that basically fight ninjas with swords when they're not in their bikinis or whatever. Terribly terrible.
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Yes vote, durr.
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Phil wrote:
RE4? Where is the 3rd one?
Resident Evil 2: Apocalypse was actually a mix of the plots behind RE2 and RE3. Raccoon City PD + Nemesis.
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Uhh, Mewtwo's smash attacks are some of the most to-the-point death dealers in the right hands. His arsenal is like 30% constant damagers, 50% hard hitting attacks, and 20% miscellaneous trash moves. That's more than most, including everyone's beloved yet overrated Marth.
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laughing_gas wrote:
What a paradox that must be! No.
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andrewg wrote:
So are any of you extremely good at ssbm?
I very rarely lose whenever I play as Mewtwo or Falco, if that's any indication of anything. I wouldn't consider myself a pro by any means, though.
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comicalflop wrote:
be sure to always check that you don't contradict yourself in your own post.
“can have” != accept for publication, so he may not be contradicting himself. posting from my wii :o
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erokky wrote:
That's not you and you know it, liar!
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Kyrsimys wrote:
Zurreco wrote:
Skype is an internet telephone program. It's quite meh.
Actually it's pretty good. Calling from the other side of the planet is quite expensive with a cellphone. I don't see what you find so 'meh' about it.
I find it "meh" because I don't have the same use for it as you do. The only person I would speak to outside of the country is my father, and even then I would prefer to use email. Anyone else, then, is either within the US (where I would then use my cellphone that gets free long distance) or can be more readily found online. Skype is great if you need to talk to someone that lives way far away, but that isn't the case for me. Therefore, I find it quite "meh."
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Skype is an internet telephone program. It's quite meh.
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Boco wrote:
Potemkin Buster is nice and all but he has no good colors and I don't like slow characters.
So you don't accept a good introductory character because you don't like his color schemes or the fact that a giant armored man is not speedy? If you want fast, flashy characters, just play as Chipp and lose a lot, since that's all that will happen. To be honest, there is a reason that Chipp is constantly placed in the bottom tiers: he will never be able to deal enough damage to be a real threat. All he can do is hop around and get destroyed in record time.
Boco wrote:
And for Faust, teleporting everywhere and throwing Meteors can only get you so far.
I'm sorry, but anyone who doesn't think that teleporting and blowing yourself up and firing off random meteors isn't the one and only path to success is not right in the mind.
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Play around with Faust and Potemkin. If you can't win with Potemkin's whopping 5 or so different attacks, or Faust's totally uncontrollable moves, I don't know what to tell you. Anyone who sits down and tries to play Potemkin should be able to pull off a 40% win rate against any non-pro players. Anyone who refuses to sit down and try to actually play Faust should have a 50% win rate. Seriously.
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Boco wrote:
I suck ;_;
Well here's your problem:
Boco wrote:
As for me I just play Chipp & Ky
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That being said, go play Guilty Gear: XX #R. Venom ftw screw your Slayer BoltR
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I am so surprised that you could save so much time on such a great run. I was very impressed, especially with some of the stuff you did in Wheel Gator and Bubble Crab stages. Obvious yes vote.
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Bleh. I've stayed away from this thread for long enough. Regardless of what the Virtua Fighter series may or may not entail, all fights eventually boil down to 3-punch combos and the occasional running kick. If you want a fun and variable fighter, the Guilty Gear series is probably your best choice. It isn't restricted with a 3D environment, it has a lot of unique/competitive fighters, and the fighting system allows for newcomers to have fun whilst keeping experienced players on their feet at all times.
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KRocketneo wrote:
I got 6 or 7 posts per day.
This is not something to be proud of; especially when your posts are a quick summary of themselves.
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AngerFist: There are no words. None. I'll honestly admit that I never would have put your name to that face.
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Don't you mean BIZARROOOOOO 0gr3Sl4teR?
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I would like to change my name to Bizqwit tia.
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BALINN wrote:
LMAO, i dont get beat up by bullies... hhahaah, at least im not 30 living with my parents playing video games all day.
Average age at the site is ~21. Also, are you admitting that you didn't make a run?
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BALINN wrote:
hahaah, im not 30 like all of you creeps. im still in juinor high
So does this mean that you didn't make a run, and that you're upset that people found you out?
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Once again, it is possible to get the VD1 secret exit without using colored blocks or Yoshi. Please stop making claims like this when people are telling you that it has been done.
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