Posts for Zurreco

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Chef Stef wrote:
Look at the entertainment rating of the published movie - it has a 4.8, hardly one of the most popular runs on the site.
4.8 = Just slightly below average. Do people not understand how 5 is supposed to be the mean value there?
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I couldn't watch this past the halfway mark. While you played this well, the game is way too repetitive. Voting No.
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Warp, you didn't answer my main question. Are you proposing that we keep the current system AND offer a mini-thumbnailed list as well?
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Are you saying that we should have the existing movie list (with full images) stay as it is, but add in a totally new page list with thumbnailed screenshots? Seems like a lot of effort on Bisqwit's part. Has anyone actually complained about this before? It seems like the only people who would struggle with this would be 56k modem users, in which case a thumb nailed image list of our extensive submission library would still kill them.
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Bisqwit wrote:
I would still like to clarify that my only concern is with the immature obsession towards "HEY, SEX, HAHAHA" that the author manifests with this movie (and the submission text) and the occasional responses in this thread that manifest it.
Err, obsession? 25 seconds over 2 events in a ~6 minute movie hardly seems like an obsession. That's less than 7% of the submission file. He spent more time wobbling/doing symmetrical acts than he did imitating something sexual. I think everyone is blowing this way out of proportion. It's not like there is rampant sexual imagery for the whole duration of this submission. FODA wanted to make his waiting periods not boring, so he found a method to pass the time that many people are finding humorous. Would you rather he had just stood still and done nothing for those 25 seconds? I can't really fault him for at least trying to make his submission more entertaining, even if it is a bit raunchy to <10% of the viewership (so far).
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I'm 90% sure that some gaming web comic has hit on that scenario at least once.
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I used to seed a lot back when I had a really great connection. Nowadays, though, I only bother seeding new publications and things that people request in IRC.
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Blublu wrote:
Ok. There was a thunder-something movie, though.
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Xkeeper wrote:
As far as I'm concerned, his reply actually has no bearing on the thread other than to give the quote context (whoopee).
Did you miss this part?
Zurreco wrote:
And I resent the term "ignore." Ignoring a submission is not the same as acknowledging that you aren't interesting in watching a submission/aren't currently capable of judging such a submission. If you're honestly concerned that you are ignoring submissions, do yourself a favor and educate yourself on said content and then watch/view/respond/sit back and help that submission reach its rightful conclusion.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
Post subject: I feel I am biting off more than I can chew...
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I feel that that quote is a bit out of context. That being said, have some context to put it in! I don't understand how people can be upset when a popular submission receives a quick publication. Simply put, popular submissions are widely available to informed decisions. This is because the game has been previously experienced by many people, who in turn show interest in a submission, give accurate feedback to the work therein, and speed along the process of judgment. Contra to that, if someone submits work on a very vague game, it will probably spend more time in the submissions queue. This is because the submission needs to generate attention from voters who have not experienced the game before. People unfamiliar with a submission are not as willing to watch/vote on the run, since they understand that they do not have an acceptably informed opinion. Voting results are low, feedback is minimal, and judges are forced to either wait for more feedback to arise (which is what normally keeps submissions in the queue limbo) or make a decision based on few votes. In conclusion, popular submissions get the quick treatment because they are easily judged due to an excess of informed votes and feedback. Unpopular submissions get stuck in the queue because they don't generate enough attention/acceptable feedback. If there is anyone to blame for this trend, it is definitely NOT the voters, the judges, or the submitters. Therefore, who can we blame for this (seemingly) logical progression? At what point do we sacrifice informed decisions on whether or not a submission is publish-worthy in order to get more submissions out of the queue faster? Also, I am of the belief that before someone votes on a submission, they should play through the game to an extent that they feel that they grasp the main mechanics and techniques of a submission. While I understand that the submission asks "Was this submission entertaining?", I generally believe that runs become less entertaining when you see flaws in them. Does that mean that I should not experience submissions so as to stay ignorant of flaws and find submissions more entertaining? e: And I resent the term "ignore." Ignoring a submission is not the same as acknowledging that you aren't interesting in watching a submission/aren't currently capable of judging such a submission. If you're honestly concerned that you are ignoring submissions, do yourself a favor and educate yourself on said content and then watch/view/respond/sit back and help that submission reach its rightful conclusion.
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Xkeeper wrote:
I'm not saying it's odd, and that's exactly the problem I'm talking about.
So the problem is that people are willing to vote on runs that they know stuff about and not on runs that they know nothing about? I guess people should quit submitting runs for random games then, huh?
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Xkeeper wrote:
No, but when some submissions can sit in the queue for months and months <strike title="Before being swiftly rejected by adelikat for 'not having enough interest on the site'" and this passes through almost immediately... This just brings more to the point that movies are not always judged accurately or fairly, and are instead judged with favoritism in mind.
The big difference is that most movies that sit in the queue for months and months are games that no one has played/the votes are too spread out. SMW is a very popular game, so many people are able to vote/judge in a short period of time. It took 2 days to begin encoding a run that had <5 No votes and >35 Yes votes (though it's now almost double that). How is that odd to you?
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Not talking about the movie. Someone recently bought the rights to continue the cartoon series, and their announced plans for it are an abomination. We talked about it a few months ago, but I'll jog your memory:
  • New series takes place in modern Los Angeles.
  • Thundercats are a Rock Band during the day, fight Mumra when not "rocking out."
  • Every member of the Thundercats now has a unique Eye of Thundara.
  • Snarf is turned from the bumbling coward he was to a spiritual warrior/guru for the Thundercats, and he may also become the new leader (though Liono would still be prince, duh).
  • Mumra and his forces all have new abilities. For example, Mumra now has wings when he isn't in his fragile form.
  • Some new species/mutation of the Robears will be allied with the new Thundercats.
  • All of this will be done using the animation styles of Teen Titans (read: cheap mock-anime with terrible shading and lots of excessive expression).
While none of that has been officially announced, but the concept was leaked about 6-12 months ago. Apparently, based on the awesome sales of the overpriced Thundercats series DVDs, a company (I'm only guessing Fox because they seem to love pumping out shitty cartoons as of late) made the move to attain the cartoon rights and start marketing for a hip new generation. Needless to say, Thundercats are officially dead in my mind. I'd rather let the beauty of the original series rest in the back of my memories instead of having their rotting corpse raped with the dual combination of a terribly conceived cartoon and a Thundercats movie-turned furry flick. RIP TC 4eva.
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Thundercats is forever desecrated by what Fox plans to do with the license. No movie, especially a live action one, is going to save it now.
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Phil wrote:
I don't want our children watching homosexual scenes. Maybe you are gay, it's your choice but don't contaminate others. :P
DRAGONS ARE HUMPING! WILL SOMEONE PLEASE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!?! Bisqwit: I accept that some people will find the scenes of bears making out to be somewhat revolting. However, at what point do you draw the line for "immature" or "tasteless" scenes to be depicted in a submitted run? Would a Tales of Phantasia submission get a No vote from you because of that ferry scene where the witch girl gets drunk, passes out, and starts having a vocally sexual dream? What about the one million billion other possibilities where people will find content immature, tasteless, or downright not reflective of the general mood at this site? Where do you draw the line?
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Jesus those scenes were hilarious. All the boring parts of the run were covered up with some hot beast on beast action. Easy Yes vote.
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I pronounce it "zggzdydp." Simple enough.
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Chamale wrote:
Wait. Do you ever heal fully, either at a pokémon centre or an auto-heal place? 'Cause I don't think so.
Nope. Closest he comes to being fully healed is right after using a potion, which never fully replenishes HP. A safe supply of HP comes from each time his pokémon level up.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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I can't shake the feeling that this run was done without the use of frame advance or slow-down. Either way, this run has a lot of obvious minor flaws, focusing mostly around the lack of precision in certain tasks. Seems like and excellent game, though, and I hope to see a newer/better run in the future. No vote.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Impressive improvement. Yes vote for this.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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Voting No. Chalk this up to a bad game choice.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine
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A few boring patches here and there, but otherwise this was a great submission. Yes vote.
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Kyrsimys, your new nickname is Charlie Brown, because "oh brother :("
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They could do that, I guess. They don't, though, but that is their call.
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asteron wrote:
First I need to say that I'm a little miffed by the collection of a star and the balloons. I don't see how those aren't powerups. Do you think they dont count because the abilities are temporary?
Who said anything about "no powerups?" It's a "small" run, which entitles them to do whatever they want so long as Mario is small.
hi nitrodon streamline: cyn-chine